blob: 299864a905640bdfba7773d3474da6132fe640f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.invoke_closurization_test;
@MirrorsUsed(targets: "test.invoke_closurization_test")
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class A {
foo() => "foo";
bar([x]) => "bar-$x";
gee({named}) => "gee-$named";
// Methods that must be intercepted.
// Tear-offs we will also get without mirrors.
codeUnitAt(x) => "codeUnitAt-$x";
toUpperCase() => "toUpperCase";
// indexOf takes an optional argument in String.
indexOf(x) => "indexOf-$x";
// lastIndexOf matches signature from String.
lastIndexOf(x, [y]) => "lastIndexOf-$x,$y";
// splitMapJoin matches signature from String.
splitMapJoin(x, {onMatch, onNonMatch}) =>
// Same name as intercepted, but with named argument.
trim({named}) => "trim-$named";
// Tear-offs we will not call directly.
endsWith(x) => "endsWith-$x";
toLowerCase() => "toLowerCase";
// matchAsPrefix matches signature from String.
matchAsPrefix(x, [y = 0]) => "matchAsPrefix-$x,$y";
// Matches signature from List
toList({growable: true}) => "toList-$growable";
// Same name as intercepted, but with named argument.
toSet({named}) => "toSet-$named";
// The recursive call makes inlining difficult.
// The use of makes the result unpredictable.
confuse(x) {
if (new == 42) {
return confuse(new;
return x;
main() {
var list = ["foo", new List(), new A()];
getAMirror() => reflect(list[confuse(2)]);
// Tear-off without mirrors.
var f = confuse(getAMirror().reflectee.codeUnitAt);
Expect.equals("codeUnitAt-42", f(42));
f = confuse(getAMirror().reflectee.toUpperCase);
Expect.equals("toUpperCase", f());
f = confuse(getAMirror().reflectee.indexOf);
Expect.equals("indexOf-499", f(499));
f = confuse(getAMirror().reflectee.lastIndexOf);
Expect.equals("lastIndexOf-FOO,BAR", f("FOO", "BAR"));
f = confuse(getAMirror().reflectee.splitMapJoin);
Expect.equals("splitMapJoin-1,2,3", f(1, onMatch: 2, onNonMatch: 3));
f = confuse(getAMirror().reflectee.trim);
Expect.equals("trim-true", f(named: true));
// Now the same thing through mirrors.
f = getAMirror().getField(#codeUnitAt).reflectee;
Expect.equals("codeUnitAt-42", f(42));
f = getAMirror().getField(#toUpperCase).reflectee;
Expect.equals("toUpperCase", f());
f = getAMirror().getField(#indexOf).reflectee;
Expect.equals("indexOf-499", f(499));
f = getAMirror().getField(#lastIndexOf).reflectee;
Expect.equals("lastIndexOf-FOO,BAR", f("FOO", "BAR"));
f = getAMirror().getField(#splitMapJoin).reflectee;
Expect.equals("splitMapJoin-1,2,3", f(1, onMatch: 2, onNonMatch: 3));
f = getAMirror().getField(#trim).reflectee;
Expect.equals("trim-true", f(named: true));
// Now the same thing through mirrors and mirror-invocation.
f = getAMirror().getField(#codeUnitAt);
Expect.equals("codeUnitAt-42", f.invoke(#call, [42], {}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#toUpperCase);
Expect.equals("toUpperCase", f.invoke(#call, [], {}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#indexOf);
Expect.equals("indexOf-499", f.invoke(#call, [499], {}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#lastIndexOf);
"lastIndexOf-FOO,BAR", f.invoke(#call, ["FOO", "BAR"]).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#splitMapJoin);
f.invoke(#call, [1], {#onMatch: 2, #onNonMatch: 3}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#trim);
Expect.equals("trim-true", f.invoke(#call, [], {#named: true}).reflectee);
// Tear-offs only through mirrors. (No direct selector in the code).
// --------
f = getAMirror().getField(#endsWith).reflectee;
Expect.equals("endsWith-42", f(42));
f = getAMirror().getField(#toLowerCase).reflectee;
Expect.equals("toLowerCase", f());
f = getAMirror().getField(#indexOf).reflectee;
Expect.equals("indexOf-499", f(499));
f = getAMirror().getField(#matchAsPrefix).reflectee;
Expect.equals("matchAsPrefix-FOO,BAR", f("FOO", "BAR"));
f = getAMirror().getField(#toList).reflectee;
Expect.equals("toList-1", f(growable: 1));
f = getAMirror().getField(#toSet).reflectee;
Expect.equals("toSet-true", f(named: true));
f = getAMirror().getField(#endsWith);
Expect.equals("endsWith-42", f.invoke(#call, [42], {}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#toLowerCase);
Expect.equals("toLowerCase", f.invoke(#call, [], {}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#indexOf);
Expect.equals("indexOf-499", f.invoke(#call, [499], {}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#matchAsPrefix);
"matchAsPrefix-FOO,BAR", f.invoke(#call, ["FOO", "BAR"]).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#toList);
Expect.equals("toList-1", f.invoke(#call, [], {#growable: 1}).reflectee);
f = getAMirror().getField(#toSet);
Expect.equals("toSet-true", f.invoke(#call, [], {#named: true}).reflectee);