blob: bb275a5759068c96b14f47b891231190d4be204c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.phase_forwarder;
import 'dart:async';
import 'asset_node.dart';
import 'asset_node_set.dart';
/// A class that takes care of forwarding assets within a phase.
/// Each phase contains one or more channels that process its input assets. Each
/// non-grouped transformer for that phase is a channel, each [TransformerGroup]
/// in that phase is another, and the source node is the final channel. For each
/// input asset, each channel individually decides whether to forward that asset
/// based on whether that channel uses it. If a channel does decide to forward
/// an asset, we call that forwarded asset an "intermediate forwarded asset" to
/// distinguish it from the output of a [PhaseForwarder].
/// All intermediate assets with a given origin are provided to a single
/// [PhaseForwarder] via [addIntermediateAsset]. This forwarder then determines
/// whether all channels in the phase produced intermediate assets. If so, that
/// means the input asset wasn't consumed by any channel, so the
/// [PhaseForwarder] forwards it again, producing an output which we'll call the
/// "final forwarded asset".
/// A final forwarded asset will be available only if all of the intermediate
/// forwarded assets are themselves available. If any of the intermediate assets
/// are dirty, the final asset will also be marked dirty.
class PhaseForwarder {
/// The number of channels to forward, counting the source node.
int _numChannels;
/// The intermediate forwarded assets.
final _intermediateAssets = new AssetNodeSet();
/// The final forwarded asset.
/// This will be null if the asset is not being forwarded.
AssetNode get output =>
_outputController == null ? null : _outputController.node;
AssetNodeController _outputController;
/// A stream that emits an event whenever [this] starts producing a final
/// forwarded asset.
/// Whenever this stream emits an event, the value will be identical to
/// [output].
Stream<AssetNode> get onAsset =>;
final _onAssetController =
new StreamController<AssetNode>.broadcast(sync: true);
/// Creates a phase forwarder forwarding nodes that come from [node] across
/// [numTransformers] transformers and [numGroups] groups.
/// [node] is passed in explicitly so that it can be forwarded if there are no
/// other channels.
PhaseForwarder(AssetNode node, int numTransformers, int numGroups)
: _numChannels = numTransformers + numGroups + 1 {
/// Notify the forwarder that the number of transformer and group channels has
/// changed.
void updateTransformers(int numTransformers, int numGroups) {
// Add one channel for the source node.
_numChannels = numTransformers + numGroups + 1;
/// Adds an intermediate forwarded asset to [this].
/// [asset] must have the same origin as all other intermediate forwarded
/// assets.
void addIntermediateAsset(AssetNode asset) {
if (_intermediateAssets.isNotEmpty) {
assert(asset.origin == _intermediateAssets.first.origin);
asset.onStateChange.listen((_) => _adjustOutput());
/// Mark this forwarder as removed.
/// This will remove [output] if it exists.
void remove() {
if (_outputController != null) {
_outputController = null;
/// Adjusts [output] to ensure that it accurately reflects the current state
/// of the intermediate forwarded assets.
void _adjustOutput() {
assert(_intermediateAssets.length <= _numChannels);
assert(!_intermediateAssets.any((asset) => asset.state.isRemoved));
// If there are any channels that haven't forwarded an intermediate asset,
// we shouldn't forward a final asset. If we are currently, remove
// it.
if (_intermediateAssets.length < _numChannels) {
if (_outputController == null) return;
_outputController = null;
// If there isn't a final asset being forwarded yet, we should forward one.
// It should be dirty iff any of the intermediate assets are dirty.
if (_outputController == null) {
var finalAsset = _intermediateAssets.firstWhere(
(asset) => asset.state.isDirty,
orElse: () => _intermediateAssets.first);
_outputController = new AssetNodeController.from(finalAsset);
// If we're already forwarding a final asset, set it dirty iff any of the
// intermediate assets are dirty.
if (_intermediateAssets.any((asset) => asset.state.isDirty)) {
if (!_outputController.node.state.isDirty) _outputController.setDirty();
} else if (!_outputController.node.state.isAvailable) {