blob: 8fbec363a01cce3d3143790051630f78c8ed6ae9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library protocol;
import 'dart:convert' show JsonDecoder;
* Instances of the class [Request] represent a request that was received.
class Request {
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the id of the request.
static const String ID = 'id';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the name of the request.
static const String METHOD = 'method';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the request parameters.
static const String PARAMS = 'params';
* The unique identifier used to identify this request.
final String id;
* The method being requested.
final String method;
* A table mapping the names of request parameters to their values.
final Map<String, Object> params = new Map<String, Object>();
* A decoder that can be used to decode strings into JSON objects.
static const JsonDecoder DECODER = const JsonDecoder(null);
* Initialize a newly created [Request] to have the given [id] and [method]
* name.
Request(, this.method);
* Return a request parsed from the given [data], or `null` if the [data] is
* not a valid json representation of a request. The [data] is expected to
* have the following format:
* {
* 'id': String,
* 'method': methodName,
* 'params': {
* paramter_name: value
* }
* }
* where the parameters are optional and can contain any number of name/value
* pairs.
factory Request.fromString(String data) {
try {
var result = DECODER.convert(data);
if (result is! Map) {
return null;
var id = result[Request.ID];
var method = result[Request.METHOD];
if (id is! String || method is! String) {
return null;
var params = result[Request.PARAMS];
Request request = new Request(id, method);
if (params is Map) {
params.forEach((String key, Object value) {
request.setParameter(key, value);
} else if (params != null) {
return null;
return request;
} catch (exception) {
return null;
* Return the value of the parameter with the given [name], or `null` if there
* is no such parameter associated with this request.
Object getParameter(String name) => params[name];
* Return the value of the parameter with the given [name], or throw a
* [RequestFailure] exception with an appropriate error message if there is no
* such parameter associated with this request.
Object getRequiredParameter(String name) {
Object value = params[name];
if (value == null) {
throw new RequestFailure(new Response.missingRequiredParameter(this, name));
return value;
* Set the value of the parameter with the given [name] to the given [value].
void setParameter(String name, Object value) {
params[name] = value;
* Convert the given [value] to a boolean, or throw a [RequestFailure]
* exception if the [value] could not be converted.
* The value is typically the result of invoking either [getParameter] or
* [getRequiredParameter].
bool toBool(Object value) {
if (value is bool) {
return value;
} else if (value is String) {
return value == 'true';
throw new RequestFailure(new Response.expectedBoolean(this, value));
* Convert the given [value] to an integer, or throw a [RequestFailure]
* exception if the [value] could not be converted.
* The value is typically the result of invoking either [getParameter] or
* [getRequiredParameter].
int toInt(Object value) {
if (value is int) {
return value;
} else if (value is String) {
return int.parse(value, onError: (String value) {
throw new RequestFailure(new Response.expectedInteger(this, value));
throw new RequestFailure(new Response.expectedInteger(this, value));
* Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
* sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
Map<String, Object> jsonObject = new Map<String, Object>();
jsonObject[ID] = id;
jsonObject[METHOD] = method;
if (params.isNotEmpty) {
jsonObject[PARAMS] = params;
return jsonObject;
* Instances of the class [Response] represent a response to a request.
class Response {
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the id of the request for which
* this is a response.
static const String ID = 'id';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the error message.
static const String ERROR = 'error';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the result values.
static const String RESULT = 'result';
* The unique identifier used to identify the request that this response is
* associated with.
final String id;
* The error that was caused by attempting to handle the request, or `null` if
* there was no error.
final RequestError error;
* A table mapping the names of result fields to their values. The table
* should be empty if there was an error.
final Map<String, Object> result = new Map<String, Object>();
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent a response to a request
* with the given [id]. If an [error] is provided then the response will
* represent an error condition.
Response(, [this.error]);
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a [request] referencing a context that does not exist.
Response.contextDoesNotExist(Request request)
: this(, new RequestError(-1, 'Context does not exist'));
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a [request] that was expected to have a boolean-valued parameter but was
* passed a non-boolean value.
Response.expectedBoolean(Request request, String value)
: this(, new RequestError(-2, 'Expected a boolean value, but found "$value"'));
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a [request] that was expected to have a integer-valued parameter but was
* passed a non-integer value.
Response.expectedInteger(Request request, String value)
: this(, new RequestError(-3, 'Expected an integer value, but found "$value"'));
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a malformed request.
: this('', new RequestError(-4, 'Invalid request'));
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a [request] that does not have a required parameter.
Response.missingRequiredParameter(Request request, String parameterName)
: this(, new RequestError(-5, 'Missing required parameter: $parameterName'));
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a [request] that takes a set of analysis options but for which an
* unknown analysis option was provided.
Response.unknownAnalysisOption(Request request, String optionName)
: this(, new RequestError(-6, 'Unknown analysis option: "$optionName"'));
* Initialize a newly created instance to represent an error condition caused
* by a [request] that cannot be handled by any known handlers.
Response.unknownRequest(Request request)
: this(, new RequestError(-7, 'Unknown request'));
* Initialize a newly created instance based upon the given JSON data
factory Response.fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
try {
var id = json[Response.ID];
if (id is! String) {
return null;
var error = json[Response.ERROR];
var result = json[Response.RESULT];
Response response;
if (error is Map) {
response = new Response(id, new RequestError.fromJson(error));
} else {
response = new Response(id);
if (result is Map) {
result.forEach((String key, Object value) {
response.setResult(key, value);
return response;
} catch (exception) {
return null;
* Return the value of the result field with the given [name].
Object getResult(String name) {
return result[name];
* Set the value of the result field with the given [name] to the given [value].
void setResult(String name, Object value) {
result[name] = value;
* Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
* sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
Map<String, Object> jsonObject = new Map<String, Object>();
jsonObject[ID] = id;
if (error == null) {
jsonObject[ERROR] = null;
} else {
jsonObject[ERROR] = error.toJson();
if (!result.isEmpty) {
jsonObject[RESULT] = result;
return jsonObject;
* Instances of the class [RequestError] represent information about an error that
* occurred while attempting to respond to a [Request].
class RequestError {
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the code that uniquely identifies
* the error that occurred.
static const String CODE = 'code';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing an object with additional data
* related to the error.
static const String DATA = 'data';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing a short description of the error.
static const String MESSAGE = 'message';
* An error code indicating a parse error. Invalid JSON was received by the
* server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
static const int CODE_PARSE_ERROR = -32700;
* An error code indicating an invalid request. The JSON sent is not a valid
* [Request] object.
static const int CODE_INVALID_REQUEST = -32600;
* An error code indicating a method not found. The method does not exist or
* is not currently available.
static const int CODE_METHOD_NOT_FOUND = -32601;
* An error code indicating one or more invalid parameters.
static const int CODE_INVALID_PARAMS = -32602;
* An error code indicating an internal error.
static const int CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR = -32603;
* An error code indicating a problem using the specified Dart SDK.
static const int CODE_SDK_ERROR = -32603;
* In addition, codes -32000 to -32099 indicate a server error. They are
* reserved for implementation-defined server-errors.
* The code that uniquely identifies the error that occurred.
final int code;
* A short description of the error.
final String message;
* A table mapping the names of notification parameters to their values.
final Map<String, Object> data = new Map<String, Object>();
* Initialize a newly created [Error] to have the given [code] and [message].
RequestError(this.code, this.message);
* Initialize a newly created [Error] to indicate a parse error. Invalid JSON
* was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing
* the JSON text.
RequestError.parseError() : this(CODE_PARSE_ERROR, "Parse error");
* Initialize a newly created [Error] to indicate an invalid request. The
* JSON sent is not a valid [Request] object.
RequestError.invalidRequest() : this(CODE_INVALID_REQUEST, "Invalid request");
* Initialize a newly created [Error] to indicate that a method was not found.
* Either the method does not exist or is not currently available.
RequestError.methodNotFound() : this(CODE_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Method not found");
* Initialize a newly created [Error] to indicate one or more invalid
* parameters.
RequestError.invalidParameters() : this(CODE_INVALID_PARAMS, "Invalid parameters");
* Initialize a newly created [Error] to indicate an internal error.
RequestError.internalError() : this(CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error");
* Initialize a newly created [Error] from the given JSON.
factory RequestError.fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
try {
int code = json[RequestError.CODE];
String message = json[RequestError.MESSAGE];
Map<String, Object> data = json[RequestError.DATA];
RequestError requestError = new RequestError(code, message);
if (data != null) {
data.forEach((String key, Object value) {
requestError.setData(key, value);
return requestError;
} catch (exception) {
return null;
* Return the value of the data with the given [name], or `null` if there is
* no such data associated with this error.
Object getData(String name) => data[name];
* Set the value of the data with the given [name] to the given [value].
void setData(String name, Object value) {
data[name] = value;
* Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
* sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
Map<String, Object> jsonObject = new Map<String, Object>();
jsonObject[CODE] = code;
jsonObject[MESSAGE] = message;
if (!data.isEmpty) {
jsonObject[DATA] = data;
return jsonObject;
* Instances of the class [Notification] represent a notification from the
* server about an event that occurred.
class Notification {
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the name of the event that
* triggered the notification.
static const String EVENT = 'event';
* The name of the JSON attribute containing the result values.
static const String PARAMS = 'params';
* The name of the event that triggered the notification.
final String event;
* A table mapping the names of notification parameters to their values.
final Map<String, Object> params = new Map<String, Object>();
* Initialize a newly created [Notification] to have the given [event] name.
* Initialize a newly created instance based upon the given JSON data
factory Notification.fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
try {
String event = json[Notification.EVENT];
var params = json[Notification.PARAMS];
Notification notification = new Notification(event);
if (params is Map) {
params.forEach((String key, Object value) {
notification.setParameter(key, value);
return notification;
} catch (exception) {
return null;
* Return the value of the parameter with the given [name], or `null` if there
* is no such parameter associated with this notification.
Object getParameter(String name) => params[name];
* Set the value of the parameter with the given [name] to the given [value].
void setParameter(String name, Object value) {
params[name] = value;
* Return a table representing the structure of the Json object that will be
* sent to the client to represent this response.
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
Map<String, Object> jsonObject = new Map<String, Object>();
jsonObject[EVENT] = event;
if (!params.isEmpty) {
jsonObject[PARAMS] = params;
return jsonObject;
* Instances of the class [RequestHandler] implement a handler that can handle
* requests and produce responses for them.
abstract class RequestHandler {
* Attempt to handle the given [request]. If the request is not recognized by
* this handler, return `null` so that other handlers will be given a chance
* to handle it. Otherwise, return the response that should be passed back to
* the client.
Response handleRequest(Request request);
* Instances of the class [RequestFailure] represent an exception that occurred
* during the handling of a request that requires that an error be returned to
* the client.
class RequestFailure implements Exception {
* The response to be returned as a result of the failure.
final Response response;
* Initialize a newly created exception to return the given reponse.