blob: f4bff0ce1089c8992b3a6fa31daa6747d9646495 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/command_line/arguments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/ansi.dart' as ansi;
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/driver.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
const _binaryName = 'dartanalyzer';
/// Shared exit handler.
/// *Visible for testing.*
ExitHandler exitHandler = exit;
/// Print the given [message] to stderr and exit with the given [exitCode].
void printAndFail(String message, {int exitCode: 15}) {
/// Exit handler.
/// *Visible for testing.*
typedef void ExitHandler(int code);
/// Analyzer commandline configuration options.
class CommandLineOptions {
final bool enableNewAnalysisDriver = true;
/// Return `true` if the parser is to parse asserts in the initializer list of
/// a constructor.
final bool enableAssertInitializer;
/// The path to output analysis results when in build mode.
final String buildAnalysisOutput;
/// Whether to use build mode.
final bool buildMode;
/// Whether to use build mode as a Bazel persistent worker.
final bool buildModePersistentWorker;
/// List of summary file paths to use in build mode.
final List<String> buildSummaryInputs;
/// List of unlinked summary file paths to use in build mode.
final List<String> buildSummaryUnlinkedInputs;
/// Whether to skip analysis when creating summaries in build mode.
final bool buildSummaryOnly;
/// Whether to use diet parsing, i.e. skip function bodies. We don't need to
/// analyze function bodies to use summaries during future compilation steps.
final bool buildSummaryOnlyDiet;
/// Whether to only produce unlinked summaries instead of linked summaries.
/// Must be used in combination with `buildSummaryOnly`.
final bool buildSummaryOnlyUnlinked;
/// The path to output the summary when creating summaries in build mode.
final String buildSummaryOutput;
/// The path to output the semantic-only summary when creating summaries in
/// build mode.
final String buildSummaryOutputSemantic;
/// Whether to suppress a nonzero exit code in build mode.
final bool buildSuppressExitCode;
/// The options defining the context in which analysis is performed.
final ContextBuilderOptions contextBuilderOptions;
/// The path to the dart SDK.
String dartSdkPath;
/// The path to the dart SDK summary file.
String dartSdkSummaryPath;
/// Whether to disable cache flushing. This option can improve analysis
/// speed at the expense of memory usage. It may also be useful for working
/// around bugs.
final bool disableCacheFlushing;
/// Whether to report hints
final bool disableHints;
/// Whether to display version information
final bool displayVersion;
/// Whether to treat type mismatches found during constant evaluation as
/// errors.
final bool enableTypeChecks;
/// Whether to treat hints as fatal
final bool hintsAreFatal;
/// Whether to ignore unrecognized flags
final bool ignoreUnrecognizedFlags;
/// Whether to report lints
final bool lints;
/// Whether to log additional analysis messages and exceptions
final bool log;
/// Whether to use machine format for error display
final bool machineFormat;
/// The path to a file to write a performance log.
/// (Or null if not enabled.)
final String perfReport;
/// Batch mode (for unit testing)
final bool shouldBatch;
/// Whether to show package: warnings
final bool showPackageWarnings;
/// If not null, show package: warnings only for matching packages.
final String showPackageWarningsPrefix;
/// Whether to show SDK warnings
final bool showSdkWarnings;
/// The source files to analyze
List<String> _sourceFiles;
/// Whether to treat warnings as fatal
final bool warningsAreFatal;
/// Whether to use strong static checking.
final bool strongMode;
/// Whether implicit casts are enabled (in strong mode)
final bool implicitCasts;
/// Whether implicit dynamic is enabled (mainly for strong mode users)
final bool implicitDynamic;
/// Whether to treat lints as fatal
final bool lintsAreFatal;
/// Whether to use memory byte store for analysis driver.
final bool useAnalysisDriverMemoryByteStore;
/// Emit output in a verbose mode.
final bool verbose;
/// Use ANSI color codes for output.
final bool color;
/// Initialize options from the given parsed [args].
CommandLineOptions._fromArgs(ArgResults args)
: buildAnalysisOutput = args['build-analysis-output'],
buildMode = args['build-mode'],
buildModePersistentWorker = args['persistent_worker'],
buildSummaryInputs = args['build-summary-input'] as List<String>,
buildSummaryUnlinkedInputs =
args['build-summary-unlinked-input'] as List<String>,
buildSummaryOnly = args['build-summary-only'],
buildSummaryOnlyDiet = args['build-summary-only-diet'],
buildSummaryOnlyUnlinked = args['build-summary-only-unlinked'],
buildSummaryOutput = args['build-summary-output'],
buildSummaryOutputSemantic = args['build-summary-output-semantic'],
buildSuppressExitCode = args['build-suppress-exit-code'],
contextBuilderOptions = createContextBuilderOptions(args),
dartSdkPath = args['dart-sdk'],
dartSdkSummaryPath = args['dart-sdk-summary'],
disableCacheFlushing = args['disable-cache-flushing'],
disableHints = args['no-hints'],
displayVersion = args['version'],
enableTypeChecks = args['enable_type_checks'],
enableAssertInitializer = args['enable-assert-initializers'],
hintsAreFatal = args['fatal-hints'],
ignoreUnrecognizedFlags = args['ignore-unrecognized-flags'],
lints = args[lintsFlag],
log = args['log'],
machineFormat = args['format'] == 'machine',
perfReport = args['x-perf-report'],
shouldBatch = args['batch'],
showPackageWarnings = args['show-package-warnings'] ||
args['package-warnings'] ||
args['x-package-warnings-prefix'] != null,
showPackageWarningsPrefix = args['x-package-warnings-prefix'],
showSdkWarnings = args['sdk-warnings'],
_sourceFiles =,
warningsAreFatal = args['fatal-warnings'],
strongMode = args['strong'],
implicitCasts = !args['no-implicit-casts'],
implicitDynamic = !args['no-implicit-dynamic'],
lintsAreFatal = args['fatal-lints'],
useAnalysisDriverMemoryByteStore =
verbose = args['verbose'],
color = args['color'];
/// The path to an analysis options file
String get analysisOptionsFile =>
/// A table mapping the names of defined variables to their values.
Map<String, String> get definedVariables =>
/// Whether to strictly follow the specification when generating warnings on
/// "call" methods (fixes
bool get enableStrictCallChecks =>
/// Whether to relax restrictions on mixins (DEP 34).
bool get enableSuperMixins =>
/// The path to a `.packages` configuration file
String get packageConfigPath => contextBuilderOptions.defaultPackageFilePath;
/// The path to the package root
String get packageRootPath =>
/// The source files to analyze
List<String> get sourceFiles => _sourceFiles;
/// Replace the sourceFiles parsed from the command line.
void rewriteSourceFiles(List<String> newSourceFiles) {
_sourceFiles = newSourceFiles;
/// Parse [args] into [CommandLineOptions] describing the specified
/// analyzer options. In case of a format error, calls [printAndFail], which
/// by default prints an error message to stderr and exits.
static CommandLineOptions parse(List<String> args,
[printAndFail(String msg) = printAndFail]) {
CommandLineOptions options = _parse(args);
// Check SDK.
if (!options.buildModePersistentWorker) {
// Infer if unspecified.
options.dartSdkPath ??= getSdkPath(args);
String sdkPath = options.dartSdkPath;
// Check that SDK is specified.
if (sdkPath == null) {
printAndFail('No Dart SDK found.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
// Check that SDK is existing directory.
if (!(new Directory(sdkPath)).existsSync()) {
printAndFail('Invalid Dart SDK path: $sdkPath');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
// Check package config.
if (options.packageRootPath != null &&
options.packageConfigPath != null) {
printAndFail("Cannot specify both '--package-root' and '--packages.");
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
// Build mode.
if (options.buildModePersistentWorker && !options.buildMode) {
printAndFail('The option --persisten_worker can be used only '
'together with --build-mode.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
if (options.buildSummaryOnlyDiet && !options.buildSummaryOnly) {
printAndFail('The option --build-summary-only-diet can be used only '
'together with --build-summary-only.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
if (options.buildSummaryOnlyUnlinked) {
if (!options.buildSummaryOnly) {
'The option --build-summary-only-unlinked can be used only '
'together with --build-summary-only.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
if (options.buildSummaryInputs.isNotEmpty ||
options.buildSummaryUnlinkedInputs.isNotEmpty) {
printAndFail('No summaries should be provided in combination with '
'--build-summary-only-unlinked, they aren\'t needed.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
return options;
static String _getVersion() {
try {
// This is relative to bin/snapshot, so ../..
String versionPath =
File versionFile = new File(versionPath);
return versionFile.readAsStringSync().trim();
} catch (_) {
// This happens when the script is not running in the context of an SDK.
return "<unknown>";
static CommandLineOptions _parse(List<String> args) {
args = preprocessArgs(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE, args);
bool verbose = args.contains('-v') || args.contains('--verbose');
bool hide = !verbose;
ArgParser parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
if (!hide) {
parser.addSeparator('General options:');
// TODO(devoncarew): This defines some hidden flags, which would be better
// defined with the rest of the hidden flags below (to group well with the
// other flags).
defineAnalysisArguments(parser, hide: hide);
help: 'Specifies the format in which errors are displayed; the only '
'currently allowed value is \'machine\'.')
help: 'Print the analyzer version.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
help: 'Do not show hint results.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
help: 'Treat hints as fatal.', defaultsTo: false, negatable: false)
help: 'Treat non-type warnings as fatal.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
help: 'Treat lints as fatal.', defaultsTo: false, negatable: false)
help: 'Show warnings from package: imports.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
abbr: 'h',
'Display this help message. Add --verbose to show hidden options.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
abbr: 'v',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Verbose output.',
negatable: false);
// Build mode options.
if (!hide) {
parser.addSeparator('Build mode flags:');
help: 'Enable Bazel persistent worker mode.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
'Specifies the path to the file where analysis results should be written.',
hide: hide)
// TODO(paulberry): add more documentation.
help: 'Enable build mode.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Path to a linked summary file that contains information from '
'a previous analysis run; may be specified multiple times.',
allowMultiple: true,
hide: hide)
help: 'Path to an unlinked summary file that contains information '
'from a previous analysis run; may be specified multiple times.',
allowMultiple: true,
hide: hide)
help: 'Specifies the path to the file where the full summary '
'information should be written.',
hide: hide)
help: 'Specifies the path to the file where the semantic summary '
'information should be written.',
hide: hide)
help: 'Disable analysis (only generate summaries).',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Diet parse function bodies.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Only output the unlinked summary.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Exit with code 0 even if errors are found.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Use ansi colors when printing messages.',
defaultsTo: ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi(),
hide: hide);
// Hidden flags.
if (!hide) {
parser.addSeparator('Less frequently used flags:');
help: 'Read commands from standard input (for testing).',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Ignore unrecognized command line flags.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
..addFlag('disable-cache-flushing', defaultsTo: false, hide: hide)
help: 'Writes a performance report to the given file (experimental).',
hide: hide)
'Show warnings from package: imports that match the given prefix.',
hide: hide)
'deprecated -- Enable support for conditional directives (DEP 40).',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Show warnings from package: imports (deprecated).',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Show warnings from SDK imports.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Log additional messages and exceptions.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Check types in constant evaluation.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Enable parsing of asserts in constructor initializers.',
defaultsTo: null,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: 'Use memory byte store, not the file system cache.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
hide: hide)
help: '--url-mapping=libraryUri,/path/to/library.dart directs the '
'analyzer to use "library.dart" as the source for an import '
'of "libraryUri".',
allowMultiple: true,
splitCommas: false,
hide: hide);
try {
if (args.contains('--$ignoreUnrecognizedFlagsFlag')) {
args = filterUnknownArguments(args, parser);
ArgResults results = parser.parse(args);
// Persistent worker.
if (args.contains('--persistent_worker')) {
bool hasBuildMode = args.contains('--build-mode');
bool onlyDartSdkArg = args.length == 2 ||
(args.length == 3 && args.any((a) => a.startsWith('--dart-sdk'))) ||
(args.length == 4 && args.contains('--dart-sdk'));
if (!(hasBuildMode && onlyDartSdkArg)) {
printAndFail('The --persistent_worker flag should be used with and '
'only with the --build-mode flag, and possibly the --dart-sdk '
'option. Got: $args');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
return new CommandLineOptions._fromArgs(results);
// Help requests.
if (results['help']) {
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
// Batch mode and input files.
if (results['batch']) {
if ( {
errorSink.writeln('No source files expected in the batch mode.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
} else if (results['persistent_worker']) {
if ( {
'No source files expected in the persistent worker mode.');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
} else if (results['version']) {
outSink.writeln('$_binaryName version ${_getVersion()}');
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
} else {
if ( && !results['build-mode']) {
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
return new CommandLineOptions._fromArgs(results);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return null; // Only reachable in testing.
static _showUsage(ArgParser parser) {
'Usage: $_binaryName [options...] <directory or list of files>');
Run "dartanalyzer -h -v" for verbose help output, including less commonly used options.
For more information, see