blob: 2ec9f60b084e05a97b0c2cf4472ca82337181e33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// **docgen** is a tool for creating machine readable representations of Dart
/// code metadata, including: classes, members, comments and annotations.
/// docgen is run on a `.dart` file or a directory containing `.dart` files.
/// $ dart docgen.dart [OPTIONS] [FILE/DIR]
/// This creates files called `docs/<library_name>.yaml` in your current
/// working directory.
library docgen;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as markdown;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'dart2yaml.dart';
import 'src/io.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/compiler.dart' as api;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/filenames.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/dart2js_mirrors.dart'
as dart2js_mirrors;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/analyze.dart'
as dart2js;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/source_mirrors.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart'
as dart2js_util;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/source_file_provider.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/libraries.dart';
/// Annotations that we do not display in the viewer.
const List<String> _SKIPPED_ANNOTATIONS = const [
'metadata.DocsEditable', '_js_helper.JSName', '_js_helper.Creates',
/// Support for [:foo:]-style code comments to the markdown parser.
List<markdown.InlineSyntax> _MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES =
[new markdown.CodeSyntax(r'\[:\s?((?:.|\n)*?)\s?:\]')];
/// If we can't find the SDK introduction text, which will happen if running
/// from a snapshot and using --parse-sdk or --include-sdk, then use this
/// hard-coded version. This should be updated to be consistent with the text
/// in docgen/doc/
Welcome to the Dart API reference documentation,
covering the official Dart API libraries.
Some of the most fundamental Dart libraries include:
* [dart:core](#dart:core):
Core functionality such as strings, numbers, collections, errors,
dates, and URIs.
* [dart:html](#dart:html):
DOM manipulation for web apps.
* [dart:io](#dart:io):
I/O for command-line apps.
Except for dart:core, you must import a library before you can use it.
Here's an example of importing dart:html, dart:math, and a
third popular library called
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
Polymer.dart is an example of a library that isn't
included in the Dart download,
but is easy to get and update using the _pub package manager_.
For information on finding, using, and publishing libraries (and more)
with pub, see
The main site for learning and using Dart is
Check out these pages:
* [Dart homepage](
* [Tutorials](
* [Programmer's Guide](
* [Samples](
* [A Tour of the Dart Libraries](
This API reference is automatically generated from the source code in the
[Dart project](
If you'd like to contribute to this documentation, see
[Writing API Documentation](
/// Docgen constructor initializes the link resolver for markdown parsing.
/// Also initializes the command line arguments.
/// [packageRoot] is the packages directory of the directory being analyzed.
/// If [includeSdk] is `true`, then any SDK libraries explicitly imported will
/// also be documented.
/// If [parseSdk] is `true`, then all Dart SDK libraries will be documented.
/// This option is useful when only the SDK libraries are needed.
/// If [compile] is `true`, then after generating the documents, compile the
/// viewer with dart2js.
/// If [serve] is `true`, then after generating the documents we fire up a
/// simple server to view the documentation.
/// Returned Future completes with true if document generation is successful.
Future<bool> docgen(List<String> files, {String packageRoot,
bool outputToYaml: false, bool includePrivate: false, bool includeSdk: false,
bool parseSdk: false, bool append: false, String introFileName: '',
List<String> excludeLibraries : const [],
bool includeDependentPackages: false, bool compile: false,
bool serve: false, bool noDocs: false, String startPage, String pubScript,
String dartBinary}) {
var result;
if (!noDocs) {
result = _Generator.generateDocumentation(files, packageRoot: packageRoot,
outputToYaml: outputToYaml, includePrivate: includePrivate,
includeSdk: includeSdk, parseSdk: parseSdk, append: append,
introFileName: introFileName, out: out,
excludeLibraries: excludeLibraries,
includeDependentPackages: includeDependentPackages,
startPage: startPage, pubScript: pubScript, dartBinary: dartBinary);
if (compile || serve) {
result.then((success) {
if (success) {
} else if (compile || serve) {
return result;
void _createViewer(bool serve) {
if (serve) {
/// Analyzes set of libraries by getting a mirror system and triggers the
/// documentation of the libraries.
Future<MirrorSystem> getMirrorSystem(List<Uri> libraries,
{String packageRoot, bool parseSdk: false}) {
if (libraries.isEmpty) throw new StateError('No Libraries.');
// Finds the root of SDK library based off the location of docgen.
// We have two different places to look, depending if we're in a development
// repo or in a built SDK, either sdk or dart-sdk respectively
var root = _Generator._rootDirectory;
var sdkRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(path.join(root, 'sdk')));
if (!new Directory(sdkRoot).existsSync()) {
sdkRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(path.join(root, 'dart-sdk')));
}'SDK Root: ${sdkRoot}');
return _Generator._analyzeLibraries(libraries, sdkRoot,
packageRoot: packageRoot);
/// For types that we do not explicitly create or have not yet created in our
/// entity map (like core types).
class DummyMirror implements Indexable {
DeclarationMirror mirror;
/// The library that contains this element, if any. Used as a hint to help
/// determine which object we're referring to when looking up this mirror in
/// our map.
Indexable owner;
DummyMirror(this.mirror, [this.owner]);
String get docName {
if (mirror == null) return '';
if (mirror is LibraryMirror) {
return dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(mirror).replaceAll('.','-');
var mirrorOwner = mirror.owner;
if (mirrorOwner == null) return dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(mirror);
var simpleName = dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror);
if (mirror is MethodMirror && (mirror as MethodMirror).isConstructor) {
// We name constructors specially -- repeating the class name and a
// "-" to separate the constructor from its name (if any).
simpleName = '${dart2js_util.nameOf(mirrorOwner)}-$simpleName';
return Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirrorOwner, owner).docName + '.' +
bool get isPrivate => mirror == null? false : mirror.isPrivate;
String get packageName {
var libMirror = _getOwningLibraryFromMirror(mirror);
if (libMirror != null) {
return Library._packageName(libMirror);
return '';
String get packagePrefix => packageName == null || packageName.isEmpty ?
'' : '$packageName/';
LibraryMirror _getOwningLibraryFromMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is LibraryMirror) return mirror;
if (mirror == null) return null;
return _getOwningLibraryFromMirror(mirror.owner);
/// Docgen representation of an item to be documented, that wraps around a
/// dart2js mirror.
abstract class MirrorBased {
/// The original dart2js mirror around which this object wraps.
DeclarationMirror get mirror;
/// Returns a list of meta annotations assocated with a mirror.
static List<Annotation> _createAnnotations(DeclarationMirror mirror,
Library owningLibrary) {
var annotationMirrors = mirror.metadata.where((e) =>
e is dart2js_mirrors.Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror);
var annotations = [];
annotationMirrors.forEach((annotation) {
var docgenAnnotation = new Annotation(annotation, owningLibrary);
dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(docgenAnnotation.mirror))) {
return annotations;
/// Top level documentation traversal and generation object.
/// Yes, everything in this class is used statically so this technically doesn't
/// need to be its own class, but it's grouped together for semantic separation
/// from the other classes and functionality in this library.
class _Generator {
/// The directory where the output docs are generated.
static String _outputDirectory;
/// This is set from the command line arguments flag --include-private
static bool _includePrivate = false;
/// Library names to explicitly exclude.
/// Set from the command line option
/// --exclude-lib.
static List<String> _excluded;
/// The path of the pub script.
static String _pubScript;
/// The path of Dart binary.
static String _dartBinary;
/// Logger for printing out progress of documentation generation.
static Logger logger = new Logger('Docgen');
/// Docgen constructor initializes the link resolver for markdown parsing.
/// Also initializes the command line arguments.
/// [packageRoot] is the packages directory of the directory being analyzed.
/// If [includeSdk] is `true`, then any SDK libraries explicitly imported will
/// also be documented.
/// If [parseSdk] is `true`, then all Dart SDK libraries will be documented.
/// This option is useful when only the SDK libraries are needed.
/// Returned Future completes with true if document generation is successful.
static Future<bool> generateDocumentation(List<String> files,
{String packageRoot, bool outputToYaml: true, bool includePrivate: false,
bool includeSdk: false, bool parseSdk: false, bool append: false,
String introFileName: '', out: _DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
List<String> excludeLibraries : const [],
bool includeDependentPackages: false, String startPage,
String dartBinary, String pubScript}) {
_excluded = excludeLibraries;
_includePrivate = includePrivate;
_pubScript = pubScript;
_dartBinary = dartBinary;
logger.onRecord.listen((record) => print(record.message));
_ensureOutputDirectory(out, append);
var updatedPackageRoot = _obtainPackageRoot(packageRoot, parseSdk, files);
var requestedLibraries = _findLibrariesToDocument(files,
var allLibraries = []..addAll(requestedLibraries);
if (includeSdk) {
return getMirrorSystem(allLibraries, packageRoot: updatedPackageRoot,
parseSdk: parseSdk)
.then((MirrorSystem mirrorSystem) {
if (mirrorSystem.libraries.isEmpty) {
throw new StateError('No library mirrors were created.');
var availableLibraries = mirrorSystem.libraries.values.where(
(each) => each.uri.scheme == 'file');
var availableLibrariesByPath = new Map.fromIterables( => each.uri),
var librariesToDocument =
(each) => availableLibrariesByPath.putIfAbsent(each,
() => throw "Missing library $each")).toList();
(includeSdk || parseSdk) ? Indexable._sdkLibraries : []);
(x) => _excluded.contains(dart2js_util.nameOf(x)));
_documentLibraries(librariesToDocument, includeSdk: includeSdk,
outputToYaml: outputToYaml, append: append, parseSdk: parseSdk,
introFileName: introFileName, startPage: startPage);
return true;
/// Writes [text] to a file in the output directory.
static void _writeToFile(String text, String filename, {bool append: false}) {
if (text == null) return;
Directory dir = new Directory(_outputDirectory);
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
if (path.split(filename).length > 1) {
var splitList = path.split(filename);
for (int i = 0; i < splitList.length; i++) {
var level = splitList[i];
for (var level in path.split(filename)) {
var subdir = new Directory(path.join(_outputDirectory,
if (!subdir.existsSync()) {
File file = new File(path.join(_outputDirectory, filename));
mode: append ? FileMode.APPEND : FileMode.WRITE);
/// Resolve all the links in the introductory comments for a given library or
/// package as specified by [filename].
static String _readIntroductionFile(String fileName, bool includeSdk) {
var linkResolver = (name) => Indexable.globalFixReference(name);
var defaultText = includeSdk ? _DEFAULT_SDK_INTRODUCTION : '';
var introText = defaultText;
if (fileName.isNotEmpty) {
var introFile = new File(fileName);
introText = introFile.existsSync() ? introFile.readAsStringSync() :
return markdown.markdownToHtml(introText,
linkResolver: linkResolver, inlineSyntaxes: _MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
/// Creates documentation for filtered libraries.
static void _documentLibraries(List<LibraryMirror> libs,
{bool includeSdk: false, bool outputToYaml: true, bool append: false,
bool parseSdk: false, String introFileName: '', String startPage}) {
libs.forEach((lib) {
// Files belonging to the SDK have a uri that begins with 'dart:'.
if (includeSdk || !lib.uri.toString().startsWith('dart:')) {
var library = generateLibrary(lib);
var filteredEntities = new Set<Indexable>();
for (Map<String, Set<Indexable>> firstLevel in
Indexable._mirrorToDocgen.values) {
for (Set<Indexable> items in firstLevel.values) {
for (Indexable item in items) {
if (_isFullChainVisible(item)) {
if (item is! Method ||
(item is Method && item.methodInheritedFrom == null)) {
// Outputs a JSON file with all libraries and their preview comments.
// This will help the viewer know what libraries are available to read in.
var libraryMap;
if (append) {
var docsDir = listDir(_outputDirectory);
if (!docsDir.contains('$_outputDirectory/library_list.json')) {
throw new StateError('No library_list.json');
libraryMap =
JSON.decode(new File(
.where((e) => e is Library)
.map((e) => e.previewMap));
var intro = libraryMap['introduction'];
var spacing = intro.isEmpty ? '' : '<br/><br/>';
libraryMap['introduction'] =
"$intro$spacing${_readIntroductionFile(introFileName, includeSdk)}";
outputToYaml = libraryMap['filetype'] == 'yaml';
} else {
libraryMap = {
'libraries' : filteredEntities.where((e) =>
e is Library).map((e) => e.previewMap).toList(),
'introduction' : _readIntroductionFile(introFileName, includeSdk),
'filetype' : outputToYaml ? 'yaml' : 'json'
_writeOutputFiles(libraryMap, filteredEntities, outputToYaml, append,
/// Output all of the libraries and classes into json or yaml files for
/// consumption by a viewer.
static void _writeOutputFiles(libraryMap,
Iterable<Indexable> filteredEntities, bool outputToYaml, bool append,
String startPage) {
if (startPage != null) libraryMap['start-page'] = startPage;
_writeToFile(JSON.encode(libraryMap), 'library_list.json');
// Output libraries and classes to file after all information is generated.
filteredEntities.where((e) => e is Class || e is Library).forEach((output) {
_writeIndexableToFile(output, outputToYaml);
// Outputs all the qualified names documented with their type.
// This will help generate search results.
_writeToFile( =>
'${e.qualifiedName} ${e.typeName}').join('\n') + '\n',
'index.txt', append: append);
var index = new Map.fromIterables( => e.qualifiedName), => e.typeName));
if (append) {
var previousIndex =
JSON.decode(new File(
_writeToFile(JSON.encode(index), 'index.json');
/// Helper method to serialize the given Indexable out to a file.
static void _writeIndexableToFile(Indexable result, bool outputToYaml) {
var outputFile = result.fileName;
var output;
if (outputToYaml) {
output = getYamlString(result.toMap());
outputFile = outputFile + '.yaml';
} else {
output = JSON.encode(result.toMap());
outputFile = outputFile + '.json';
_writeToFile(output, outputFile);
/// Set the location of the ouput directory, and ensure that the location is
/// available on the file system.
static void _ensureOutputDirectory(String outputDirectory, bool append) {
_outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
if (!append) {
var dir = new Directory(_outputDirectory);
if (dir.existsSync()) dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
/// Helper accessor to determine the full pathname of the root of the dart
/// checkout. We can be in one of three situations:
/// 1) Running from pkg/docgen/bin/docgen.dart
/// 2) Running from a snapshot in a build,
/// e.g. xcodebuild/ReleaseIA32/dart-sdk/bin
/// 3) Running from a built distribution,
/// e.g. ...somename/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots
static String get _rootDirectory {
var scriptDir = path.absolute(path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath()));
var root = scriptDir;
var base = path.basename(root);
// When we find dart-sdk or sdk we are one level below the root.
while (base != 'dart-sdk' && base != 'sdk' && base != 'pkg') {
root = path.dirname(root);
base = path.basename(root);
if (root == base) {
// We have reached the root of the filesystem without finding anything.
throw new FileSystemException(
"Cannot find SDK directory starting from ",
return path.dirname(root);
/// Analyzes set of libraries and provides a mirror system which can be used
/// for static inspection of the source code.
static Future<MirrorSystem> _analyzeLibraries(List<Uri> libraries,
String libraryRoot, {String packageRoot}) {
SourceFileProvider provider = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
api.DiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler =
(new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(provider)
..showHints = false
..showWarnings = false)
Uri libraryUri = new Uri.file(appendSlash(libraryRoot));
Uri packageUri = null;
if (packageRoot != null) {
packageUri = new Uri.file(appendSlash(packageRoot));
return dart2js.analyze(libraries, libraryUri, packageUri,
provider.readStringFromUri, diagnosticHandler,
['--preserve-comments', '--categories=Client,Server'])
..catchError((error) {
logger.severe('Error: Failed to create mirror system. ');
// TODO(janicejl): Use the stack trace package when bug is resolved.
// Currently, a string is thrown when it fails to create a mirror
// system, and it is not possible to use the stack trace. BUG(#11622)
// To avoid printing the stack trace.
/// For this run of docgen, determine the packageRoot value.
/// If packageRoot is not explicitly passed, we examine the files we're
/// documenting to attempt to find a package root.
static String _obtainPackageRoot(String packageRoot, bool parseSdk,
List<String> files) {
if (packageRoot == null && !parseSdk) {
var type = FileSystemEntity.typeSync(files.first);
if (type == FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY) {
var files2 = listDir(files.first, recursive: true);
// Return '' means that there was no pubspec.yaml and therefor no p
// ackageRoot.
packageRoot = files2.firstWhere((f) =>
f.endsWith('${path.separator}pubspec.yaml'), orElse: () => '');
if (packageRoot != '') {
packageRoot = path.join(path.dirname(packageRoot), 'packages');
} else if (type == FileSystemEntityType.FILE) {
logger.warning('WARNING: No package root defined. If Docgen fails, try '
'again by setting the --package-root option.');
}'Package Root: ${packageRoot}');
return path.normalize(path.absolute(packageRoot));
/// Given the user provided list of items to document, expand all directories
/// to document out into specific files and add any dependent packages for
/// documentation if desired.
static List<Uri> _findLibrariesToDocument(List<String> args,
bool includeDependentPackages) {
if (includeDependentPackages) {
var libraries = new List<Uri>();
for (var arg in args) {
if (FileSystemEntity.typeSync(arg) == FileSystemEntityType.FILE) {
if (arg.endsWith('.dart')) {
libraries.add(new Uri.file(path.absolute(arg)));'Added to libraries: ${libraries.last}');
} else {
return libraries;
/// Given a package name, explore the directory and pull out all top level
/// library files in the "lib" directory to document.
static List<Uri> _findFilesToDocumentInPackage(String packageName) {
var libraries = [];
// To avoid anaylzing package files twice, only files with paths not
// containing '/packages' will be added. The only exception is if the file
// to analyze already has a '/package' in its path.
var files = listDir(packageName, recursive: true).where(
(f) => f.endsWith('.dart') && (!f.contains('${path.separator}packages')
|| packageName.contains('${path.separator}packages'))).toList();
files.forEach((String f) {
// Only include libraries at the top level of "lib"
if (path.basename(path.dirname(f)) == 'lib') {
// Only add the file if it does not contain 'part of'
// TODO(janicejl): Remove when Issue(12406) is resolved.
var contents = new File(f).readAsStringSync();
if (!(contents.contains(new RegExp('\npart of ')) ||
contents.startsWith(new RegExp('part of ')))) {
libraries.add(new Uri.file(path.normalize(path.absolute(f))));'Added to libraries: $f');
return libraries;
/// All of the directories for our dependent packages
/// If this is not a package, return an empty list.
static List<String> _allDependentPackageDirs(String packageDirectory) {
var packageName = Library.packageNameFor(packageDirectory);
if (packageName == '') return [];
var dependentsJson = Process.runSync(_pubScript, ['list-package-dirs'],
workingDirectory: packageDirectory, runInShell: true);
if (dependentsJson.exitCode != 0) {
var dependents = JSON.decode(dependentsJson.stdout)['packages'];
return dependents.values.toList();
/// For all the libraries, return a list of the libraries that are part of
/// the SDK.
static List<Uri> _listSdk() {
var sdk = new List<Uri>();
LIBRARIES.forEach((String name, LibraryInfo info) {
if (info.documented) {
sdk.add(Uri.parse('dart:$name'));'Add to SDK: ${sdk.last}');
return sdk;
/// Return true if this item and all of its owners are all visible.
static bool _isFullChainVisible(Indexable item) {
return _includePrivate || (!item.isPrivate && (item.owner != null ?
_isFullChainVisible(item.owner) : true));
/// Currently left public for testing purposes. :-/
static Library generateLibrary(dart2js_mirrors.Dart2JsLibraryMirror library) {
var result = new Library(library);
logger.fine('Generated library for ${}');
return result;
/// Convenience methods wrapped up in a class to pull down the docgen viewer for
/// a viewable website, and start up a server for viewing.
class _Viewer {
static String _dartdocViewerString = path.join(Directory.current.path,
static Directory _dartdocViewerDir = new Directory(_dartdocViewerString);
static Directory _topLevelTempDir;
static Directory _webDocsDir;
static bool movedViewerCode = false;
static String _viewerCodePath;
* dartdoc-viewer currently has the web app code under a 'client' directory
* This is confusing for folks that want to clone and modify the code.
* It also includes a number of python files and other content related to
* app engine hosting that are not needed.
* This logic exists to support the current model and a (future) updated
* dartdoc-viewer repo where the 'client' content exists at the root of the
* project and the other content is removed.
static String get viewerCodePath {
if(_viewerCodePath == null) {
var pubspecFileName = 'pubspec.yaml';
var thePath = _dartdocViewerDir.path;
if(!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(thePath, pubspecFileName))) {
thePath = path.join(thePath, 'client');
if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(thePath, pubspecFileName))) {
throw new StateError('Could not find a pubspec file');
_viewerCodePath = thePath;
return _viewerCodePath;
/// If our dartdoc-viewer code is already checked out, move it to a temporary
/// directory outside of the package directory, so we don't try to process it
/// for documentation.
static void ensureMovedViewerCode() {
// TODO(efortuna): This will need to be modified to run on anyone's package
// outside of the checkout!
if (_dartdocViewerDir.existsSync()) {
_topLevelTempDir = new Directory(
/// Move the dartdoc-viewer code back into place for "webpage deployment."
static void addBackViewerCode() {
if (movedViewerCode) _dartdocViewerDir.renameSync(_dartdocViewerString);
/// Serve up our generated documentation for viewing in a browser.
static void _clone() {
// If the viewer code is already there, then don't clone again.
if (_dartdocViewerDir.existsSync()) {
else {
var processResult = Process.runSync('git', ['clone', '-b', 'master',
runInShell: true);
if (processResult.exitCode == 0) {
/// Move the generated json/yaml docs directory to the dartdoc-viewer
/// directory, to run as a webpage.
var processResult = Process.runSync(_Generator._pubScript,
['upgrade'], runInShell: true,
workingDirectory: viewerCodePath);
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
var dir = new Directory(_Generator._outputDirectory == null? 'docs' :
_webDocsDir = new Directory(path.join(viewerCodePath, 'web', 'docs'));
if (dir.existsSync()) {
// Move the docs folder to dartdoc-viewer/client/web/docs
} else {
print('Error cloning git repository:');
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
static void _compile() {
if (_webDocsDir.existsSync()) {
// Compile the code to JavaScript so we can run on any browser.
print('Compile app to JavaScript for viewing.');
var processResult = Process.runSync(_Generator._dartBinary,
['deploy.dart'], workingDirectory: viewerCodePath, runInShell: true);
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
var outputDir = path.join(viewerCodePath, 'out', 'web');
print('Docs are available at $outputDir');
/// A simple HTTP server. Implemented here because this is part of the SDK,
/// so it shouldn't have any external dependencies.
static void _runServer() {
// Launch a server to serve out of the directory dartdoc-viewer/client/web.
HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6, 8080).then((HttpServer httpServer) {
print('Server launched. Navigate your browser to: '
httpServer.listen((HttpRequest request) {
var response = request.response;
var basePath = path.join(viewerCodePath, 'out', 'web');
var requestPath = path.join(basePath, request.uri.path.substring(1));
bool found = true;
var file = new File(requestPath);
if (file.existsSync()) {
// Set the correct header type.
if (requestPath.endsWith('.html')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
} else if (requestPath.endsWith('.js')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
} else if (requestPath.endsWith('.dart')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/dart');
} else if (requestPath.endsWith('.css')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/css');
} else {
if (requestPath == basePath) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
file = new File(path.join(basePath, 'index.html'));
} else {
print('Path not found: $requestPath');
found = false;
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
if (found) {
// Serve up file contents.
file.openRead().pipe(response).catchError((e) {
print('HttpServer: error while closing the response stream $e');
onError: (e) {
print('HttpServer: an error occured $e');
/// An item that is categorized in our mirrorToDocgen map, as a distinct,
/// searchable element.
/// These are items that refer to concrete entities (a Class, for example,
/// but not a Type, which is a "pointer" to a class) that we wish to be
/// globally resolvable. This includes things such as class methods and
/// variables, but parameters for methods are not "Indexable" as we do not want
/// the user to be able to search for a method based on its parameter names!
/// The set of indexable items also includes Typedefs, since the user can refer
/// to them as concrete entities in a particular scope.
abstract class Indexable extends MirrorBased {
/// The dart:core library, which contains all types that are always available
/// without import.
static Library _coreLibrary;
/// Set of libraries declared in the SDK, so libraries that can be accessed
/// when running dart by default.
static Iterable<LibraryMirror> _sdkLibraries;
String get qualifiedName => fileName;
bool isPrivate;
DeclarationMirror mirror;
/// The comment text pre-resolution. We keep this around because inherited
/// methods need to resolve links differently from the superclass.
String _unresolvedComment = '';
// TODO(janicejl): Make MDN content generic or pluggable. Maybe move
// MDN-specific code to its own library that is imported into the default
// impl?
/// Map of all the comments for dom elements from MDN.
static Map _mdn;
/// Index of all the dart2js mirrors examined to corresponding MirrorBased
/// docgen objects.
/// Used for lookup because of the dart2js mirrors exports
/// issue. The second level map is indexed by owner docName for faster lookup.
/// Why two levels of lookup? Speed, man. Speed.
static Map<String, Map<String, Set<Indexable>>> _mirrorToDocgen =
new Map<String, Map<String, Set<Indexable>>>();
Indexable(this.mirror) {
this.isPrivate = _isHidden(mirror);
var map = _mirrorToDocgen[dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(this.mirror)];
if (map == null) map = new Map<String, Set<Indexable>>();
var set = map[owner.docName];
if (set == null) set = new Set<Indexable>();
map[owner.docName] = set;
_mirrorToDocgen[dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(this.mirror)] = map;
/** Walk up the owner chain to find the owning library. */
Library _getOwningLibrary(Indexable indexable) {
if (indexable is Library) return indexable;
return _getOwningLibrary(indexable.owner);
static _initializeTopLevelLibraries(MirrorSystem mirrorSystem) {
_sdkLibraries = mirrorSystem.libraries.values.where(
(each) => each.uri.scheme == 'dart');
_coreLibrary = new Library(_sdkLibraries.singleWhere((lib) =>
/// Returns this object's qualified name, but following the conventions
/// we're using in Dartdoc, which is that library names with dots in them
/// have them replaced with hyphens.
String get docName;
/// Converts all [foo] references in comments to <a></a>.
markdown.Node fixReference(String name) {
// Attempt the look up the whole name up in the scope.
String elementName = findElementInScope(name);
if (elementName != null) {
return new markdown.Element.text('a', elementName);
return _fixComplexReference(name);
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) =>
_findElementInScope(name, packagePrefix);
/// For a given name, determine if we need to resolve it as a qualified name
/// or a simple name in the source mirors.
static determineLookupFunc(name) => name.contains('.') ?
dart2js_util.lookupQualifiedInScope :
(mirror, name) => mirror.lookupInScope(name);
/// The reference to this element based on where it is printed as a
/// documentation file and also the unique URL to refer to this item.
/// The qualified name (for URL purposes) and the file name are the same,
/// of the form packageName/ClassName or packageName/ClassName.methodName.
/// This defines both the URL and the directory structure.
String get fileName => packagePrefix + ownerPrefix + name;
/// The full docName of the owner element, appended with a '.' for this
/// object's name to be appended.
String get ownerPrefix => owner.docName != '' ? owner.docName + '.' : '';
/// The prefix String to refer to the package that this item is in, for URLs
/// and comment resolution.
/// The prefix can be prepended to a qualified name to get a fully unique
/// name among all packages.
String get packagePrefix => '';
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown and all links resolved.
String _comment;
/// Accessor to documentation comment with markdown converted to html and all
/// links resolved.
String get comment {
if (_comment != null) return _comment;
_comment = _commentToHtml();
if (_comment.isEmpty) {
_comment = _mdnComment();
return _comment;
set comment(x) => _comment = x;
/// The simple name to refer to this item.
String get name => dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror);
/// Accessor to the parent item that owns this item.
/// "Owning" is defined as the object one scope-level above which this item
/// is defined. Ex: The owner for a top level class, would be its enclosing
/// library. The owner of a local variable in a method would be the enclosing
/// method.
Indexable get owner => new DummyMirror(mirror.owner);
/// Generates MDN comments from database.json.
String _mdnComment();
/// Generates the MDN Comment for variables and method DOM elements.
String _mdnMemberComment(String type, String member) {
var mdnType = _mdn[type];
if (mdnType == null) return '';
var mdnMember = mdnType['members'].firstWhere((e) => e['name'] == member,
orElse: () => null);
if (mdnMember == null) return '';
if (mdnMember['help'] == null || mdnMember['help'] == '') return '';
if (mdnMember['url'] == null) return '';
return _htmlifyMdn(mdnMember['help'], mdnMember['url']);
/// Generates the MDN Comment for class DOM elements.
String _mdnTypeComment(String type) {
var mdnType = _mdn[type];
if (mdnType == null) return '';
if (mdnType['summary'] == null || mdnType['summary'] == "") return '';
if (mdnType['srcUrl'] == null) return '';
return _htmlifyMdn(mdnType['summary'], mdnType['srcUrl']);
/// Encloses the given content in an MDN div and the original source link.
String _htmlifyMdn(String content, String url) {
return '<div class="mdn">' + content.trim() + '<p class="mdn-note">'
'<a href="' + url.trim() + '">from Mdn</a></p></div>';
/// The type of this member to be used in index.txt.
String get typeName => '';
/// Creates a [Map] with this [Indexable]'s name and a preview comment.
Map get previewMap {
var finalMap = { 'name' : name, 'qualifiedName' : qualifiedName };
if (comment != '') {
var index = comment.indexOf('</p>');
finalMap['preview'] = index > 0 ?
'${comment.substring(0, index)}</p>' :
'<p><i>Comment preview not available</i></p>';
return finalMap;
/// Accessor to obtain the raw comment text for a given item, _without_ any
/// of the links resolved.
String get _commentText {
String commentText;
mirror.metadata.forEach((metadata) {
if (metadata is CommentInstanceMirror) {
CommentInstanceMirror comment = metadata;
if (comment.isDocComment) {
if (commentText == null) {
commentText = comment.trimmedText;
} else {
commentText = '$commentText\n${comment.trimmedText}';
return commentText;
/// Returns any documentation comments associated with a mirror with
/// simple markdown converted to html.
/// By default we resolve any comment references within our own scope.
/// However, if a method is inherited, we want the inherited comments, but
/// links to the subclasses's version of the methods.
String _commentToHtml([Indexable resolvingScope]) {
if (resolvingScope == null) resolvingScope = this;
var commentText = _commentText;
_unresolvedComment = commentText;
var linkResolver = (name) => resolvingScope.fixReference(name);
commentText = commentText == null ? '' :
markdown.markdownToHtml(commentText.trim(), linkResolver: linkResolver,
inlineSyntaxes: _MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
return commentText;
/// Returns a map of [Variable] objects constructed from [mirrorMap].
/// The optional parameter [containingLibrary] is contains data for variables
/// defined at the top level of a library (potentially for exporting
/// purposes).
Map<String, Variable> _createVariables(Iterable<VariableMirror> mirrors,
Indexable owner) {
var data = {};
// TODO(janicejl): When map to map feature is created, replace the below
// with a filter. Issue(#9590).
mirrors.forEach((VariableMirror mirror) {
if (_Generator._includePrivate || !_isHidden(mirror)) {
var mirrorName = dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror);
data[mirrorName] = new Variable(mirrorName, mirror, owner);
return data;
/// Returns a map of [Method] objects constructed from [mirrorMap].
/// The optional parameter [containingLibrary] is contains data for variables
/// defined at the top level of a library (potentially for exporting
/// purposes).
Map<String, Method> _createMethods(Iterable<MethodMirror> mirrors,
Indexable owner) {
var group = new Map<String, Method>();
mirrors.forEach((MethodMirror mirror) {
if (_Generator._includePrivate || !mirror.isPrivate) {
group[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = new Method(mirror, owner);
return group;
/// Returns a map of [Parameter] objects constructed from [mirrorList].
Map<String, Parameter> _createParameters(List<ParameterMirror> mirrorList,
Indexable owner) {
var data = {};
mirrorList.forEach((ParameterMirror mirror) {
data[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] =
new Parameter(mirror, _getOwningLibrary(owner));
return data;
/// Returns a map of [Generic] objects constructed from the class mirror.
Map<String, Generic> _createGenerics(TypeMirror mirror) {
return new Map.fromIterable(mirror.typeVariables,
key: (e) => dart2js_util.nameOf(e),
value: (e) => new Generic(e));
/// Return an informative [Object.toString] for debugging.
String toString() => "${super.toString()}(${name.toString()})";
/// Return a map representation of this type.
Map toMap();
/// A declaration is private if itself is private, or the owner is private.
// Issue(12202) - A declaration is public even if it's owner is private.
bool _isHidden(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is LibraryMirror) {
return _isLibraryPrivate(mirror);
} else if (mirror.owner is LibraryMirror) {
return (mirror.isPrivate || _isLibraryPrivate(mirror.owner)
|| mirror.isNameSynthetic);
} else {
return (mirror.isPrivate || _isHidden(mirror.owner)
|| owner.mirror.isNameSynthetic);
/// Returns true if a library name starts with an underscore, and false
/// otherwise.
/// An example that starts with _ is _js_helper.
/// An example that contains ._ is
bool _isLibraryPrivate(LibraryMirror mirror) {
// This method is needed because LibraryMirror.isPrivate returns `false` all
// the time.
var sdkLibrary = LIBRARIES[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)];
if (sdkLibrary != null) {
return !sdkLibrary.documented;
} else if (dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror).startsWith('_') ||
dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror).contains('._')) {
return true;
return false;
////// Top level resolution functions
/// Converts all [foo] references in comments to <a></a>.
static markdown.Node globalFixReference(String name) {
// Attempt the look up the whole name up in the scope.
String elementName = _findElementInScope(name, '');
if (elementName != null) {
return new markdown.Element.text('a', elementName);
return _fixComplexReference(name);
/// This is a more complex reference. Try to break up if its of the form A<B>
/// where A is an alphanumeric string and B is an A, a list of B ("B, B, B"),
/// or of the form A<B>. Note: unlike other the other markdown-style links,
/// all text inside the square brackets is treated as part of the link (aka
/// the * is interpreted literally as a *, not as a indicator for bold <em>.
/// Example: [foo&lt;_bar_>] will produce
/// <a>resolvedFoo</a>&lt;<a>resolved_bar_</a>> rather than an italicized
/// version of resolvedBar.
static markdown.Node _fixComplexReference(String name) {
// Parse into multiple elements we can try to resolve.
var tokens = _tokenizeComplexReference(name);
// Produce an html representation of our elements. Group unresolved and
// plain text are grouped into "link" elements so they display as code.
final textElements = [' ', ',', '>', _LESS_THAN];
var accumulatedHtml = '';
for (var token in tokens) {
bool added = false;
if (!textElements.contains(token)) {
String elementName = _findElementInScope(token, '');
if (elementName != null) {
accumulatedHtml += markdown.renderToHtml([new markdown.Element.text(
'a', elementName)]);
added = true;
if (!added) {
accumulatedHtml += token;
return new markdown.Text(accumulatedHtml);
// HTML escaped version of '<' character.
static final _LESS_THAN = '&lt;';
/// Chunk the provided name into individual parts to be resolved. We take a
/// simplistic approach to chunking, though, we break at " ", ",", "&lt;"
/// and ">". All other characters are grouped into the name to be resolved.
/// As a result, these characters will all be treated as part of the item to
/// be resolved (aka the * is interpreted literally as a *, not as an
/// indicator for bold <em>.
static List<String> _tokenizeComplexReference(String name) {
var tokens = [];
var append = false;
var index = 0;
while(index < name.length) {
if (name.indexOf(_LESS_THAN, index) == index) {
append = false;
index += _LESS_THAN.length;
} else if (name[index] == ' ' || name[index] == ',' ||
name[index] == '>') {
append = false;
} else {
if (append) {
tokens[tokens.length - 1] = tokens.last + name[index];
} else {
append = true;
return tokens;
static String _findElementInScope(String name, String packagePrefix) {
var lookupFunc = determineLookupFunc(name);
// Look in the dart core library scope.
var coreScope = _coreLibrary == null? null :
lookupFunc(_coreLibrary.mirror, name);
if (coreScope != null) return packagePrefix + _coreLibrary.docName;
// If it's a reference that starts with a another library name, then it
// looks for a match of that library name in the other sdk libraries.
if(name.contains('.')) {
var index = name.indexOf('.');
var libraryName = name.substring(0, index);
var remainingName = name.substring(index + 1);
foundLibraryName(library) => library.uri.pathSegments[0] == libraryName;
if (_sdkLibraries.any(foundLibraryName)) {
var library = _sdkLibraries.singleWhere(foundLibraryName);
// Look to see if it's a fully qualified library name.
var scope = determineLookupFunc(remainingName)(library, remainingName);
if (scope != null) {
var result = getDocgenObject(scope);
if (result is DummyMirror) {
return packagePrefix + result.docName;
} else {
return result.packagePrefix + result.docName;
return null;
/// Expand the method map [mapToExpand] into a more detailed map that
/// separates out setters, getters, constructors, operators, and methods.
Map _expandMethodMap(Map<String, Method> mapToExpand) => {
'setters': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isSetter)),
'getters': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isGetter)),
'constructors': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isConstructor)),
'operators': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isOperator)),
'methods': recurseMap(_filterMap(mapToExpand,
(key, val) => val.mirror.isRegularMethod && !val.mirror.isOperator))
/// Transforms the map by calling toMap on each value in it.
Map recurseMap(Map inputMap) {
var outputMap = {};
inputMap.forEach((key, value) {
if (value is Map) {
outputMap[key] = recurseMap(value);
} else {
outputMap[key] = value.toMap();
return outputMap;
Map _filterMap(Map map, Function test) {
var exported = new Map();
map.forEach((key, value) {
if (test(key, value)) exported[key] = value;
return exported;
/// Accessor to determine if this item and all of its owners are visible.
bool get _isVisible => _Generator._isFullChainVisible(this);
/// Given a Dart2jsMirror, find the corresponding Docgen [MirrorBased] object.
/// We have this global lookup function to avoid re-implementing looking up
/// the scoping rules for comment resolution here (it is currently done in
/// mirrors). If no corresponding MirrorBased object is found, we return a
/// [DummyMirror] that simply returns the original mirror's qualifiedName
/// while behaving like a MirrorBased object.
static Indexable getDocgenObject(DeclarationMirror mirror,
[Indexable owner]) {
Map<String, Set<Indexable>> docgenObj =
if (docgenObj == null) {
return new DummyMirror(mirror, owner);
var setToExamine = new Set();
if (owner != null) {
var firstSet = docgenObj[owner.docName];
if (firstSet != null) setToExamine.addAll(firstSet);
if (_coreLibrary != null &&
docgenObj[_coreLibrary.docName] != null) {
} else {
for (var value in docgenObj.values) {
Set<Indexable> results = new Set<Indexable>();
for(Indexable indexable in setToExamine) {
if (indexable.mirror.qualifiedName == mirror.qualifiedName &&
indexable._isValidMirror(mirror)) {
if (results.length > 0) {
// This might occur if we didn't specify an "owner."
return results.first;
return new DummyMirror(mirror, owner);
/// Returns true if [mirror] is the correct type of mirror that this Docgen
/// object wraps. (Workaround for the fact that Types are not first class.)
bool _isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror);
/// A class containing contents of a Dart library.
class Library extends Indexable {
/// Top-level variables in the library.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Top-level functions in the library.
Map<String, Method> functions;
Map<String, Class> classes = {};
Map<String, Typedef> typedefs = {};
Map<String, Class> errors = {};
String packageName = '';
bool _hasBeenCheckedForPackage = false;
String packageIntro;
/// Returns the [Library] for the given [mirror] if it has already been
/// created, else creates it.
factory Library(LibraryMirror mirror) {
var library = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror);
if (library is DummyMirror) {
library = new Library._(mirror);
return library;
Library._(LibraryMirror libraryMirror) : super(libraryMirror) {
var exported = _calcExportedItems(libraryMirror);
var exportedClasses = _addAll(exported['classes'],
classes = {};
typedefs = {};
errors = {};
exportedClasses.forEach((String mirrorName, TypeMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is TypedefMirror) {
// This is actually a Dart2jsTypedefMirror, and it does define value,
// but we don't have visibility to that type.
if (_Generator._includePrivate || !mirror.isPrivate) {
typedefs[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = new Typedef(mirror, this);
} else if (mirror is ClassMirror) {
var clazz = new Class(mirror, this);
if (clazz.isError()) {
errors[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = clazz;
} else {
classes[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = clazz;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
'${dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)} - no class type match. ');
this.functions = _createMethods(_addAll(exported['methods'],
(mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror)).values, this);
this.variables = _createVariables(_addAll(exported['variables'],
dart2js_util.variablesOf(libraryMirror.declarations)).values, this);
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) {
var lookupFunc = Indexable.determineLookupFunc(name);
var libraryScope = lookupFunc(mirror, name);
if (libraryScope != null) {
var result = Indexable.getDocgenObject(libraryScope, this);
if (result is DummyMirror) return packagePrefix + result.docName;
return result.packagePrefix + result.docName;
return super.findElementInScope(name);
String _mdnComment() => '';
/// Helper that maps [mirrors] to their simple name in map.
Map _addAll(Map map, Iterable<DeclarationMirror> mirrors) {
for (var mirror in mirrors) {
map[dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror)] = mirror;
return map;
/// For a library's [mirror], determine the name of the package (if any) we
/// believe it came from (because of its file URI).
/// If no package could be determined, we return an empty string.
String _findPackage(LibraryMirror mirror) {
if (mirror == null) return '';
if (_hasBeenCheckedForPackage) return packageName;
_hasBeenCheckedForPackage = true;
if (mirror.uri.scheme != 'file') return '';
packageName = _packageName(mirror);
// Associate the package readme with all the libraries. This is a bit
// wasteful, but easier than trying to figure out which partial match
// is best.
packageIntro = _packageIntro(_getPackageDirectory(mirror));
return packageName;
String _packageIntro(packageDir) {
if (packageDir == null) return null;
var dir = new Directory(packageDir);
var files = dir.listSync();
var readmes = files.where((FileSystemEntity each) => (each is File &&
each.path.substring(packageDir.length + 1, each.path.length)
if (readmes.isEmpty) return '';
// If there are multiples, pick the shortest name.
readmes.sort((a, b) => a.path.length.compareTo(b.path.length));
var readme = readmes.first;
var linkResolver = (name) => Indexable.globalFixReference(name);
var contents = markdown.markdownToHtml(readme
.readAsStringSync(), linkResolver: linkResolver,
inlineSyntaxes: _MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
return contents;
/// Given a LibraryMirror that is a library, return the name of the directory
/// holding the package information for that library. If the library is not
/// part of a package, return null.
static String _getPackageDirectory(LibraryMirror mirror) {
var file = mirror.uri.toFilePath();
// Any file that's in a package will be in a directory of the form
// packagename/lib/.../filename.dart, so we know that a possible
// package directory is at least in the directory above the one containing
// [file]
var directoryAbove = path.dirname(path.dirname(file));
var possiblePackage = _packageDirectoryFor(directoryAbove);
// We only want components that are somewhere underneath the lib directory.
var subPath = path.relative(file, from: possiblePackage);
var subPathComponents = path.split(subPath);
if (subPathComponents.isNotEmpty && subPathComponents.first == 'lib') {
return possiblePackage;
} else {
return null;
/// Read a pubspec and return the library name given a [LibraryMirror].
static String _packageName(LibraryMirror mirror) {
if (mirror.uri.scheme != 'file') return '';
var rootdir = _getPackageDirectory(mirror);
if (rootdir == null) return '';
return packageNameFor(rootdir);
/// Recursively walk up from directory name looking for a pubspec. Return
/// the directory that contains it, or null if none is found.
static String _packageDirectoryFor(String directoryName) {
var dir = directoryName;
while (!_pubspecFor(dir).existsSync()) {
var newDir = path.dirname(dir);
if (newDir == dir) return null;
dir = newDir;
return dir;
static File _pubspecFor(String directoryName) =>
new File(path.join(directoryName, 'pubspec.yaml'));
/// Read a pubspec and return the library name, given a directory
static String packageNameFor(String directoryName) {
var pubspecName = path.join(directoryName, 'pubspec.yaml');
File pubspec = new File(pubspecName);
if (!pubspec.existsSync()) return '';
var contents = pubspec.readAsStringSync();
var spec = loadYaml(contents);
return spec["name"];
String get packagePrefix => packageName == null || packageName.isEmpty ?
'' : '$packageName/';
Map get previewMap {
var basic = super.previewMap;
basic['packageName'] = packageName;
if (packageIntro != null) {
basic['packageIntro'] = packageIntro;
return basic;
String get name => docName;
String get docName {
return dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(mirror).replaceAll('.','-');
/// For the given library determine what items (if any) are exported.
/// Returns a Map with three keys: "classes", "methods", and "variables" the
/// values of which point to a map of exported name identifiers with values
/// corresponding to the actual DeclarationMirror.
Map<String, Map<String, DeclarationMirror>> _calcExportedItems(
LibrarySourceMirror library) {
var exports = {};
exports['classes'] = {};
exports['methods'] = {};
exports['variables'] = {};
// Determine the classes, variables and methods that are exported for a
// specific dependency.
_populateExports(LibraryDependencyMirror export, bool showExport) {
if (!showExport) {
// Add all items, and then remove the hidden ones.
// Ex: "export foo hide bar"
(mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror));
for (CombinatorMirror combinator in export.combinators) {
for (String identifier in combinator.identifiers) {
DeclarationMirror declaration =
if (declaration == null) {
// Technically this should be a bug, but some of our packages
// (such as the polymer package) are curently broken in this
// way, so we just produce a warning.
print('Warning identifier $identifier not found in library '
} else {
var subMap = exports['classes'];
if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
subMap = exports['methods'];
} else if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
subMap = exports['variables'];
if (showExport) {
subMap[identifier] = declaration;
} else {
Iterable<LibraryDependencyMirror> exportList =
library.libraryDependencies.where((lib) => lib.isExport);
for (LibraryDependencyMirror export in exportList) {
// If there is a show in the export, add only the show items to the
// library. Ex: "export foo show bar"
// Otherwise, add all items, and then remove the hidden ones.
// Ex: "export foo hide bar"
export.combinators.any((combinator) => combinator.isShow));
return exports;
/// Checks if the given name is a key for any of the Class Maps.
bool containsKey(String name) =>
classes.containsKey(name) || errors.containsKey(name);
/// Generates a map describing the [Library] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'variables': recurseMap(variables),
'functions': _expandMethodMap(functions),
'classes': {
'class': classes.values.where((c) => c._isVisible)
.map((e) => e.previewMap).toList(),
'typedef': recurseMap(typedefs),
'error': errors.values.where((e) => e._isVisible)
.map((e) => e.previewMap).toList()
'packageName': packageName,
'packageIntro' : packageIntro
String get typeName => 'library';
bool _isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is LibraryMirror;
abstract class OwnedIndexable extends Indexable {
/// The object one scope-level above which this item is defined.
/// Ex: The owner for a top level class, would be its enclosing library.
/// The owner of a local variable in a method would be the enclosing method.
Indexable owner;
/// List of the meta annotations on this item.
List<Annotation> annotations;
/// Returns this object's qualified name, but following the conventions
/// we're using in Dartdoc, which is that library names with dots in them
/// have them replaced with hyphens.
String get docName => owner.docName + '.' + dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror);
OwnedIndexable(DeclarationMirror mirror, this.owner) : super(mirror);
/// Generates MDN comments from database.json.
String _mdnComment() {
//Check if MDN is loaded.
if (Indexable._mdn == null) {
// Reading in MDN related json file.
var root = _Generator._rootDirectory;
var mdnPath = path.join(root, 'utils/apidoc/mdn/database.json');
var mdnFile = new File(mdnPath);
if (mdnFile.existsSync()) {
Indexable._mdn = JSON.decode(mdnFile.readAsStringSync());
} else {
_Generator.logger.warning("Cannot find MDN docs expected at $mdnPath");
Indexable._mdn = {};
var domAnnotation = this.annotations.firstWhere(
(e) => e.mirror.qualifiedName == #metadata.DomName,
orElse: () => null);
if (domAnnotation == null) return '';
var domName = domAnnotation.parameters.single;
var parts = domName.split('.');
if (parts.length == 2) return _mdnMemberComment(parts[0], parts[1]);
if (parts.length == 1) return _mdnTypeComment(parts[0]);
throw new StateError('More than two items is not supported: $parts');
String get packagePrefix => owner.packagePrefix;
/// A class containing contents of a Dart class.
class Class extends OwnedIndexable implements Comparable {
/// List of the names of interfaces that this class implements.
List<Class> interfaces = [];
/// Names of classes that extends or implements this class.
Set<Class> subclasses = new Set<Class>();
/// Top-level variables in the class.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Inherited variables in the class.
Map<String, Variable> inheritedVariables;
/// Methods in the class.
Map<String, Method> methods;
Map<String, Method> inheritedMethods;
/// Generic infomation about the class.
Map<String, Generic> generics;
Class superclass;
bool isAbstract;
/// Make sure that we don't check for inherited comments more than once.
bool _commentsEnsured = false;
/// Returns the [Class] for the given [mirror] if it has already been created,
/// else creates it.
factory Class(ClassMirror mirror, Library owner) {
var clazz = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror, owner);
if (clazz is DummyMirror) {
clazz = new Class._(mirror, owner);
return clazz;
/// Called when we are constructing a superclass or interface class, but it
/// is not known if it belongs to the same owner as the original class. In
/// this case, we create an object whose owner is what the original mirror
/// says it is.
factory Class._possiblyDifferentOwner(ClassMirror mirror,
Library originalOwner) {
if (mirror.owner is LibraryMirror) {
var realOwner = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror.owner);
if (realOwner is Library) {
return new Class(mirror, realOwner);
} else {
return new Class(mirror, originalOwner);
} else {
return new Class(mirror, originalOwner);
Class._(ClassSourceMirror classMirror, Indexable owner) :
super(classMirror, owner) {
inheritedVariables = {};
// The reason we do this madness is the superclass and interface owners may
// not be this class's owner!! Example: BaseClient in http pkg.
var superinterfaces =
(interface) => new Class._possiblyDifferentOwner(interface, owner));
this.superclass = classMirror.superclass == null? null :
new Class._possiblyDifferentOwner(classMirror.superclass, owner);
interfaces = superinterfaces.toList();
variables = _createVariables(
dart2js_util.variablesOf(classMirror.declarations), this);
methods = _createMethods(classMirror.declarations.values.where(
(mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror), this);
annotations = MirrorBased._createAnnotations(classMirror, _getOwningLibrary(owner));
generics = _createGenerics(classMirror);
isAbstract = classMirror.isAbstract;
inheritedMethods = new Map<String, Method>();
// Tell superclass that you are a subclass, unless you are not
// visible or an intermediary mixin class.
if (!classMirror.isNameSynthetic && _isVisible && superclass != null) {
if (this.superclass != null) addInherited(superclass);
interfaces.forEach((interface) => addInherited(interface));
String _lookupInClassAndSuperclasses(String name) {
var lookupFunc = Indexable.determineLookupFunc(name);
var classScope = this;
while (classScope != null) {
var classFunc = lookupFunc(classScope.mirror, name);
if (classFunc != null) {
return packagePrefix + Indexable.getDocgenObject(classFunc, owner).docName;
classScope = classScope.superclass;
return null;
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) {
var lookupFunc = Indexable.determineLookupFunc(name);
var result = _lookupInClassAndSuperclasses(name);
if (result != null) {
return result;
result = owner.findElementInScope(name);
return result == null ? super.findElementInScope(name) : result;
String get typeName => 'class';
/// Add all inherited variables and methods from the provided superclass.
/// If [_includePrivate] is true, it also adds the variables and methods from
/// the superclass.
void addInherited(Class superclass) {
addInheritedMethod(superclass, this);
/** [newParent] refers to the actual class is currently using these methods.
* which may be different because with the mirror system, we only point to the
* original canonical superclasse's method.
void addInheritedMethod(Class parent, Class newParent) {
parent.inheritedMethods.forEach((name, method) {
inheritedMethods[name] = new Method(method.mirror, newParent, method);
_allButStatics(parent.methods).forEach((name, method) {
if (!method.mirror.isConstructor) {
inheritedMethods[name] = new Method(method.mirror, newParent, method);
/// Remove statics from the map of inherited items before adding them.
Map _allButStatics(Map items) {
var result = {};
items.forEach((name, item) {
if (!item.isStatic) {
result[name] = item;
return result;
/// Add the subclass to the class.
/// If [this] is private (or an intermediary mixin class), it will add the
/// subclass to the list of subclasses in the superclasses.
void addSubclass(Class subclass) {
if (docName == 'dart-core.Object') return;
if (!_Generator._includePrivate && isPrivate || mirror.isNameSynthetic) {
if (superclass != null) superclass.addSubclass(subclass);
interfaces.forEach((interface) {
} else {
/// Check if this [Class] is an error or exception.
bool isError() {
if (qualifiedName == 'dart-core.Error' ||
qualifiedName == 'dart-core.Exception')
return true;
for (var interface in interfaces) {
if (interface.isError()) return true;
if (superclass == null) return false;
return superclass.isError();
/// Makes sure that all methods with inherited equivalents have comments.
void ensureComments() {
if (_commentsEnsured) return;
_commentsEnsured = true;
if (superclass != null) superclass.ensureComments();
inheritedMethods.forEach((qualifiedName, inheritedMethod) {
var method = methods[qualifiedName];
if (method != null) {
// if we have overwritten this method in this class, we still provide
// the opportunity to inherit the comments.
// we need to populate the comments for all methods. so that the subclasses
// can get for their inherited versions the comments.
methods.forEach((qualifiedName, method) {
if (!method.mirror.isConstructor) method.ensureCommentFor(method);
/// If a class extends a private superclass, find the closest public
/// superclass of the private superclass.
String validSuperclass() {
if (superclass == null) return 'dart-core.Object';
if (superclass._isVisible) return superclass.qualifiedName;
return superclass.validSuperclass();
/// Generates a map describing the [Class] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'isAbstract' : isAbstract,
'superclass': validSuperclass(),
'implements': interfaces.where((i) => i._isVisible)
.map((e) => e.qualifiedName).toList(),
'subclass': (subclasses.toList()..sort())
.map((x) => x.qualifiedName).toList(),
'variables': recurseMap(variables),
'inheritedVariables': recurseMap(inheritedVariables),
'methods': _expandMethodMap(methods),
'inheritedMethods': _expandMethodMap(inheritedMethods),
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList(),
'generics': recurseMap(generics)
int compareTo(aClass) => name.compareTo(;
bool _isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is ClassMirror;
class Typedef extends OwnedIndexable {
String returnType;
Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
/// Generic information about the typedef.
Map<String, Generic> generics;
/// Returns the [Library] for the given [mirror] if it has already been
/// created, else creates it.
factory Typedef(TypedefMirror mirror, Library owningLibrary) {
var aTypedef = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror, owningLibrary);
if (aTypedef is DummyMirror) {
aTypedef = new Typedef._(mirror, owningLibrary);
return aTypedef;
Typedef._(TypedefMirror mirror, Library owningLibrary) :
super(mirror, owningLibrary) {
returnType = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror.referent.returnType).docName;
generics = _createGenerics(mirror);
parameters = _createParameters(mirror.referent.parameters, owningLibrary);
annotations = MirrorBased._createAnnotations(mirror, owningLibrary);
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'return': returnType,
'parameters': recurseMap(parameters),
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList(),
'generics': recurseMap(generics)
markdown.Node fixReference(String name) => null;
String get typeName => 'typedef';
bool _isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is TypedefMirror;
/// A class containing properties of a Dart variable.
class Variable extends OwnedIndexable {
bool isFinal;
bool isStatic;
bool isConst;
Type type;
String _variableName;
factory Variable(String variableName, VariableMirror mirror,
Indexable owner) {
var variable = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror);
if (variable is DummyMirror) {
return new Variable._(variableName, mirror, owner);
return variable;
Variable._(this._variableName, VariableMirror mirror, Indexable owner) :
super(mirror, owner) {
isFinal = mirror.isFinal;
isStatic = mirror.isStatic;
isConst = mirror.isConst;
type = new Type(mirror.type, _getOwningLibrary(owner));
annotations = MirrorBased._createAnnotations(mirror, _getOwningLibrary(owner));
String get name => _variableName;
/// Generates a map describing the [Variable] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'final': isFinal,
'static': isStatic,
'constant': isConst,
'type': new List.filled(1, type.toMap()),
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList()
String get typeName => 'property';
get comment {
if (_comment != null) return _comment;
if (owner is Class) {
(owner as Class).ensureComments();
return super.comment;
String findElementInScope(String name) {
var lookupFunc = Indexable.determineLookupFunc(name);
var result = lookupFunc(mirror, name);
if (result != null) {
result = Indexable.getDocgenObject(result);
if (result is DummyMirror) return packagePrefix + result.docName;
return result.packagePrefix + result.docName;
if (owner != null) {
var result = owner.findElementInScope(name);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return super.findElementInScope(name);
bool _isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is VariableMirror;
/// A class containing properties of a Dart method.
class Method extends OwnedIndexable {
/// Parameters for this method.
Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
bool isStatic;
bool isAbstract;
bool isConst;
Type returnType;
Method methodInheritedFrom;
/// Qualified name to state where the comment is inherited from.
String commentInheritedFrom = "";
factory Method(MethodMirror mirror, Indexable owner,
[Method methodInheritedFrom]) {
var method = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror, owner);
if (method is DummyMirror) {
method = new Method._(mirror, owner, methodInheritedFrom);
return method;
Method._(MethodMirror mirror, Indexable owner, this.methodInheritedFrom)
: super(mirror, owner) {
isStatic = mirror.isStatic;
isAbstract = mirror.isAbstract;
isConst = mirror.isConstConstructor;
returnType = new Type(mirror.returnType, _getOwningLibrary(owner));
parameters = _createParameters(mirror.parameters, owner);
annotations = MirrorBased._createAnnotations(mirror, _getOwningLibrary(owner));
Method get originallyInheritedFrom => methodInheritedFrom == null ?
this : methodInheritedFrom.originallyInheritedFrom;
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) {
var lookupFunc = Indexable.determineLookupFunc(name);
var memberScope = lookupFunc(this.mirror, name);
if (memberScope != null) {
// do we check for a dummy mirror returned here and look up with an owner
// higher ooooor in getDocgenObject do we include more things in our
// lookup
var result = Indexable.getDocgenObject(memberScope, owner);
if (result is DummyMirror && owner.owner != null
&& owner.owner is! DummyMirror) {
var aresult = Indexable.getDocgenObject(memberScope, owner.owner);
if (aresult is! DummyMirror) result = aresult;
if (result is DummyMirror) return packagePrefix + result.docName;
return result.packagePrefix + result.docName;
if (owner != null) {
var result = owner.findElementInScope(name);
if (result != null) return result;
return super.findElementInScope(name);
String get docName {
if ((mirror as MethodMirror).isConstructor) {
// We name constructors specially -- including the class name again and a
// "-" to separate the constructor from its name (if any).
return '${owner.docName}.${dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror.owner)}-'
return super.docName;
String get fileName => packagePrefix + docName;
/// Makes sure that the method with an inherited equivalent have comments.
void ensureCommentFor(Method inheritedMethod) {
if (comment.isNotEmpty) return;
comment = inheritedMethod._commentToHtml(this);
_unresolvedComment = inheritedMethod._unresolvedComment;
commentInheritedFrom = inheritedMethod.commentInheritedFrom == '' ?
new DummyMirror(inheritedMethod.mirror).docName :
/// Generates a map describing the [Method] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'commentFrom': (methodInheritedFrom != null &&
commentInheritedFrom == methodInheritedFrom.docName ? ''
: commentInheritedFrom),
'inheritedFrom': (methodInheritedFrom == null? '' :
'static': isStatic,
'abstract': isAbstract,
'constant': isConst,
'return': new List.filled(1, returnType.toMap()),
'parameters': recurseMap(parameters),
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList()
String get typeName {
MethodMirror theMirror = mirror;
if (theMirror.isConstructor) return 'constructor';
if (theMirror.isGetter) return 'getter';
if (theMirror.isSetter) return'setter';
if (theMirror.isOperator) return 'operator';
return 'method';
get comment {
if (_comment != null) return _comment;
if (owner is Class) {
(owner as Class).ensureComments();
var result = super.comment;
if (result == '' && methodInheritedFrom != null) {
// This should be NOT from the MIRROR, but from the COMMENT.
methodInheritedFrom.comment; // Ensure comment field has been populated.
_unresolvedComment = methodInheritedFrom._unresolvedComment;
var linkResolver = (name) => fixReference(name);
comment = _unresolvedComment == null ? '' :
linkResolver: linkResolver, inlineSyntaxes: _MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
commentInheritedFrom = comment != '' ?
methodInheritedFrom.commentInheritedFrom : '';
result = comment;
return result;
bool _isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror;
/// Docgen wrapper around the dart2js mirror for a Dart
/// method/function parameter.
class Parameter extends MirrorBased {
final ParameterMirror mirror;
final String name;
final bool isOptional;
final bool isNamed;
final bool hasDefaultValue;
final Type type;
final String defaultValue;
/// List of the meta annotations on the parameter.
final List<Annotation> annotations;
Parameter(ParameterMirror mirror, Library owningLibrary)
: this.mirror = mirror,
name = dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror),
isOptional = mirror.isOptional,
isNamed = mirror.isNamed,
hasDefaultValue = mirror.hasDefaultValue,
defaultValue = '${mirror.defaultValue}',
type = new Type(mirror.type, owningLibrary),
annotations = MirrorBased._createAnnotations(mirror, owningLibrary);
/// Generates a map describing the [Parameter] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'optional': isOptional,
'named': isNamed,
'default': hasDefaultValue,
'type': new List.filled(1, type.toMap()),
'value': defaultValue,
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList()
/// A Docgen wrapper around the dart2js mirror for a generic type.
class Generic extends MirrorBased {
final TypeVariableMirror mirror;
Map toMap() => {
'name': dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror),
'type': dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(mirror.upperBound)
/// Docgen wrapper around the mirror for a return type, and/or its generic
/// type parameters.
/// Return types are of a form [outer]<[inner]>.
/// If there is no [inner] part, [inner] will be an empty list.
/// For example:
/// int size()
/// "return" :
/// - "outer" : ""
/// "inner" :
/// List<String> toList()
/// "return" :
/// - "outer" : "dart-core.List"
/// "inner" :
/// - "outer" : "dart-core.String"
/// "inner" :
/// Map<String, List<int>>
/// "return" :
/// - "outer" : "dart-core.Map"
/// "inner" :
/// - "outer" : "dart-core.String"
/// "inner" :
/// - "outer" : "dart-core.List"
/// "inner" :
/// - "outer" : ""
/// "inner" :
class Type extends MirrorBased {
final TypeMirror mirror;
final Library owningLibrary;
Type(this.mirror, this.owningLibrary);
/// Returns a list of [Type] objects constructed from TypeMirrors.
List<Type> _createTypeGenerics(TypeMirror mirror) {
if (mirror is ClassMirror) {
var innerList = [];
mirror.typeArguments.forEach((e) {
innerList.add(new Type(e, owningLibrary));
return innerList;
return [];
Map toMap() {
var result = Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror, owningLibrary);
return {
// We may encounter types whose corresponding library has not been
// processed yet, so look up with the owningLibrary at the last moment.
'outer': result.packagePrefix + result.docName,
'inner': _createTypeGenerics(mirror).map((e) => e.toMap()).toList(),
/// Holds the name of the annotation, and its parameters.
class Annotation extends MirrorBased {
/// The class of this annotation.
final ClassMirror mirror;
final Library owningLibrary;
List<String> parameters;
Annotation(InstanceMirror originalMirror, this.owningLibrary)
: mirror = originalMirror.type {
parameters = dart2js_util.variablesOf(originalMirror.type.declarations)
.where((e) => e.isFinal)
.map((e) => originalMirror.getField(e.simpleName).reflectee)
.where((e) => e != null)
Map toMap() => {
'name': Indexable.getDocgenObject(mirror, owningLibrary).docName,
'parameters': parameters