blob: 1de563066835c8171fd6e050d4080d6396d4d345 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer.test.unbind_test;
import 'dart:async' show Future, scheduleMicrotask;
import 'dart:html';
@MirrorsUsed(targets: const [Polymer], override: 'polymer.test.unbind_test')
import 'dart:mirrors' show reflect, reflectClass, MirrorSystem, MirrorsUsed;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
class XTest extends PolymerElement {
@observable var foo = '';
@observable var bar;
bool forceReady = true;
bool fooWasChanged = false;
var validBar;
factory XTest() => new Element.tag('x-test');
XTest.created() : super.created();
ready() {}
fooChanged() {
fooWasChanged = true;
barChanged() {
validBar = bar;
bool get isBarValid => validBar == bar;
main() {
setUp(() => Polymer.onReady);
test('unbind', unbindTests);
Future testAsync(List<Function> tests, int delayMs, [List args]) {
if (tests.length == 0) return new Future.value();
// TODO(jmesserly): CustomElements.takeRecords();
return new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: delayMs), () {
if (args == null) args = [];
var lastArgs = Function.apply(tests.removeAt(0), args);
return testAsync(tests, delayMs, lastArgs);
// TODO(sorvell): In IE, the unbind time is indeterminate, so wait an
// extra beat.
delay(x) => new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 50), () => x);
// TODO(jmesserly): fix this when it's easier to get a private symbol.
final unboundSymbol = reflectClass(Polymer).declarations.keys
.firstWhere((s) => MirrorSystem.getName(s) == '_unbound');
_unbound(node) => reflect(node).getField(unboundSymbol).reflectee;
unbindTests() {
var xTest = document.querySelector('x-test'); = 'bar';
return delay(null).then((_) {
expect(_unbound(xTest), null, reason:
'element is bound when inserted');
expect(xTest.fooWasChanged, true, reason:
'element is actually bound');
}).then(delay).then((_) {
expect(_unbound(xTest), true, reason:
'element is unbound when removed');
return new XTest();
}).then(delay).then((node) {
expect(_unbound(node), null, reason:
'element is bound when not inserted'); = 'bar';
return node;
}).then(delay).then((node) {
expect(node.fooWasChanged, true, reason: 'node is actually bound');
var n = new XTest();
return n;
}).then(delay).then((node) {
expect(_unbound(node), null, reason:
'element is bound when cancelUnbindAll is called');
expect(_unbound(node), true, reason:
'element is unbound when unbindAll is called');
var n = new XTest() = 'foobar!!!';
return n;
}).then(delay).then((node) {
expect(_unbound(node), null, reason:
'element is bound when manually inserted');
return node;
}).then(delay).then((node) {
expect(_unbound(node), true, reason:
'element is unbound when manually removed is called');