blob: 79b9c8eb55be72baf4442909d72842bdea7108d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
class XFoo extends PolymerElement {
XFoo.created() : super.created();
@observable var foo = '';
@observable String baz = '';
class XBar extends XFoo {
XBar.created() : super.created();
@observable int zot = 3;
@observable bool zim = false;
@observable String str = 'str';
@observable Object obj;
class XCompose extends PolymerElement {
XCompose.created() : super.created();
@observable bool zim = false;
Future onAttributeChange(Element node) {
var completer = new Completer();
new MutationObserver((records, observer) {
})..observe(node, attributes: true);
return completer.future;
main() {
setUp(() => Polymer.onReady);
// Most tests use @CustomTag, here we test out the impertive register:
Polymer.register('x-foo', XFoo);
Polymer.register('x-bar', XBar);
Polymer.register('x-compose', XCompose);
test('property attribute reflection', () {
var xcompose = querySelector('x-compose');
var xfoo = querySelector('x-foo');
var xbar = querySelector('x-bar'); = 5;
return onAttributeChange(xfoo).then((_) {
expect(xcompose.$['bar'].attributes.containsKey('zim'), false,
reason: 'attribute bound to property updates when binding is made');
expect('${}', xfoo.attributes['foo'],
reason: 'attribute reflects property as string');
xfoo.attributes['foo'] = '27';
// TODO(jmesserly): why is JS leaving this as a String? From the code it
// looks like it should use the type of 5 and parse it as a number.
expect('${}', xfoo.attributes['foo'],
reason: 'property reflects attribute');
xfoo.baz = 'Hello';
}).then((_) => onAttributeChange(xfoo)).then((_) {
expect(xfoo.baz, xfoo.attributes['baz'],
reason: 'attribute reflects property');
// = 'foo!';
xbar.zot = 27;
xbar.zim = true;
xbar.str = 'str!';
xbar.obj = {'hello': 'world'};
}).then((_) => onAttributeChange(xbar)).then((_) {
expect(, xbar.attributes['foo'],
reason: 'inherited published property is reflected');
expect('${xbar.zot}', xbar.attributes['zot'],
reason: 'attribute reflects property as number');
expect(xbar.attributes['zim'], '', reason:
'attribute reflects true valued boolean property as '
'having attribute');
expect(xbar.str, xbar.attributes['str'],
reason: 'attribute reflects property as published string');
expect(xbar.attributes.containsKey('obj'), false,
reason: 'attribute does not reflect object property');
xbar.attributes['zim'] = 'false';
xbar.attributes['foo'] = 'foo!!';
xbar.attributes['zot'] = '54';
xbar.attributes['str'] = 'str!!';
xbar.attributes['obj'] = "{'hello': 'world'}";
expect(, xbar.attributes['foo'],
reason: 'property reflects attribute as string');
expect(xbar.zot, 54,
reason: 'property reflects attribute as number');
expect(xbar.zim, false,
reason: 'property reflects attribute as boolean');
expect(xbar.str, 'str!!',
reason: 'property reflects attribute as published string');
expect(xbar.obj, {'hello': 'world'},
reason: 'property reflects attribute as object');
xbar.zim = false;
}).then((_) => onAttributeChange(xbar)).then((_) {
expect(xbar.attributes.containsKey('zim'), false, reason:
'attribute reflects false valued boolean property as NOT '
'having attribute');
xbar.obj = 'hi';
}).then((_) => onAttributeChange(xbar)).then((_) {
expect(xbar.attributes['obj'], 'hi', reason:
'reflect property based on current type');