blob: 69bc43d961a6ccef883595b402537e28d743aa7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library http_test;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
group('http.', () {
test('head', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.head(serverUrl).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, equals(''));
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('get', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.get(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'GET',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-length': ['0'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('post', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'content-length': ['0'],
'content-type': ['text/plain'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('post with string', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}, body: 'request body').then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-type': ['text/plain; charset=utf-8'],
'content-length': ['12'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
'body': 'request body'
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('post with bytes', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}, body: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-length': ['5'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
'body': [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('post with fields', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}, body: {
'some-field': 'value',
'other-field': 'other value'
}).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'POST',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-type': [
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
'content-length': ['40'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
'body': 'some-field=value&other-field=other+value'
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('put', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.put(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'PUT',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'content-length': ['0'],
'content-type': ['text/plain'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('put with string', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.put(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}, body: 'request body').then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'PUT',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-type': ['text/plain; charset=utf-8'],
'content-length': ['12'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
'body': 'request body'
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('put with bytes', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.put(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}, body: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'PUT',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-length': ['5'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
'body': [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('put with fields', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.put(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}, body: {
'some-field': 'value',
'other-field': 'other value'
}).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'PUT',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-type': [
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
'content-length': ['40'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
'body': 'some-field=value&other-field=other+value'
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('delete', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(http.delete(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(200));
expect(response.body, parse(equals({
'method': 'DELETE',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-length': ['0'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
}), completes);
}), completes);
test('read', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect(, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}).then((val) => val), completion(parse(equals({
'method': 'GET',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-length': ['0'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
}), completes);
test('read throws an error for a 4** status code', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
expect('/error')), throwsClientException);
}), completes);
test('readBytes', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
var future = http.readBytes(serverUrl, headers: {
'X-Random-Header': 'Value',
'X-Other-Header': 'Other Value',
'User-Agent': 'Dart'
}).then((bytes) => new String.fromCharCodes(bytes));
expect(future, completion(parse(equals({
'method': 'GET',
'path': '/',
'headers': {
'content-length': ['0'],
'accept-encoding': ['gzip'],
'user-agent': ['Dart'],
'x-random-header': ['Value'],
'x-other-header': ['Other Value']
}), completes);
test('readBytes throws an error for a 4** status code', () {
expect(startServer().then((_) {
}), completes);