blob: 85203b0bdab74a0c8dcca61d6d644c892d57344b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library channel;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
* The abstract class [ClientCommunicationChannel] defines the behavior of
* objects that allows an object to send [Request]s to [AnalysisServer] and to
* receive both [Response]s and [Notification]s.
abstract class ClientCommunicationChannel {
* The stream of notifications from the server.
Stream<Notification> notificationStream;
* The stream of responses from the server.
Stream<Response> responseStream;
* Send the given [request] to the server
* and return a future with the associated [Response].
Future<Response> sendRequest(Request request);
* Close the channel to the server. Once called, all future communication
* with the server via [sendRequest] will silently be ignored.
Future close();
* The abstract class [ServerCommunicationChannel] defines the behavior of
* objects that allow an [AnalysisServer] to receive [Request]s and to return
* both [Response]s and [Notification]s.
abstract class ServerCommunicationChannel {
* Listen to the channel for requests. If a request is received, invoke the
* [onRequest] function. If an error is encountered while trying to read from
* the socket, invoke the [onError] function. If the socket is closed by the
* client, invoke the [onDone] function.
* Only one listener is allowed per channel.
void listen(void onRequest(Request request), {void onError(), void onDone()});
* Send the given [notification] to the client.
void sendNotification(Notification notification);
* Send the given [response] to the client.
void sendResponse(Response response);
* Instances of the class [WebSocketClientChannel] implement a
* [ClientCommunicationChannel] that uses a [WebSocket] to communicate with
* servers.
class WebSocketClientChannel implements ClientCommunicationChannel {
* The socket being wrapped.
final WebSocket _socket;
Stream<Response> responseStream;
Stream<Notification> notificationStream;
* Initialize a new [WebSocket] wrapper for the given [_socket].
WebSocketClientChannel(this._socket) {
Stream jsonStream = _socket
.where((data) => data is String)
.transform(new _JsonStreamDecoder())
.where((json) => json is Map)
responseStream = jsonStream
.where((json) => json[Notification.EVENT] == null)
.transform(new _ResponseConverter())
notificationStream = jsonStream
.where((json) => json[Notification.EVENT] != null)
.transform(new _NotificationConverter())
Future<Response> sendRequest(Request request) {
String id =;
return responseStream.firstWhere((Response response) => == id);
Future close() {
return _socket.close();
* Instances of the class [WebSocketServerChannel] implement a
* [ServerCommunicationChannel] that uses a [WebSocket] to communicate with
* clients.
class WebSocketServerChannel implements ServerCommunicationChannel {
* The socket being wrapped.
final WebSocket socket;
* Initialize a newly create [WebSocket] wrapper to wrap the given [socket].
void listen(void onRequest(Request request), {void onError(), void onDone()}) {
socket.listen((data) => _readRequest(data, onRequest), onError: onError,
onDone: onDone);
void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
void sendResponse(Response response) {
* Read a request from the given [data] and use the given function to handle
* the request.
void _readRequest(Object data, void onRequest(Request request)) {
if (data is List<int>) {
sendResponse(new Response.invalidRequestFormat());
if (data is String) {
// Parse the string as a JSON descriptor and process the resulting
// structure as a request.
Request request = new Request.fromString(data);
if (request == null) {
sendResponse(new Response.invalidRequestFormat());
* Instances of [_JsonStreamDecoder] convert JSON strings to JSON maps
class _JsonStreamDecoder extends Converter<String, Map> {
Map convert(String text) => JSON.decode(text);
ChunkedConversionSink startChunkedConversion(ChunkedConversionSink sink) =>
new _ChannelChunkSink<String, Map>(this, sink);
* Instances of [_ResponseConverter] convert JSON maps to [Response]s.
class _ResponseConverter extends Converter<Map, Response> {
Response convert(Map json) => new Response.fromJson(json);
ChunkedConversionSink startChunkedConversion(ChunkedConversionSink sink) =>
new _ChannelChunkSink<Map, Response>(this, sink);
* Instances of [_NotificationConverter] convert JSON maps to [Notification]s.
class _NotificationConverter extends Converter<Map, Notification> {
Notification convert(Map json) => new Notification.fromJson(json);
ChunkedConversionSink startChunkedConversion(ChunkedConversionSink sink) =>
new _ChannelChunkSink<Map, Notification>(this, sink);
* A [_ChannelChunkSink] uses a [Convter] to translate chunks.
class _ChannelChunkSink<S, T> extends ChunkedConversionSink<S> {
final Converter<S, T> _converter;
final ChunkedConversionSink _chunkedSink;
_ChannelChunkSink(this._converter, this._chunkedSink);
void add(S chunk) {
var convertedChunk = _converter.convert(chunk);
if (convertedChunk != null) {
void close() => _chunkedSink.close();