blob: 4fa3d3f2357919f5c03a8dfd67825049be6ee4dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.test.utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show Encoding;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:barback/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:barback/src/utils/cancelable_future.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:unittest/compact_vm_config.dart';
export 'transformer/bad.dart';
export 'transformer/bad_log.dart';
export 'transformer/catch_asset_not_found.dart';
export 'transformer/check_content.dart';
export 'transformer/check_content_and_rename.dart';
export 'transformer/conditionally_consume_primary.dart';
export 'transformer/create_asset.dart';
export 'transformer/declare_assets.dart';
export 'transformer/declaring_bad.dart';
export 'transformer/declaring_check_content_and_rename.dart';
export 'transformer/declaring_rewrite.dart';
export 'transformer/emit_nothing.dart';
export 'transformer/has_input.dart';
export 'transformer/lazy_assets.dart';
export 'transformer/lazy_bad.dart';
export 'transformer/lazy_check_content_and_rename.dart';
export 'transformer/lazy_many_to_one.dart';
export 'transformer/lazy_rewrite.dart';
export 'transformer/many_to_one.dart';
export 'transformer/mock.dart';
export 'transformer/one_to_many.dart';
export 'transformer/rewrite.dart';
export 'transformer/sync_rewrite.dart';
var _configured = false;
MockProvider _provider;
Barback _barback;
/// Calls to [buildShouldSucceed] and [buildShouldFail] set expectations on
/// successive [BuildResult]s from [_barback]. This keeps track of how many
/// calls have already been made so later calls know which result to look for.
int _nextBuildResult;
/// Calls to [buildShouldLog] set expectations on successive log entries from
/// [_barback]. This keeps track of how many calls have already been made so
/// later calls know which result to look for.
int _nextLog;
void initConfig() {
if (_configured) return;
_configured = true;
filterStacks = true;
/// Creates a new [PackageProvider] and [PackageGraph] with the given [assets]
/// and [transformers].
/// This graph is used internally by most of the other functions in this
/// library so you must call it in the test before calling any of the other
/// functions.
/// [assets] may either be an [Iterable] or a [Map]. If it's an [Iterable],
/// each element may either be an [AssetId] or a string that can be parsed to
/// one. If it's a [Map], each key should be a string that can be parsed to an
/// [AssetId] and the value should be a string defining the contents of that
/// asset.
/// [transformers] is a map from package names to the transformers for each
/// package.
void initGraph([assets,
Map<String, Iterable<Iterable<Transformer>>> transformers]) {
if (assets == null) assets = [];
if (transformers == null) transformers = {};
_provider = new MockProvider(assets, additionalPackages: transformers.keys);
_barback = new Barback(_provider);
// Add a dummy listener to the log so it doesn't print to stdout.
_barback.log.listen((_) {});
_nextBuildResult = 0;
_nextLog = 0;
schedule(() => transformers.forEach(_barback.updateTransformers));
// There should be one successful build after adding all the transformers but
// before adding any sources.
if (!transformers.isEmpty) buildShouldSucceed();
/// Updates [assets] in the current [PackageProvider].
/// Each item in the list may either be an [AssetId] or a string that can be
/// parsed as one.
void updateSources(Iterable assets) {
assets = _parseAssets(assets);
schedule(() => _barback.updateSources(assets),
"updating ${assets.join(', ')}");
/// Updates [assets] in the current [PackageProvider].
/// Each item in the list may either be an [AssetId] or a string that can be
/// parsed as one. Unlike [updateSources], this is not automatically scheduled
/// and will be run synchronously when called.
void updateSourcesSync(Iterable assets) =>
/// Removes [assets] from the current [PackageProvider].
/// Each item in the list may either be an [AssetId] or a string that can be
/// parsed as one.
void removeSources(Iterable assets) {
assets = _parseAssets(assets);
schedule(() => _barback.removeSources(assets),
"removing ${assets.join(', ')}");
/// Removes [assets] from the current [PackageProvider].
/// Each item in the list may either be an [AssetId] or a string that can be
/// parsed as one. Unlike [removeSources], this is not automatically scheduled
/// and will be run synchronously when called.
void removeSourcesSync(Iterable assets) =>
/// Sets the transformers for [package] to [transformers].
void updateTransformers(String package, Iterable<Iterable> transformers) {
schedule(() => _barback.updateTransformers(package, transformers),
"updating transformers for $package");
/// Parse a list of strings or [AssetId]s into a list of [AssetId]s.
List<AssetId> _parseAssets(Iterable assets) {
return {
if (asset is String) return new AssetId.parse(asset);
return asset;
/// Schedules a change to the contents of an asset identified by [name] to
/// [contents].
/// Does not update it in the graph.
void modifyAsset(String name, String contents) {
schedule(() {
_provider._modifyAsset(name, contents);
}, "modify asset $name");
/// Schedules an error to be generated when loading the asset identified by
/// [name].
/// Does not update the asset in the graph.
void setAssetError(String name) {
schedule(() {
}, "set error for asset $name");
/// Schedules a pause of the internally created [PackageProvider].
/// All asset requests that the [PackageGraph] makes to the provider after this
/// will not complete until [resumeProvider] is called.
void pauseProvider() {
schedule(() => _provider._pause(), "pause provider");
/// Schedules an unpause of the provider after a call to [pauseProvider] and
/// allows all pending asset loads to finish.
void resumeProvider() {
schedule(() => _provider._resume(), "resume provider");
/// Asserts that the current build step shouldn't have finished by this point in
/// the schedule.
/// This uses the same build counter as [buildShouldSucceed] and
/// [buildShouldFail], so those can be used to validate build results before and
/// after this.
void buildShouldNotBeDone() {
schedule(() => pumpEventQueue(), "build should not terminate"),
/// Expects that the next [BuildResult] is a build success.
void buildShouldSucceed() {
expect(_getNextBuildResult("build should succeed").then((result) {
expect(result.succeeded, isTrue);
}), completes);
/// Expects that the next [BuildResult] emitted is a failure.
/// [matchers] is a list of matchers to match against the errors that caused the
/// build to fail. Every matcher is expected to match an error, but the order of
/// matchers is unimportant.
void buildShouldFail(List matchers) {
expect(_getNextBuildResult("build should fail").then((result) {
expect(result.succeeded, isFalse);
expect(result.errors.length, equals(matchers.length));
for (var matcher in matchers) {
expect(result.errors, contains(matcher));
}), completes);
/// Expects that the nexted logged [LogEntry] matches [matcher] which may be
/// either a [Matcher] or a string to match a literal string.
void buildShouldLog(LogLevel level, matcher) {
expect(_getNextLog("build should log").then((log) {
expect(log.level, equals(level));
expect(log.message, matcher);
}), completes);
Future<BuildResult> _getNextBuildResult(String description) {
var result = currentSchedule.wrapFuture(
return schedule(() => result, description);
Future<LogEntry> _getNextLog(String description) {
var result = currentSchedule.wrapFuture(
return schedule(() => result, description);
/// Schedules an expectation that the graph will deliver an asset matching
/// [name] and [contents].
/// [contents] may be a [String] or a [Matcher] that matches a string. If
/// [contents] is omitted, defaults to the asset's filename without an extension
/// (which is the same default that [initGraph] uses).
void expectAsset(String name, [contents]) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
if (contents == null) {
contents = pathos.basenameWithoutExtension(id.path);
schedule(() {
return _barback.getAssetById(id).then((asset) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Make an actual Matcher class for this.
expect(, equals(id));
expect(asset.readAsString(), completion(contents));
}, "get asset $name");
/// Schedules an expectation that the graph will not find an asset matching
/// [name].
void expectNoAsset(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
// Make sure the future gets the error.
schedule(() {
return _barback.getAssetById(id).then((asset) {
fail("Should have thrown error but got $asset.");
}).catchError((error) {
expect(error, new isInstanceOf<AssetNotFoundException>());
expect(, equals(id));
}, "get asset $name");
/// Schedules an expectation that the graph will output all of the given
/// assets, and no others.
/// [assets] may be an iterable of asset id strings, in which case this asserts
/// that the graph outputs exactly the assets with those ids. It may also be a
/// map from asset id strings to asset contents, in which case the contents must
/// also match.
void expectAllAssets(assets) {
var expected;
var expectedString;
if (assets is Map) {
expected = mapMapKeys(assets, (key, _) => new AssetId.parse(key));
expectedString = expected.toString();
} else {
expected = => new AssetId.parse(asset));
expectedString = expected.join(', ');
schedule(() {
return _barback.getAllAssets().then((actualAssets) {
var actualIds = =>;
if (expected is Map) {
expected.forEach((id, contents) {
expect(actualIds, contains(id));
expect(actualAssets[id].readAsString(), completion(equals(contents)));
} else {
for (var id in expected) {
expect(actualIds, contains(id));
expect(actualIds, isEmpty);
}, "get all assets, expecting $expectedString");
/// Schedules an expectation that [Barback.getAllAssets] will return a [Future]
/// that completes to a error that matches [matcher].
/// If [match] is a [List], then it expects the completed error to be an
/// [AggregateException] whose errors match each matcher in the list. Otherwise,
/// [match] should be a single matcher that the error should match.
void expectAllAssetsShouldFail(Matcher matcher) {
schedule(() {
expect(_barback.getAllAssets(), throwsA(matcher));
}, "get all assets should fail");
/// Schedules an expectation that a [getAssetById] call for the given asset
/// won't terminate at this point in the schedule.
void expectAssetDoesNotComplete(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
schedule(() {
return _futureShouldNotCompleteUntil(
"asset $id");
}, "asset $id should not complete");
/// Returns a matcher for an [AggregateException] containing errors that match
/// [matchers].
Matcher isAggregateException(Iterable<Matcher> errors) {
// Match the aggregate error itself.
var matchers = [
new isInstanceOf<AggregateException>(),
transform((error) => error.errors, hasLength(errors.length),
'errors.length == ${errors.length}')
// Make sure its contained errors match the matchers.
for (var error in errors) {
matchers.add(transform((error) => error.errors, contains(error),
return allOf(matchers);
/// Returns a matcher for an [AssetNotFoundException] with the given [id].
Matcher isAssetNotFoundException(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<AssetNotFoundException>(),
predicate((error) => == id, 'id == $name'));
/// Returns a matcher for an [AssetCollisionException] with the given [id].
Matcher isAssetCollisionException(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<AssetCollisionException>(),
predicate((error) => == id, 'id == $name'));
/// Returns a matcher for a [MissingInputException] with the given [id].
Matcher isMissingInputException(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<MissingInputException>(),
predicate((error) => == id, 'id == $name'));
/// Returns a matcher for an [InvalidOutputException] with the given id.
Matcher isInvalidOutputException(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<InvalidOutputException>(),
predicate((error) => == id, 'id == $name'));
/// Returns a matcher for an [AssetLoadException] with the given id and a
/// wrapped error that matches [error].
Matcher isAssetLoadException(String name, error) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<AssetLoadException>(),
transform((error) =>, equals(id), 'id'),
transform((error) => error.error, wrapMatcher(error), 'error'));
/// Returns a matcher for a [TransformerException] with a wrapped error that
/// matches [error].
Matcher isTransformerException(error) {
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<TransformerException>(),
transform((error) => error.error, wrapMatcher(error), 'error'));
/// Returns a matcher for a [MockLoadException] with the given [id].
Matcher isMockLoadException(String name) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
return allOf(
new isInstanceOf<MockLoadException>(),
predicate((error) => == id, 'id == $name'));
/// Returns a matcher that runs [transformation] on its input, then matches
/// the output against [matcher].
/// [description] should be a noun phrase that describes the relation of the
/// output of [transformation] to its input.
Matcher transform(transformation(value), matcher, String description) =>
new _TransformMatcher(transformation, wrapMatcher(matcher), description);
class _TransformMatcher extends Matcher {
final Function _transformation;
final Matcher _matcher;
final String _description;
_TransformMatcher(this._transformation, this._matcher, this._description);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
_matcher.matches(_transformation(item), matchState);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add(_description).add(' ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher);
/// Asserts that [future] shouldn't complete until after [delay] completes.
/// Once [delay] completes, the output of [future] is ignored, even if it's an
/// error.
/// [description] should describe [future].
Future _futureShouldNotCompleteUntil(Future future, Future delay,
String description) {
var trace = new Trace.current();
var cancelable = new CancelableFuture(future);
cancelable.then((result) {
new Exception("Expected $description not to complete here, but it "
"completed with result: $result"),
}).catchError((error) {
return delay.then((_) => cancelable.cancel());
/// An [AssetProvider] that provides the given set of assets.
class MockProvider implements PackageProvider {
Iterable<String> get packages => _assets.keys;
final Map<String, AssetSet> _assets;
/// The set of assets for which [MockLoadException]s should be emitted if
/// they're loaded.
final _errors = new Set<AssetId>();
/// The completer that [getAsset()] is waiting on to complete when paused.
/// If `null` it will return the asset immediately.
Completer _pauseCompleter;
/// Tells the provider to wait during [getAsset] until [complete()]
/// is called.
/// Lets you test the asynchronous behavior of loading.
void _pause() {
_pauseCompleter = new Completer();
void _resume() {
_pauseCompleter = null;
MockProvider(assets, {Iterable<String> additionalPackages})
: _assets = _normalizeAssets(assets, additionalPackages);
static Map<String, AssetSet> _normalizeAssets(assets,
Iterable<String> additionalPackages) {
var assetList;
if (assets is Map) {
assetList = {
var id = new AssetId.parse(asset);
return new _MockAsset(id, assets[asset]);
} else if (assets is Iterable) {
assetList = {
var id = new AssetId.parse(asset);
var contents = pathos.basenameWithoutExtension(id.path);
return new _MockAsset(id, contents);
var assetMap = mapMapValues(groupBy(assetList, (asset) =>,
(package, assets) => new AssetSet.from(assets));
// Make sure that packages that have transformers but no assets are
// considered by MockProvider to exist.
if (additionalPackages != null) {
for (var package in additionalPackages) {
assetMap.putIfAbsent(package, () => new AssetSet());
// If there are no assets or transformers, add a dummy package. This better
// simulates the real world, where there'll always be at least the
// entrypoint package.
return assetMap.isEmpty ? {"app": new AssetSet()} : assetMap;
void _modifyAsset(String name, String contents) {
var id = new AssetId.parse(name);
(_assets[id.package][id] as _MockAsset).contents = contents;
void _setAssetError(String name) {
_errors.add(new AssetId.parse(name));
List<AssetId> listAssets(String package, {String within}) {
if (within != null) {
throw new UnimplementedError("Doesn't handle 'within' yet.");
return _assets[package].map((asset) =>;
Future<Asset> getAsset(AssetId id) {
// Eagerly load the asset so we can test an asset's value changing between
// when a load starts and when it finishes.
var assets = _assets[id.package];
var asset;
if (assets != null) asset = assets[id];
var hasError = _errors.contains(id);
var future;
if (_pauseCompleter != null) {
future = _pauseCompleter.future;
} else {
future = new Future.value();
return future.then((_) {
if (hasError) throw new MockLoadException(id);
if (asset == null) throw new AssetNotFoundException(id);
return asset;
/// Error thrown for assets with [setAssetError] set.
class MockLoadException implements Exception {
final AssetId id;
String toString() => "Error loading $id.";
/// An implementation of [Asset] that never hits the file system.
class _MockAsset implements Asset {
final AssetId id;
String contents;
_MockAsset(, this.contents);
Future<String> readAsString({Encoding encoding}) =>
new Future.value(contents);
Stream<List<int>> read() => throw new UnimplementedError();
String toString() => "MockAsset $id $contents";