blob: b3021eb26ca499e1252cd7471bfd346484f599ef [file] [log] [blame]
part of unittest;
const _PLACE_HOLDER = const _ArgPlaceHolder();
/// Used to track unused positional args.
class _ArgPlaceHolder {
const _ArgPlaceHolder();
/** Simulates spread arguments using named arguments. */
// TODO(sigmund): remove this class and simply use a closure with named
// arguments (if still applicable).
class _SpreadArgsHelper {
final Function callback;
final int minExpectedCalls;
final int maxExpectedCalls;
final Function isDone;
final String id;
int actualCalls = 0;
final TestCase testCase;
bool complete;
_SpreadArgsHelper(Function callback, int minExpected, int maxExpected,
String id, {bool isDone()})
: this.callback = callback,
minExpectedCalls = minExpected,
maxExpectedCalls = (maxExpected == 0 && minExpected > 0)
? minExpected
: maxExpected,
this.isDone = isDone,
this.testCase = currentTestCase, = _makeCallbackId(id, callback) {
if (testCase == null) {
throw new StateError("No valid test. Did you forget to run your test "
"inside a call to test()?");
if (isDone != null || minExpected > 0) {
complete = false;
} else {
complete = true;
static String _makeCallbackId(String id, Function callback) {
// Try to create a reasonable id.
if (id != null) {
return "$id ";
} else {
// If the callback is not an anonymous closure, try to get the
// name.
var fname = callback.toString();
var prefix = "Function '";
var pos = fname.indexOf(prefix);
if (pos > 0) {
pos += prefix.length;
var epos = fname.indexOf("'", pos);
if (epos > 0) {
return "${fname.substring(pos, epos)} ";
return '';
bool shouldCallBack() {
if (testCase.isComplete) {
// Don't run if the test is done. We don't throw here as this is not
// the current test, but we do mark the old test as having an error
// if it previously passed.
if (testCase.result == PASS) {
'Callback ${id}called ($actualCalls) after test case '
'${testCase.description} has already been marked as '
return false;
} else if (maxExpectedCalls >= 0 && actualCalls > maxExpectedCalls) {
throw new TestFailure('Callback ${id}called more times than expected '
return true;
void after() {
if (!complete) {
if (minExpectedCalls > 0 && actualCalls < minExpectedCalls) return;
if (isDone != null && !isDone()) return;
// Mark this callback as complete and remove it from the testcase
// oustanding callback count; if that hits zero the testcase is done.
complete = true;
/// Returns a function that has as many required + positional arguments as
/// [callback] (up to a total of 6).
/// Optional positional arguments are supported by using const place-holders
Function get func {
if (callback is _Func6) return _max6;
if (callback is _Func5) return _max5;
if (callback is _Func4) return _max4;
if (callback is _Func3) return _max3;
if (callback is _Func2) return _max2;
if (callback is _Func1) return _max1;
if (callback is _Func0) return _max0;
throw new ArgumentError(
'The callback argument has more than 6 required arguments');
/// This indirection is critical. It ensures the returned function has an
/// argument count of zero.
_max0() => _max6();
_max1([a0 = _PLACE_HOLDER]) => _max6(a0);
_max2([a0 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a1 = _PLACE_HOLDER]) => _max6(a0, a1);
_max3([a0 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a1 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a2 = _PLACE_HOLDER]) =>
_max6(a0, a1, a2);
_max4([a0 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a1 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a2 = _PLACE_HOLDER,
a3 = _PLACE_HOLDER]) => _max6(a0, a1, a2, a3);
_max5([a0 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a1 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a2 = _PLACE_HOLDER,
a3 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a4 = _PLACE_HOLDER]) => _max6(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);
_max6([a0 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a1 = _PLACE_HOLDER, a2 = _PLACE_HOLDER,
var args = [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5];
args.removeWhere((a) => a == _PLACE_HOLDER);
return _guardAsync(
() {
if (shouldCallBack()) {
return Function.apply(callback, args);
after, testCase);
_guardAsync(Function tryBody, Function finallyBody, TestCase testCase) {
assert(testCase != null);
try {
return tryBody();
} catch (e, trace) {
_registerException(testCase, e, trace);
} finally {
if (finallyBody != null) finallyBody();
typedef _Func0();
typedef _Func1(a);
typedef _Func2(a, b);
typedef _Func3(a, b, c);
typedef _Func4(a, b, c, d);
typedef _Func5(a, b, c, d, e);
typedef _Func6(a, b, c, d, e, f);