blob: 5944f36be61f9235fc9e0af40c4b5ac77723d1bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library selectelement_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'dart:html';
main() {
test('selectedOptions', () {
var element = new SelectElement();
element.multiple = false;
var options = [
new OptionElement(),
new DivElement(),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: true),
new DivElement(),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: true),
new OptionElement(),
expect(element.selectedOptions.length, 1);
expect(element.selectedOptions[0], equals(options[4]));
test('multiple selectedOptions', () {
var element = new SelectElement();
element.multiple = true;
var options = [
new OptionElement(),
new DivElement(),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: true),
new DivElement(),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: true),
new OptionElement(),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: false),
expect(element.selectedOptions.length, 2);
expect(element.selectedOptions[0], equals(options[2]));
expect(element.selectedOptions[1], equals(options[4]));
test('options', () {
var element = new SelectElement();
var options = [
new OptionElement(),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: true),
new OptionElement(data: 'data', value: 'two', selected: true),
new OptionElement(),
// Use last to make sure that the list was correctly wrapped.
expect(element.options.last, equals(options[3]));
test('optgroup', () {
var element = new Element.html('<select>'
expect(element.options.length, 2);
element.selectedIndex = 1;
var optGroup = element.children[1];
expect(optGroup is OptGroupElement, isTrue);
expect(optGroup.children.single.selected, isTrue);
expect(element.selectedOptions, optGroup.children);