blob: 298318347762032e9d774b0362607dffdef2d198 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer_expressions.eval;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart' as smoke;
import 'async.dart';
import 'expression.dart';
import 'filter.dart';
import 'visitor.dart';
'+': (a, b) => a + b,
'-': (a, b) => a - b,
'*': (a, b) => a * b,
'/': (a, b) => a / b,
'==': (a, b) => a == b,
'!=': (a, b) => a != b,
'>': (a, b) => a > b,
'>=': (a, b) => a >= b,
'<': (a, b) => a < b,
'<=': (a, b) => a <= b,
'||': (a, b) => a || b,
'&&': (a, b) => a && b,
'|': (a, f) {
if (f is Transformer) return f.forward(a);
if (f is Filter) return f(a);
throw new EvalException("Filters must be a one-argument function.");
'+': (a) => a,
'-': (a) => -a,
'!': (a) => !a,
final _BOOLEAN_OPERATORS = ['!', '||', '&&'];
* Evaluation [expr] in the context of [scope].
Object eval(Expression expr, Scope scope) {
var observer = observe(expr, scope);
new Updater(scope).visit(observer);
return observer._value;
* Returns an [ExpressionObserver] that evaluates [expr] in the context of
* scope] and listens for any changes on [Observable] values that are
* returned from sub-expressions. When a value changes the expression is
* reevaluated and the new result is sent to the [onUpdate] stream of the
* [ExpressionObsserver].
ExpressionObserver observe(Expression expr, Scope scope) {
var observer = new ObserverBuilder(scope).visit(expr);
return observer;
* Causes [expr] to be reevaluated a returns it's value.
Object update(ExpressionObserver expr, Scope scope) {
new Updater(scope).visit(expr);
return expr.currentValue;
* Assign [value] to the variable or field referenced by [expr] in the context
* of [scope].
* [expr] must be an /assignable/ expression, it must not contain
* operators or function invocations, and any index operations must use a
* literal index.
void assign(Expression expr, Object value, Scope scope) {
notAssignable() =>
throw new EvalException("Expression is not assignable: $expr");
Expression expression;
var property;
bool isIndex = false;
var filters = <Expression>[]; // reversed order for assignment
while (expr is BinaryOperator) {
BinaryOperator op = expr;
if (op.operator != '|') {
expr = op.left;
if (expr is Identifier) {
expression = empty();
Identifier ident = expr;
property = ident.value;
} else if (expr is Index) {
if (expr.argument is! Literal) notAssignable();
expression = expr.receiver;
Literal l = expr.argument;
property = l.value;
isIndex = true;
} else if (expr is Getter) {
expression = expr.receiver;
property =;
} else if (expr is Invoke) {
expression = expr.receiver;
if (expr.method != null) {
if (expr.arguments != null) notAssignable();
property = expr.method;
} else {
} else {
// transform the values backwards through the filters
for (var filterExpr in filters) {
var filter = eval(filterExpr, scope);
if (filter is! Transformer) {
throw new EvalException("filter must implement Transformer: $filterExpr");
value = filter.reverse(value);
// make the assignment
var o = eval(expression, scope);
if (o == null) throw new EvalException("Can't assign to null: $expression");
if (isIndex) {
o[property] = value;
} else {
smoke.write(o, smoke.nameToSymbol(property), value);
* A scope in polymer expressions that can map names to objects. Scopes contain
* a set of named variables and a unique model object. The scope structure
* is then used to lookup names using the `[]` operator. The lookup first
* searches for the name in local variables, then in global variables,
* and then finally looks up the name as a property in the model.
abstract class Scope {
/** Create a scope containing a [model] and all of [variables]. */
factory Scope({Object model, Map<String, Object> variables}) {
var scope = new _ModelScope(model);
return variables == null ? scope
: new _GlobalsScope(new Map<String, Object>.from(variables), scope);
/** Return the unique model in this scope. */
Object get model;
* Lookup the value of [name] in the current scope. If [name] is 'this', then
* we return the [model]. For any other name, this finds the first variable
* matching [name] or, if none exists, the property [name] in the [model].
Object operator[](String name);
* Returns whether [name] is defined in [model], that is, a lookup
* would not find a variable with that name, but there is a non-null model
* where we can look it up as a property.
bool _isModelProperty(String name);
/** Create a new scope extending this scope with an additional variable. */
Scope childScope(String name, Object value) =>
new _LocalVariableScope(name, value, this);
* A scope that looks up names in a model object. This kind of scope has no
* parent scope because all our lookup operations stop when we reach the model
* object. Any variables added in scope or global variables are added as child
* scopes.
class _ModelScope extends Scope {
final Object model;
_ModelScope(this.model) : super._();
Object operator[](String name) {
if (name == 'this') return model;
var symbol = smoke.nameToSymbol(name);
if (model == null || symbol == null) {
throw new EvalException("variable '$name' not found");
return _convert(, symbol));
Object _isModelProperty(String name) => name != 'this';
* A scope that holds a reference to a single variable. Polymer expressions
* introduce variables to the scope one at a time. Each time a variable is
* added, a new [_LocalVariableScope] is created.
class _LocalVariableScope extends Scope {
final Scope parent;
final String varName;
// TODO(sigmund,justinfagnani): make this @observable?
final Object value;
_LocalVariableScope(this.varName, this.value, this.parent) : super._() {
if (varName == 'this') {
throw new EvalException("'this' cannot be used as a variable name.");
Object get model => parent != null ? parent.model : null;
Object operator[](String name) {
if (varName == name) return _convert(value);
if (parent != null) return parent[name];
throw new EvalException("variable '$name' not found");
bool _isModelProperty(String name) {
if (varName == name) return false;
return parent == null ? false : parent._isModelProperty(name);
/** A scope that holds a reference to a global variables. */
class _GlobalsScope extends Scope {
final _ModelScope parent;
final Map<String, Object> variables;
_GlobalsScope(this.variables, this.parent) : super._() {
if (variables.containsKey('this')) {
throw new EvalException("'this' cannot be used as a variable name.");
Object get model => parent != null ? parent.model : null;
Object operator[](String name) {
if (variables.containsKey(name)) return _convert(variables[name]);
if (parent != null) return parent[name];
throw new EvalException("variable '$name' not found");
bool _isModelProperty(String name) {
if (variables.containsKey(name)) return false;
return parent == null ? false : parent._isModelProperty(name);
Object _convert(v) => v is Stream ? new StreamBinding(v) : v;
abstract class ExpressionObserver<E extends Expression> implements Expression {
final E _expr;
ExpressionObserver _parent;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
Object _value;
StreamController _controller = new StreamController.broadcast();
Stream get onUpdate =>;
Expression get expression => _expr;
Object get currentValue => _value;
update(Scope scope) => _updateSelf(scope);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {}
_invalidate(Scope scope) {
if (_parent != null) {
_observe(Scope scope) {
// unobserve last value
if (_subscription != null) {
_subscription = null;
var _oldValue = _value;
// evaluate
if (!identical(_value, _oldValue)) {
String toString() => _expr.toString();
class Updater extends RecursiveVisitor {
final Scope scope;
visitExpression(ExpressionObserver e) {
visitInExpression(InObserver c) {
class ObserverBuilder extends Visitor {
final Scope scope;
final Queue parents = new Queue();
visitEmptyExpression(EmptyExpression e) => new EmptyObserver(e);
visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression e) => visit(e.child);
visitGetter(Getter g) {
var receiver = visit(g.receiver);
var getter = new GetterObserver(g, receiver);
receiver._parent = getter;
return getter;
visitIndex(Index i) {
var receiver = visit(i.receiver);
var arg = visit(i.argument);
var index = new IndexObserver(i, receiver, arg);
receiver._parent = index;
arg._parent = index;
return index;
visitInvoke(Invoke i) {
var receiver = visit(i.receiver);
var args = (i.arguments == null)
? null
: false);
var invoke = new InvokeObserver(i, receiver, args);
receiver._parent = invoke;
if (args != null) args.forEach((a) => a._parent = invoke);
return invoke;
visitLiteral(Literal l) => new LiteralObserver(l);
visitListLiteral(ListLiteral l) {
var items = false);
var list = new ListLiteralObserver(l, items);
items.forEach((e) => e._parent = list);
return list;
visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral l) {
var entries = false);
var map = new MapLiteralObserver(l, entries);
entries.forEach((e) => e._parent = map);
return map;
visitMapLiteralEntry(MapLiteralEntry e) {
var key = visit(e.key);
var value = visit(e.entryValue);
var entry = new MapLiteralEntryObserver(e, key, value);
key._parent = entry;
value._parent = entry;
return entry;
visitIdentifier(Identifier i) => new IdentifierObserver(i);
visitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator o) {
var left = visit(o.left);
var right = visit(o.right);
var binary = new BinaryObserver(o, left, right);
left._parent = binary;
right._parent = binary;
return binary;
visitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator o) {
var expr = visit(o.child);
var unary = new UnaryObserver(o, expr);
expr._parent = unary;
return unary;
visitTernaryOperator(TernaryOperator o) {
var condition = visit(o.condition);
var trueExpr = visit(o.trueExpr);
var falseExpr = visit(o.falseExpr);
var ternary = new TernaryObserver(o, condition, trueExpr, falseExpr);
condition._parent = ternary;
trueExpr._parent = ternary;
falseExpr._parent = ternary;
return ternary;
visitInExpression(InExpression i) {
// don't visit the left. It's an identifier, but we don't want to evaluate
// it, we just want to add it to the comprehension object
var left = visit(i.left);
var right = visit(i.right);
var inexpr = new InObserver(i, left, right);
right._parent = inexpr;
return inexpr;
class EmptyObserver extends ExpressionObserver<EmptyExpression>
implements EmptyExpression {
EmptyObserver(EmptyExpression value) : super(value);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = scope.model;
// TODO(justin): listen for scope.model changes?
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitEmptyExpression(this);
class LiteralObserver extends ExpressionObserver<Literal> implements Literal {
LiteralObserver(Literal value) : super(value);
dynamic get value => _expr.value;
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = _expr.value;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitLiteral(this);
class ListLiteralObserver extends ExpressionObserver<ListLiteral>
implements ListLiteral {
final List<ExpressionObserver> items;
ListLiteralObserver(ListLiteral value, this.items) : super(value);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = => i._value).toList(growable: false);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitListLiteral(this);
class MapLiteralObserver extends ExpressionObserver<MapLiteral>
implements MapLiteral {
final List<MapLiteralEntryObserver> entries;
MapLiteralObserver(MapLiteral value, this.entries) : super(value);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = entries.fold(new Map(),
(m, e) => m..[e.key._value] = e.entryValue._value);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitMapLiteral(this);
class MapLiteralEntryObserver extends ExpressionObserver<MapLiteralEntry>
implements MapLiteralEntry {
final LiteralObserver key;
final ExpressionObserver entryValue;
MapLiteralEntryObserver(MapLiteralEntry value, this.key, this.entryValue)
: super(value);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitMapLiteralEntry(this);
class IdentifierObserver extends ExpressionObserver<Identifier>
implements Identifier {
IdentifierObserver(Identifier value) : super(value);
String get value => _expr.value;
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = scope[value];
if (!scope._isModelProperty(value)) return;
var model = scope.model;
if (model is! Observable) return;
var symbol = smoke.nameToSymbol(value);
_subscription = (model as Observable).changes.listen((changes) {
if (changes.any((c) => c is PropertyChangeRecord && == symbol)) {
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitIdentifier(this);
class ParenthesizedObserver extends ExpressionObserver<ParenthesizedExpression>
implements ParenthesizedExpression {
final ExpressionObserver child;
ParenthesizedObserver(ParenthesizedExpression expr, this.child) : super(expr);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = child._value;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitParenthesizedExpression(this);
class UnaryObserver extends ExpressionObserver<UnaryOperator>
implements UnaryOperator {
final ExpressionObserver child;
UnaryObserver(UnaryOperator expr, this.child) : super(expr);
String get operator => _expr.operator;
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
var f = _UNARY_OPERATORS[_expr.operator];
if (operator == '!') {
_value = f(_toBool(child._value));
} else {
_value = (child._value == null) ? null : f(child._value);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitUnaryOperator(this);
class BinaryObserver extends ExpressionObserver<BinaryOperator>
implements BinaryOperator {
final ExpressionObserver left;
final ExpressionObserver right;
BinaryObserver(BinaryOperator expr, this.left, this.right)
: super(expr);
String get operator => _expr.operator;
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
var f = _BINARY_OPERATORS[operator];
if (operator == '&&' || operator == '||') {
_value = f(_toBool(left._value), _toBool(right._value));
} else if (operator == '==' || operator == '!=') {
_value = f(left._value, right._value);
} else if (left._value == null || right._value == null) {
_value = null;
} else {
if (operator == '|' && left._value is ObservableList) {
_subscription = (left._value as ObservableList).listChanges
.listen((_) => _invalidate(scope));
_value = f(left._value, right._value);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitBinaryOperator(this);
class TernaryObserver extends ExpressionObserver<TernaryOperator>
implements TernaryOperator {
final ExpressionObserver condition;
final ExpressionObserver trueExpr;
final ExpressionObserver falseExpr;
TernaryObserver(TernaryOperator expr, this.condition, this.trueExpr,
this.falseExpr) : super(expr);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
_value = _toBool(condition._value) ? trueExpr._value : falseExpr._value;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitTernaryOperator(this);
class GetterObserver extends ExpressionObserver<Getter> implements Getter {
final ExpressionObserver receiver;
GetterObserver(Expression expr, this.receiver) : super(expr);
String get name =>;
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
var receiverValue = receiver._value;
if (receiverValue == null) {
_value = null;
var symbol = smoke.nameToSymbol(;
_value =, symbol);
if (receiverValue is Observable) {
_subscription = (receiverValue as Observable).changes.listen((changes) {
if (changes.any((c) => c is PropertyChangeRecord && == symbol)) {
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitGetter(this);
class IndexObserver extends ExpressionObserver<Index> implements Index {
final ExpressionObserver receiver;
final ExpressionObserver argument;
IndexObserver(Expression expr, this.receiver, this.argument) : super(expr);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
var receiverValue = receiver._value;
if (receiverValue == null) {
_value = null;
var key = argument._value;
_value = receiverValue[key];
if (receiverValue is Observable) {
_subscription = (receiverValue as Observable).changes.listen((changes) {
if (changes.any((c) => c is MapChangeRecord && c.key == key)) {
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitIndex(this);
class InvokeObserver extends ExpressionObserver<Invoke> implements Invoke {
final ExpressionObserver receiver;
final List<ExpressionObserver> arguments;
InvokeObserver(Expression expr, this.receiver, this.arguments)
: super(expr) {
assert(arguments != null);
String get method => _expr.method;
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
var args = => a._value).toList();
var receiverValue = receiver._value;
if (receiverValue == null) {
_value = null;
if (_expr.method == null) {
// top-level function or model method
// TODO(justin): listen to model changes to see if the method has
// changed? listen to the scope to see if the top-level method has
// changed?
assert(receiverValue is Function);
_value = _convert(Function.apply(receiverValue, args));
} else {
var symbol = smoke.nameToSymbol(_expr.method);
_value = smoke.invoke(receiverValue, symbol, args);
if (receiverValue is Observable) {
_subscription = (receiverValue as Observable).changes.listen(
(List<ChangeRecord> changes) {
if (changes.any(
(c) => c is PropertyChangeRecord && == symbol)) {
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitInvoke(this);
class InObserver extends ExpressionObserver<InExpression>
implements InExpression {
IdentifierObserver left;
ExpressionObserver right;
InObserver(Expression expr, this.left, this.right) : super(expr);
_updateSelf(Scope scope) {
Identifier identifier = left;
var iterable = right._value;
if (iterable is! Iterable && iterable != null) {
throw new EvalException("right side of 'in' is not an iterator");
if (iterable is ObservableList) {
_subscription = iterable.listChanges.listen((_) => _invalidate(scope));
// TODO: make Comprehension observable and update it
_value = new Comprehension(identifier.value, iterable);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitInExpression(this);
_toBool(v) => (v == null) ? false : v;
* A comprehension declaration ("a in b"). [identifier] is the loop variable
* that's added to the scope during iteration. [iterable] is the set of
* objects to iterate over.
class Comprehension {
final String identifier;
final Iterable iterable;
Comprehension(this.identifier, Iterable iterable)
: iterable = (iterable != null) ? iterable : const [];
class EvalException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => "EvalException: $message";