blob: 8cd47157d15142cec615679a250aafc516e804d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.graph.package_graph;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import '../asset/asset_id.dart';
import '../asset/asset_node.dart';
import '../asset/asset_set.dart';
import '../build_result.dart';
import '../errors.dart';
import '../log.dart';
import '../package_provider.dart';
import '../transformer/transformer.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'asset_cascade.dart';
import 'node_status.dart';
/// The collection of [AssetCascade]s for an entire application.
/// This tracks each package's [AssetCascade] and routes asset requests between
/// them.
class PackageGraph {
/// The provider that exposes asset and package information.
final PackageProvider provider;
/// The [AssetCascade] for each package.
final _cascades = <String, AssetCascade>{};
/// A stream that emits a [BuildResult] each time the build is completed,
/// whether or not it succeeded.
/// This will emit a result only once every package's [AssetCascade] has
/// finished building.
/// If an unexpected error in barback itself occurs, it will be emitted
/// through this stream's error channel.
Stream<BuildResult> get results =>;
final _resultsController =
new StreamController<BuildResult>.broadcast(sync: true);
/// A stream that emits any errors from the graph or the transformers.
/// This emits errors as they're detected. If an error occurs in one part of
/// the graph, unrelated parts will continue building.
/// This will not emit programming errors from barback itself. Those will be
/// emitted through the [results] stream's error channel.
Stream<BarbackException> get errors => _errors;
Stream<BarbackException> _errors;
/// The stream of [LogEntry] objects used to report transformer log entries.
Stream<LogEntry> get log =>;
final _logController = new StreamController<LogEntry>.broadcast(sync: true);
/// How far along [this] is in processing its assets.
NodeStatus get _status => NodeStatus.dirtiest( => cascade.status));
/// Whether a [BuildResult] is scheduled to be emitted on [results] (see
/// [_tryScheduleResult]).
bool _resultScheduled = false;
/// The most recent [BuildResult] emitted on [results].
BuildResult _lastResult;
// TODO(nweiz): This can have bogus errors if an error is created and resolved
// in the space of one build.
/// The errors that have occurred since the current build started.
/// This will be empty if no build is occurring.
final _accumulatedErrors = new Queue<BarbackException>();
/// The most recent error emitted from a cascade's result stream.
/// This is used to pipe an unexpected error from a build to the resulting
/// [Future] returned by [getAllAssets].
var _lastUnexpectedError;
/// The stack trace for [_lastUnexpectedError].
StackTrace _lastUnexpectedErrorTrace;
/// Creates a new [PackageGraph] that will transform assets in all packages
/// made available by [provider].
PackageGraph(this.provider) {
_inErrorZone(() {
for (var package in provider.packages) {
var cascade = new AssetCascade(this, package);
_cascades[package] = cascade;
cascade.onStatusChange.listen((status) {
if (status == NodeStatus.IDLE) _tryScheduleResult();
_errors = mergeStreams( => cascade.errors),
broadcast: true);
/// Gets the asset node identified by [id].
/// If [id] is for a generated or transformed asset, this will wait until it
/// has been created and return it. This means that the returned asset will
/// always be [AssetState.AVAILABLE].
/// If the asset cannot be found, returns null.
Future<AssetNode> getAssetNode(AssetId id) {
return _inErrorZone(() {
var cascade = _cascades[id.package];
if (cascade != null) return cascade.getAssetNode(id);
return new Future.value(null);
/// Gets all output assets.
/// If a build is currently in progress, waits until it completes. The
/// returned future will complete with an error if the build is not
/// successful.
/// Any transforms using [LazyTransformer]s will be forced to generate
/// concrete outputs, and those outputs will be returned.
Future<AssetSet> getAllAssets() {
for (var cascade in _cascades.values) {
_inErrorZone(() => cascade.forceAllTransforms());
if (_status != NodeStatus.IDLE) {
// A build is still ongoing, so wait for it to complete and try again.
return results.first.then((_) => getAllAssets());
// If an unexpected error occurred, complete with that.
if (_lastUnexpectedError != null) {
var error = _lastUnexpectedError;
_lastUnexpectedError = null;
return new Future.error(error, _lastUnexpectedErrorTrace);
// If the last build completed with an error, complete the future with it.
if (!_lastResult.succeeded) {
return new Future.error(BarbackException.aggregate(_lastResult.errors));
// Otherwise, return all of the final output assets.
var assets = unionAll(
(cascade) => cascade.availableOutputs.toSet()));
return new Future.value(new AssetSet.from(assets));
/// Adds [sources] to the graph's known set of source assets.
/// Begins applying any transforms that can consume any of the sources. If a
/// given source is already known, it is considered modified and all
/// transforms that use it will be re-applied.
void updateSources(Iterable<AssetId> sources) {
groupBy(sources, (id) => id.package).forEach((package, ids) {
var cascade = _cascades[package];
if (cascade == null) throw new ArgumentError("Unknown package $package.");
_inErrorZone(() => cascade.updateSources(ids));
// It's possible for adding sources not to cause any processing. The user
// still expects there to be a build, though, so we emit one immediately.
/// Removes [removed] from the graph's known set of source assets.
void removeSources(Iterable<AssetId> sources) {
groupBy(sources, (id) => id.package).forEach((package, ids) {
var cascade = _cascades[package];
if (cascade == null) throw new ArgumentError("Unknown package $package.");
_inErrorZone(() => cascade.removeSources(ids));
// It's possible for removing sources not to cause any processing. The user
// still expects there to be a build, though, so we emit one immediately.
void updateTransformers(String package,
Iterable<Iterable<Transformer>> transformers) {
_inErrorZone(() => _cascades[package].updateTransformers(transformers));
// It's possible for updating transformers not to cause any processing. The
// user still expects there to be a build, though, so we emit one
// immediately.
/// A handler for a log entry from an [AssetCascade].
void _onLog(LogEntry entry) {
if (entry.level == LogLevel.ERROR) {
// TODO(nweiz): keep track of stack chain.
new TransformerException(entry.transform, entry.message, null));
if (_logController.hasListener) {
} else if (entry.level != LogLevel.FINE) {
// No listeners, so just print entry.
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("[${entry.level} ${entry.transform}] ");
if (entry.span != null) {
} else {
/// If [this] is done processing, schedule a [BuildResult] to be emitted on
/// [results].
/// This schedules the result (as opposed to just emitting one directly on
/// [BuildResult]) to ensure that calling multiple functions synchronously
/// produces only a single [BuildResult].
void _tryScheduleResult() {
if (_status != NodeStatus.IDLE) return;
if (_resultScheduled) return;
_resultScheduled = true;
newFuture(() {
_resultScheduled = false;
if (_status != NodeStatus.IDLE) return;
_lastResult = new BuildResult(_accumulatedErrors);
/// Run [body] in an error-handling [Zone] and pipe any unexpected errors to
/// the error channel of [results].
/// [body] can return a value or a [Future] that will be piped to the returned
/// [Future]. If it throws a [BarbackException], that exception will be piped
/// to the returned [Future] as well. Any other exceptions will be piped to
/// [results].
Future _inErrorZone(body()) {
var completer = new Completer.sync();
runZoned(() {
syncFuture(body).then(completer.complete).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
if (error is! BarbackException) throw error;
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
_lastUnexpectedError = error;
_lastUnexpectedErrorTrace = stackTrace;
_resultsController.addError(error, stackTrace);
return completer.future;