blob: 403776b74d9db47a646f0873a2d57c97674d4117 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.script;
import 'io/source_file.dart';
class Script {
final SourceFile file;
* The readable URI from which this script was loaded.
* See [LibraryLoader] for terminology on URIs.
final Uri readableUri;
* The resource URI from which this script was loaded.
* See [LibraryLoader] for terminology on URIs.
final Uri resourceUri;
/// This script was synthesized.
final bool isSynthesized;
Script(this.readableUri, this.resourceUri, this.file) : isSynthesized = false;
Script.synthetic(Uri uri)
: readableUri = uri,
resourceUri = uri,
file = new StringSourceFile.fromUri(
uri, "// Synthetic source file generated for '$uri'."),
isSynthesized = true;
String get text => (file == null) ? null : file.slowText();
String get name => (file == null) ? null : file.filename;
/// Creates a new [Script] with the same URIs, but new content ([file]).
Script copyWithFile(SourceFile file) {
return new Script(readableUri, resourceUri, file);