blob: 3ee95a95ff147ad4549e6b8343e3e8b11a95e0f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of serialization;
* This writes out the state of the objects to an external format. It holds
* all of the intermediate state needed. The primary API for it is the
* [write] method.
// TODO(alanknight): For simple serialization formats this does a lot of work
// that isn't necessary, e.g. detecting cycles and maintaining references.
// Consider having an abstract superclass with the basic functionality and
// simple serialization subclasses where we know there aren't cycles.
class Writer implements ReaderOrWriter {
* The [serialization] holds onto the rules that define how objects
* are serialized.
final Serialization serialization;
/** The [trace] object keeps track of the objects to be visited while finding
* the full set of objects to be written.*/
Trace trace;
* When we write out objects, should we also write out a description
* of the rules for the serialization. This defaults to the corresponding
* value on the Serialization.
bool selfDescribing;
final Format format;
* Objects that cannot be represented in-place in the serialized form need
* to have references to them stored. The [Reference] objects are computed
* once and stored here for each object. This provides some space-saving,
* but also serves to record which objects we have already seen.
final Map<dynamic, Reference> references =
new HashMap<Object, Reference>.identity();
* The state of objects that need to be serialized is stored here.
* Each rule has a number, and rules keep track of the objects that they
* serialize, in order. So the state of any object can be found by indexing
* from the rule number and the object number within the rule.
* The actual representation of the state is determined by the rule. Lists
* and Maps are common, but it is arbitrary.
final List<List> states = new List<List>();
/** Return the list of rules we use. */
List<SerializationRule> get rules => serialization.rules;
* Creates a new [Writer] that uses the rules from its parent
* [Serialization]. Serializations do not keep any state
* related to a particular read/write, so the same one can be used
* for multiple different Readers/Writers.
Writer(this.serialization, [Format newFormat]) :
format = (newFormat == null) ? const SimpleMapFormat() : newFormat {
trace = new Trace(this);
selfDescribing = serialization.selfDescribing;
* This is the main API for a [Writer]. It writes the objects and returns
* the serialized representation, as determined by [format].
write(anObject) {
return format.generateOutput(this);
* Given that we have fully populated the list of [states], and more
* importantly, the list of [references], go through each state and turn
* anything that requires a [Reference] into one. Since only the rules
* know the representation they use for state, delegate to them.
void _flatten() {
for (var eachRule in rules) {
var index = eachRule.number;
var statesForThisRule = states[index];
for (var i = 0; i < statesForThisRule.length; i++) {
var eachState = statesForThisRule[i];
var newState = eachRule.flatten(eachState, this);
if (newState != null) {
statesForThisRule[i] = newState;
* As the [trace] processes each object, it will call this method on us.
* We find the rules for this object, and record the state of the object
* as determined by each rule.
void _process(object, Trace trace) {
var real = (object is DesignatedRuleForObject) ? : object;
for (var eachRule in serialization.rulesFor(object, this)) {
_record(real, eachRule);
* Record the state of [object] as determined by [rule] and keep
* track of it. Generate a [Reference] for this object if required.
* When it's required is up to the particular rule, but generally everything
* gets a reference except a primitive.
* Note that at this point the states are just the same as the fields of the
* object, and haven't been flattened.
void _record(object, SerializationRule rule) {
if (rule.shouldUseReferenceFor(object, this)) {
references.putIfAbsent(object, () =>
new Reference(this, rule.number, _nextObjectNumberFor(rule)));
var state = rule.extractState(object, trace.note, this);
_addStateForRule(rule, state);
* Should we store primitive objects directly or create references for them.
* That depends on which format we're using, so a flat format will want
* references, but the Map format can store them directly.
bool get shouldUseReferencesForPrimitives
=> format.shouldUseReferencesForPrimitives;
* Returns a serialized version of the [SerializationRule]s used to write
* the data, if [selfDescribing] is true, otherwise returns null.
serializedRules() {
if (!selfDescribing) return null;
var meta = serialization.ruleSerialization();
var writer = new Writer(meta, format);
writer.selfDescribing = false;
return writer.write(serialization.rules);
/** Record a [state] entry for a particular rule. */
void _addStateForRule(eachRule, state) {
/** Find what the object number for the thing we're about to add will be.*/
int _nextObjectNumberFor(SerializationRule rule) {
return states[rule.number].length;
* We store the states in a List, indexed by rule number. But rules can be
* dynamically added, so we may have to grow the list.
void _growStates(eachRule) {
while (states.length <= eachRule.number) states.add(new List());
* Return true if we have an object number for this object. This is used to
* tell if we have processed the object or not. This relies on checking if we
* have a reference or not. That saves some space by not having to keep track
* of simple objects, but means that if someone refers to the identical string
* from several places, we will process it several times, and store it
* several times. That seems an acceptable tradeoff, and in cases where it
* isn't, it's possible to apply a rule for String, or even for Strings larger
* than x, which gives them references.
bool _hasIndexFor(object) {
return _objectNumberFor(object) != -1;
* Given an object, find what number it has. The number is valid only in
* the context of a particular rule, and if the rule has more than one,
* this will return the one for the primary rule, defined as the one that
* is listed in its canonical reference.
int _objectNumberFor(object) {
var reference = references[object];
return (reference == null) ? -1 : reference.objectNumber;
* Return a list of [Reference] objects pointing to our roots. This will be
* stored in the output under "roots" in the default format.
List _rootReferences() =>;
* Given an object, return a reference for it if one exists. If there's
* no reference, return the object itself. Once we have finished the tracing
* step, all objects that should have a reference (roughly speaking,
* non-primitives) can be relied on to have a reference.
_referenceFor(object) {
var result = references[object];
return (result == null) ? object : result;
* Return true if the [Serialization.namedObjects] collection has a
* reference to [object].
// TODO(alanknight): Should the writer also have its own namedObjects
// collection specific to the particular write, or is that just adding
// complexity for little value?
bool hasNameFor(object) => serialization._hasNameFor(object);
* Return the name we have for this object in the [Serialization.namedObjects]
* collection.
String nameFor(object) => serialization._nameFor(object);
// For debugging/testing purposes. Find what state a reference points to.
stateForReference(Reference r) => states[r.ruleNumber][r.objectNumber];
/** Return the state pointed to by [reference]. */
resolveReference(reference) => stateForReference(reference);
* An abstract class for Reader and Writer, which primarily exists so we can
* type things that will refer to one or the other, depending on which
* operation we're doing.
abstract class ReaderOrWriter {
/** Return the list of serialization rules we are using.*/
List<SerializationRule> get rules;
/** Return the internal collection of object state and [Reference] objects. */
List<List> get states;
* Return the object, or state, that ref points to, depending on which
* we're generating.
resolveReference(Reference ref);
* The main class responsible for reading. It holds
* onto the necessary state and to the objects that have been inflated.
class Reader implements ReaderOrWriter {
* The serialization that specifies how we read. Note that in contrast
* to the Writer, this is not final. This is because we may be created
* with an empty [Serialization] and then read the rules from the data,
* if [selfDescribing] is true.
Serialization serialization;
* When we read objects, should we read a description of the rules if
* present. This defaults to the corresponding value on the Serialization.
bool selfDescribing;
* The state of objects that have been serialized is stored here.
* Each rule has a number, and rules keep track of the objects that they
* serialize, in order. So the state of any object can be found by indexing
* from the rule number and the object number within the rule.
* The actual representation of the state is determined by the rule. Lists
* and Maps are common, but it is arbitrary. See [Writer.states].
List<List> _data;
/** Return the internal collection of object state and [Reference] objects. */
get states => _data;
* The resulting objects, indexed according to the same scheme as
* _data, where each rule has a number, and rules keep track of the objects
* that they serialize, in order.
List<List> objects;
final Format format;
* Creates a new [Reader] that uses the rules from its parent
* [Serialization]. Serializations do not keep any state related to
* a particular read or write operation, so the same one can be used
* for multiple different Writers/Readers.
Reader(this.serialization, [Format newFormat]) :
format = (newFormat == null) ? const SimpleMapFormat() : newFormat {
selfDescribing = serialization.selfDescribing;
* When we read, we may need to look up objects by name in order to link to
* them. This is particularly true if we have references to classes,
* functions, mirrors, or other non-portable entities. The map in which we
* look things up can be provided as an argument to read, but we can also
* provide a map here, and objects will be looked up in both places.
Map namedObjects;
* Look up the reference to an external object. This can be held either in
* the reader-specific list of externals or in the serializer's
objectNamed(key, [Function ifAbsent]) {
var map = (namedObjects.containsKey(key))
? namedObjects : serialization.namedObjects;
if (!map.containsKey(key)) {
(ifAbsent == null ? keyNotFound : ifAbsent)(key);
return map[key];
void keyNotFound(key) {
throw new SerializationException(
'Cannot find named object to link to: $key');
* Return the list of rules to be used when writing. These come from the
* [serialization].
List<SerializationRule> get rules => serialization.rules;
* Internal use only, for testing purposes. Set the data for this reader
* to a List of Lists whose size must match the number of rules.
// When we set the data, initialize the object storage to a matching size.
void set data(List<List> newData) {
_data = newData;
objects = => new List(x.length)).toList();
* This is the primary method for a [Reader]. It takes the input data,
* decodes it according to [format] and returns the root object.
read(rawInput, [Map externals = const {}]) {
namedObjects = externals;
var input =, this);
data = input["data"];
return inflateReference(input["roots"].first);
* If the data we are reading from has rules written to it, read them back
* and set them as the rules we will use.
void readRules(newRules) {
// TODO(alanknight): Replacing the serialization is kind of confusing.
if (newRules == null) return;
var reader = serialization.ruleSerialization().newReader(format);
List rulesWeRead =, namedObjects);
if (rulesWeRead != null && !rulesWeRead.isEmpty) {
serialization = new Serialization.blank();
* Inflate all of the objects for [rule]. Does the essential state for all
* objects first, then the non-essential state. This avoids cycles in
* non-essential state, because all the objects will have already been
* created.
void inflateForRule(rule) {
var dataForThisRule = _data[rule.number];
keysAndValues(dataForThisRule).forEach((position, state) {
inflateOne(rule, position, state);
keysAndValues(dataForThisRule).forEach((position, state) {
rule.inflateNonEssential(state, allObjectsForRule(rule)[position], this);
* Create a new object, based on [rule] and [state], which will
* be stored in [position] in the storage for [rule]. This will
* follow references and recursively inflate them, leaving Sentinel objects
* to detect cycles.
inflateOne(SerializationRule rule, position, state) {
var existing = allObjectsForRule(rule)[position];
// We may already be in progress and hitting this in a cycle.
if (existing is _Sentinel) {
throw new SerializationException('Cycle in essential state');
// We may have already inflated this object, at least its essential state.
if (existing != null) return existing;
// Put a sentinel there to mark this in case of recursion.
allObjectsForRule(rule)[position] = const _Sentinel();
var newObject = rule.inflateEssential(state, this);
allObjectsForRule(rule)[position] = newObject;
return newObject;
* The parameter [possibleReference] might be a reference. If it isn't, just
* return it. If it is, then inflate the target of the reference and return
* the resulting object.
inflateReference(possibleReference) {
// If this is a primitive, return it directly.
// TODO This seems too complicated.
return asReference(possibleReference,
ifReference: (reference) {
var rule = ruleFor(reference);
var state = _stateFor(reference);
inflateOne(rule, reference.objectNumber, state);
return _objectFor(reference);
/** Return the object pointed to by [reference]. */
resolveReference(reference) => inflateReference(reference);
* Given [reference], return what we have stored as an object for it. Note
* that, depending on the current state, this might be null or a Sentinel.
_objectFor(Reference reference) =>
/** Given [rule], return the storage for its objects. */
allObjectsForRule(SerializationRule rule) => objects[rule.number];
/** Given [reference], return the the state we have stored for it. */
_stateFor(Reference reference) =>
/** Given a reference, return the rule it references. */
SerializationRule ruleFor(Reference reference) =>
* Return the primitive rule we are using. This is an ugly mechanism to
* support the extra information to reconstruct objects in the
* [SimpleJsonFormat].
SerializationRule _primitiveRule() {
for (var each in rules) {
if (each.runtimeType == PrimitiveRule) {
return each;
throw new SerializationException("No PrimitiveRule found");
* Given a possible reference [anObject], call either [ifReference] or
* [ifNotReference], depending if it's a reference or not. This is the
* primary place that knows about the serialized representation of a
* reference.
asReference(anObject, {Function ifReference: doNothing,
Function ifNotReference : doNothing}) {
if (anObject is Reference) return ifReference(anObject);
if (anObject is Map && anObject["__Ref"] != null) {
var ref =
new Reference(this, anObject["rule"], anObject["object"]);
return ifReference(ref);
} else {
return ifNotReference(anObject);
* This serves as a marker to indicate a object that is in the process of
* being de-serialized. So if we look for an object slot and find one of these,
* we know we've hit a cycle.
class _Sentinel {
const _Sentinel();
* This represents the transitive closure of the referenced objects to be
* used for serialization. It works closely in conjunction with the Writer,
* and is kept as a separate object primarily for the possibility of wanting
* to plug in different sorts of tracing rules.
class Trace {
// TODO(alanknight): It seems likely that the mechanism for cutting off
// tracings is by specifying rules. So is there any reason any more to have
// this as a separate class?
final Writer writer;
* This class works by doing a breadth-first traversal of the objects,
* with the traversal order maintained in [queue].
final Queue queue = new Queue();
/** The root objects from which we will be tracing. */
final List roots = [];
void addRoot(object) {
/** A convenience method to add a single root and trace it in one step. */
void trace(object) {
* Process all of the objects reachable from our roots via state that the
* serialization rules access.
void traceAll() {
while (!queue.isEmpty) {
var next = queue.removeFirst();
if (!hasProcessed(next)) writer._process(next, this);
* Has this object been seen yet? We test for this by checking if the
* writer has a reference for it. See comment for _hasIndexFor.
bool hasProcessed(object) {
return writer._hasIndexFor(object);
/** Note that we've seen [value], and add it to the queue to be processed. */
note(value) {
if (value != null) {
return value;
* Any pointers to objects that can't be represented directly in the
* serialization format has to be stored as a reference. A reference encodes
* the rule number of the rule that saved it in the Serialization that was used
* for writing, and the object number within that rule.
class Reference {
/** The [Reader] or [Writer] that owns this reference. */
final ReaderOrWriter parent;
/** The position of the rule that controls this reference in [parent]. */
final int ruleNumber;
/** The index of the referred-to object in the storage of [parent] */
final int objectNumber;
Reference(this.parent, this.ruleNumber, this.objectNumber) {
if (ruleNumber == null || objectNumber == null) {
throw new SerializationException("Invalid Reference");
if (parent.rules.length < ruleNumber) {
throw new SerializationException("Invalid Reference");
* Return the thing this reference points to. Assumes that we have a valid
* parent and that it is a Reader, as inflating is not meaningful when
* writing.
inflated() => parent.resolveReference(this);
* Convert the reference to a map in JSON format. This is specific to the
* custom JSON format we define, and must be consistent with the
* [Reader.asReference] method.
// TODO(alanknight): This is a hack both in defining a toJson specific to a
// particular representation, and the use of a bogus sentinel "__Ref"
Map<String, int> toJson() => {
"__Ref" : 0,
"rule" : ruleNumber,
"object" : objectNumber
/** Write our information to [list]. Useful in writing to flat formats.*/
void writeToList(List list) {
String toString() => "Reference($ruleNumber, $objectNumber)";
* This is used during tracing to indicate that an object should be processed
* using a particular rule, rather than the one that might ordinarily be
* found for it. This normally only makes sense if the object is uniquely
* referenced, and is a more or less internal collection. See ListRuleEssential
* for an example. It knows how to return its object and how to filter.
class DesignatedRuleForObject {
final Function rulePredicate;
final target;
DesignatedRuleForObject(, this.rulePredicate);
List possibleRules(List rules) => rules.where(rulePredicate).toList();