blob: 159cf49328a8346d1038813c06bfb157b54fb75b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:observe/transformer.dart';
import 'package:unittest/compact_vm_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
main() {
group('replaces Observable for ChangeNotifier', () {
_testClause('extends Observable', 'extends ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Observable',
'extends Base with ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base<T> with Observable',
'extends Base<T> with ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin, Observable',
'extends Base with Mixin, ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Observable, Mixin',
'extends Base with ChangeNotifier, Mixin');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin<T>, Observable',
'extends Base with Mixin<T>, ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin, Observable, Mixin2',
'extends Base with Mixin, ChangeNotifier, Mixin2');
_testClause('extends Observable implements Interface',
'extends ChangeNotifier implements Interface');
_testClause('extends Observable implements Interface<T>',
'extends ChangeNotifier implements Interface<T>');
_testClause('extends Base with Observable implements Interface',
'extends Base with ChangeNotifier implements Interface');
'extends Base with Mixin, Observable implements I1, I2',
'extends Base with Mixin, ChangeNotifier implements I1, I2');
group('adds "with ChangeNotifier" given', () {
_testClause('', 'extends ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base', 'extends Base with ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base<T>', 'extends Base<T> with ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin',
'extends Base with Mixin, ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin<T>',
'extends Base with Mixin<T>, ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin, Mixin2',
'extends Base with Mixin, Mixin2, ChangeNotifier');
_testClause('implements Interface',
'extends ChangeNotifier implements Interface');
_testClause('implements Interface<T>',
'extends ChangeNotifier implements Interface<T>');
_testClause('extends Base implements Interface',
'extends Base with ChangeNotifier implements Interface');
_testClause('extends Base with Mixin implements I1, I2',
'extends Base with Mixin, ChangeNotifier implements I1, I2');
group('fixes contructor calls ', () {
_testInitializers('this.a', '(a) : __\$a = a');
_testInitializers('{this.a}', '({a}) : __\$a = a');
_testInitializers('[this.a]', '([a]) : __\$a = a');
_testInitializers('this.a, this.b', '(a, b) : __\$a = a, __\$b = b');
_testInitializers('{this.a, this.b}', '({a, b}) : __\$a = a, __\$b = b');
_testInitializers('[this.a, this.b]', '([a, b]) : __\$a = a, __\$b = b');
_testInitializers('this.a, [this.b]', '(a, [b]) : __\$a = a, __\$b = b');
_testInitializers('this.a, {this.b}', '(a, {b}) : __\$a = a, __\$b = b');
for (var annotation in ['observable', 'published']) {
group('@$annotation full text', () {
test('with changes', () {
return _transform(_sampleObservable(annotation)).then(
(out) => expect(out, _sampleObservableOutput(annotation)));
test('complex with changes', () {
return _transform(_complexObservable(annotation)).then(
(out) => expect(out, _complexObservableOutput(annotation)));
test('no changes', () {
var input = 'class A {/*@$annotation annotation to trigger transform */;}';
return _transform(input).then((output) => expect(output, input));
_testClause(String clauses, String expected) {
test(clauses, () {
var className = 'MyClass';
if (clauses.contains('<T>')) className += '<T>';
var code = '''
class $className $clauses {
@observable var field;
return _transform(code).then((output) {
var classPos = output.indexOf(className) + className.length;
var actualClauses = output.substring(classPos,
output.indexOf('{')).trim().replaceAll(' ', ' ');
expect(actualClauses, expected);
_testInitializers(String args, String expected) {
test(args, () {
var constructor = 'MyClass(';
var code = '''
class MyClass {
@observable var a;
@observable var b;
return _transform(code).then((output) {
var begin = output.indexOf(constructor) + constructor.length - 1;
var end = output.indexOf(';', begin);
if (end == -1) end = output.length;
var init = output.substring(begin, end).trim().replaceAll(' ', ' ');
expect(init, expected);
/// Helper that applies the transform by creating mock assets.
Future<String> _transform(String code) {
var id = new AssetId('foo', 'a/b/c.dart');
var asset = new Asset.fromString(id, code);
var transformer = new ObservableTransformer();
return transformer.isPrimary(asset).then((isPrimary) {
expect(isPrimary, isTrue);
var transform = new _MockTransform(asset);
return transformer.apply(transform).then((_) {
expect(transform.outs, hasLength(1));
expect(transform.outs[0].id, id);
return transform.outs.first.readAsString();
class _MockTransform implements Transform {
List<Asset> outs = [];
Asset _asset;
TransformLogger logger = new TransformLogger(_mockLogFn);
Asset get primaryInput => _asset;
Future<Asset> getInput(AssetId id) {
if (id == return new Future.value(primaryInput);
fail('_MockTransform fail');
void addOutput(Asset output) {
readInput(id) => throw new UnimplementedError();
readInputAsString(id, {encoding}) => throw new UnimplementedError();
static void _mockLogFn(AssetId asset, LogLevel level, String message,
span) {
// Do nothing.
String _sampleObservable(String annotation) => '''
library A_foo;
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
class A extends Observable {
@$annotation int foo;
String _sampleObservableOutput(String annotation) =>
"library A_foo;\n"
"import 'package:observe/observe.dart';\n\n"
"class A extends ChangeNotifier {\n"
" @reflectable @$annotation int get foo => __\$foo; int __\$foo; "
"${_makeSetter('int', 'foo')}\n"
" A(foo) : __\$foo = foo;\n"
_makeSetter(type, name) => '@reflectable set $name($type value) { '
'__\$$name = notifyPropertyChange(#$name, __\$$name, value); }';
String _complexObservable(String annotation) => '''
class Foo extends Observable {
foo/*D*/= 1, bar =/*A*/2/*B*/,
@$annotation var baz;
String _complexObservableOutput(String meta) =>
"class Foo extends ChangeNotifier {\n"
" @reflectable @$meta\n"
" @otherMetadata\n"
" Foo\n"
" get foo => __\$foo; Foo __\$foo/*D*/= 1; "
"${_makeSetter('Foo', 'foo')} "
"@reflectable @$meta @otherMetadata Foo get bar => __\$bar; "
"Foo __\$bar =/*A*/2/*B*/; ${_makeSetter('Foo', 'bar')}\n"
" @reflectable @$meta @otherMetadata Foo get quux => __\$quux; "
"Foo __\$quux/*C*/; ${_makeSetter('Foo', 'quux')}\n\n"
" @reflectable @$meta dynamic get baz => __\$baz; dynamic __\$baz; "
"${_makeSetter('dynamic', 'baz')}\n"