blob: 1a2ea45e8f1abd4bc54756d72266610bccdef9d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Interact with developer tools such as the debugger and inspector.
/// The dart:developer library is _unstable_ and its API might change slightly
/// as a result of developer feedback. This library is platform dependent and
/// therefore it has implementations for both dart2js and the Dart VM. Both are
/// under development and may not support all operations yet.
/// To use this library in your code:
/// import 'dart:developer';
library dart.developer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate' show Isolate, RawReceivePort, SendPort;
part 'extension.dart';
part 'profiler.dart';
part 'timeline.dart';
part 'service.dart';
/// If [when] is true, stop the program as if a breakpoint were hit at the
/// following statement.
/// Returns the value of [when]. Some debuggers may display [message].
/// NOTE: When invoked, the isolate will not return until a debugger
/// continues execution. When running in the Dart VM the behaviour is the same
/// regardless of whether or not a debugger is connected. When compiled to
/// JavaScript, this uses the "debugger" statement, and behaves exactly as
/// that does.
external bool debugger({bool when: true, String message});
/// Send a reference to [object] to any attached debuggers.
/// Debuggers may open an inspector on the object. Returns the argument.
external Object inspect(Object object);
/// Emit a log event.
/// [message] is the log message.
/// [time] (optional) is the timestamp.
/// [sequenceNumber] (optional) is a monotonically increasing sequence number.
/// [level] (optional) is the severity level (value between 0 and 2000).
/// [name] (optional) is the name of the source of the log message.
/// [zone] (optional) the zone where the log was emitted
/// [error] (optional) an error object associated with this log event.
/// [stackTrace] (optional) a stack trace associated with this log event.
external void log(String message,
{DateTime time,
int sequenceNumber,
int level: 0,
String name: '',
Zone zone,
Object error,
StackTrace stackTrace});