blob: c49239eaec6f0dffacc653fb681450b852343e6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.constants.values;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../tree/dartstring.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Hashing;
enum ConstantValueKind {
abstract class ConstantValueVisitor<R, A> {
const ConstantValueVisitor();
R visitFunction(FunctionConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitNull(NullConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitInt(IntConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitDouble(DoubleConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitBool(BoolConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitString(StringConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitList(ListConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitMap(MapConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitConstructed(ConstructedConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitType(TypeConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitInterceptor(InterceptorConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitSynthetic(SyntheticConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitDeferred(DeferredConstantValue constant, A arg);
R visitNonConstant(NonConstantValue constant, A arg);
abstract class ConstantValue {
const ConstantValue();
/// `true` if this is a valid constant value.
bool get isConstant => true;
bool get isNull => false;
bool get isBool => false;
bool get isTrue => false;
bool get isFalse => false;
bool get isInt => false;
bool get isDouble => false;
bool get isNum => false;
bool get isString => false;
bool get isList => false;
bool get isMap => false;
bool get isConstructedObject => false;
bool get isFunction => false;
/** Returns true if the constant is null, a bool, a number or a string. */
bool get isPrimitive => false;
/** Returns true if the constant is a list, a map or a constructed object. */
bool get isObject => false;
bool get isType => false;
bool get isInterceptor => false;
bool get isDummy => false;
bool get isNaN => false;
bool get isMinusZero => false;
bool get isZero => false;
bool get isOne => false;
bool get isPositiveInfinity => false;
bool get isNegativeInfinity => false;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Replace with a 'type' getter.
DartType getType(CommonElements types);
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies();
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg);
/// The value of this constant in Dart syntax, if possible.
/// For [ConstructedConstantValue]s there is no way to create a valid const
/// expression from the value so the unparse of these is best effort.
/// For the synthetic constants, [DeferredConstantValue],
/// [SyntheticConstantValue], [InterceptorConstantValue] the unparse is
/// descriptive only.
String toDartText();
/// Returns a structured representation of this constant suited for debugging.
String toStructuredText();
ConstantValueKind get kind;
String toString() {
assertDebugMode("Use ConstantValue.toDartText() or "
"ConstantValue.toStructuredText() "
"instead of ConstantValue.toString().");
return toStructuredText();
class FunctionConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
final FunctionEntity element;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should the type be derived from [element].
final FunctionType type;
FunctionConstantValue(this.element, this.type);
bool get isFunction => true;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (other is! FunctionConstantValue) return false;
return identical(other.element, element);
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => const <ConstantValue>[];
DartString toDartString() {
return new DartString.literal(;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => type;
int get hashCode => (17 * element.hashCode) & 0x7fffffff;
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitFunction(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.FUNCTION;
String toDartText() {
if (element.enclosingClass != null) {
return '${}.${}';
} else {
return '${}';
String toStructuredText() {
return 'FunctionConstant(${toDartText()})';
abstract class PrimitiveConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
get primitiveValue;
const PrimitiveConstantValue();
bool get isPrimitive => true;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (other is! PrimitiveConstantValue) return false;
PrimitiveConstantValue otherPrimitive = other;
// We use == instead of 'identical' so that DartStrings compare correctly.
return primitiveValue == otherPrimitive.primitiveValue;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('PrimitiveConstant.hashCode');
// Primitive constants don't have dependencies.
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => const <ConstantValue>[];
DartString toDartString();
/// This value in Dart syntax.
String toDartText() => primitiveValue.toString();
class NullConstantValue extends PrimitiveConstantValue {
/** The value a Dart null is compiled to in JavaScript. */
static const String JsNull = "null";
const factory NullConstantValue() = NullConstantValue._internal;
const NullConstantValue._internal();
bool get isNull => true;
get primitiveValue => null;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.nullType;
// The magic constant has no meaning. It is just a random value.
int get hashCode => 785965825;
DartString toDartString() => const LiteralDartString("null");
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitNull(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.NULL;
String toStructuredText() => 'NullConstant';
abstract class NumConstantValue extends PrimitiveConstantValue {
const NumConstantValue();
num get primitiveValue;
bool get isNum => true;
class IntConstantValue extends NumConstantValue {
final int primitiveValue;
factory IntConstantValue(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 0:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(0);
case 1:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(1);
case 2:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(2);
case 3:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(3);
case 4:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(4);
case 5:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(5);
case 6:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(6);
case 7:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(7);
case 8:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(8);
case 9:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(9);
case 10:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(10);
case -1:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(-1);
case -2:
return const IntConstantValue._internal(-2);
return new IntConstantValue._internal(value);
const IntConstantValue._internal(this.primitiveValue);
bool get isInt => true;
bool isUInt31() => primitiveValue >= 0 && primitiveValue < (1 << 31);
bool isUInt32() => primitiveValue >= 0 && primitiveValue < (1 << 32);
bool isPositive() => primitiveValue >= 0;
bool get isZero => primitiveValue == 0;
bool get isOne => primitiveValue == 1;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.intType;
// We have to override the equality operator so that ints and doubles are
// treated as separate constants.
// The is [:!IntConstant:] check at the beginning of the function makes sure
// that we compare only equal to integer constants.
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (other is! IntConstantValue) return false;
IntConstantValue otherInt = other;
return primitiveValue == otherInt.primitiveValue;
int get hashCode => primitiveValue & Hashing.SMI_MASK;
DartString toDartString() {
return new DartString.literal(primitiveValue.toString());
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitInt(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.INT;
String toStructuredText() => 'IntConstant(${toDartText()})';
class DoubleConstantValue extends NumConstantValue {
final double primitiveValue;
factory DoubleConstantValue(double value) {
if (value.isNaN) {
return const DoubleConstantValue._internal(double.NAN);
} else if (value == double.INFINITY) {
return const DoubleConstantValue._internal(double.INFINITY);
} else if (value == -double.INFINITY) {
return const DoubleConstantValue._internal(-double.INFINITY);
} else if (value == 0.0 && !value.isNegative) {
return const DoubleConstantValue._internal(0.0);
} else if (value == 1.0) {
return const DoubleConstantValue._internal(1.0);
} else {
return new DoubleConstantValue._internal(value);
const DoubleConstantValue._internal(this.primitiveValue);
bool get isDouble => true;
bool get isNaN => primitiveValue.isNaN;
// We need to check for the negative sign since -0.0 == 0.0.
bool get isMinusZero => primitiveValue == 0.0 && primitiveValue.isNegative;
bool get isZero => primitiveValue == 0.0;
bool get isOne => primitiveValue == 1.0;
bool get isPositiveInfinity => primitiveValue == double.INFINITY;
bool get isNegativeInfinity => primitiveValue == -double.INFINITY;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.doubleType;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (other is! DoubleConstantValue) return false;
DoubleConstantValue otherDouble = other;
double otherValue = otherDouble.primitiveValue;
if (primitiveValue == 0.0 && otherValue == 0.0) {
return primitiveValue.isNegative == otherValue.isNegative;
} else if (primitiveValue.isNaN) {
return otherValue.isNaN;
} else {
return primitiveValue == otherValue;
int get hashCode => primitiveValue.hashCode;
DartString toDartString() {
return new DartString.literal(primitiveValue.toString());
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitDouble(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.DOUBLE;
String toStructuredText() => 'DoubleConstant(${toDartText()})';
abstract class BoolConstantValue extends PrimitiveConstantValue {
factory BoolConstantValue(value) {
return value ? new TrueConstantValue() : new FalseConstantValue();
const BoolConstantValue._internal();
bool get isBool => true;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.boolType;
BoolConstantValue negate();
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitBool(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.BOOL;
String toStructuredText() => 'BoolConstant(${toDartText()})';
class TrueConstantValue extends BoolConstantValue {
factory TrueConstantValue() => const TrueConstantValue._internal();
const TrueConstantValue._internal() : super._internal();
bool get isTrue => true;
bool get primitiveValue => true;
FalseConstantValue negate() => new FalseConstantValue();
bool operator ==(var other) => identical(this, other);
// The magic constant is just a random value. It does not have any
// significance.
int get hashCode => 499;
DartString toDartString() => const LiteralDartString("true");
class FalseConstantValue extends BoolConstantValue {
factory FalseConstantValue() => const FalseConstantValue._internal();
const FalseConstantValue._internal() : super._internal();
bool get isFalse => true;
bool get primitiveValue => false;
TrueConstantValue negate() => new TrueConstantValue();
bool operator ==(var other) => identical(this, other);
// The magic constant is just a random value. It does not have any
// significance.
int get hashCode => 536555975;
DartString toDartString() => const LiteralDartString("false");
class StringConstantValue extends PrimitiveConstantValue {
final DartString primitiveValue;
final int hashCode;
// TODO(floitsch): cache StringConstants.
// TODO(floitsch): compute hashcode without calling toString() on the
// DartString.
StringConstantValue(DartString value)
: this.primitiveValue = value,
this.hashCode = value.slowToString().hashCode;
StringConstantValue.fromString(String value)
: this(new DartString.literal(value));
bool get isString => true;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.stringType;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! StringConstantValue) return false;
StringConstantValue otherString = other;
return hashCode == otherString.hashCode &&
primitiveValue == otherString.primitiveValue;
DartString toDartString() => primitiveValue;
int get length => primitiveValue.length;
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitString(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.STRING;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Ensure correct escaping.
String toDartText() => '"${primitiveValue.slowToString()}"';
String toStructuredText() => 'StringConstant(${toDartText()})';
abstract class ObjectConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
final InterfaceType type;
bool get isObject => true;
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => type;
void _unparseTypeArguments(StringBuffer sb) {
if (!type.treatAsRaw) {
sb.write(type.typeArguments.join(', '));
class TypeConstantValue extends ObjectConstantValue {
/// The user type that this constant represents.
final DartType representedType;
TypeConstantValue(this.representedType, InterfaceType type) : super(type);
bool get isType => true;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is TypeConstantValue &&
representedType == other.representedType;
int get hashCode => representedType.hashCode * 13;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => const <ConstantValue>[];
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitType(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.TYPE;
String toDartText() => '$representedType';
String toStructuredText() => 'TypeConstant(${representedType})';
class ListConstantValue extends ObjectConstantValue {
final List<ConstantValue> entries;
final int hashCode;
ListConstantValue(InterfaceType type, List<ConstantValue> entries)
: this.entries = entries,
hashCode = Hashing.listHash(entries, Hashing.objectHash(type)),
bool get isList => true;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! ListConstantValue) return false;
ListConstantValue otherList = other;
if (hashCode != otherList.hashCode) return false;
if (type != otherList.type) return false;
if (entries.length != otherList.entries.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
if (entries[i] != otherList.entries[i]) return false;
return true;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => entries;
int get length => entries.length;
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitList(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.LIST;
String toDartText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.write(',');
return sb.toString();
String toStructuredText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.write(', ');
return sb.toString();
class MapConstantValue extends ObjectConstantValue {
final List<ConstantValue> keys;
final List<ConstantValue> values;
final int hashCode;
Map<ConstantValue, ConstantValue> _lookupMap;
InterfaceType type, List<ConstantValue> keys, List<ConstantValue> values)
: this.keys = keys,
this.values = values,
this.hashCode = Hashing.listHash(
values, Hashing.listHash(keys, Hashing.objectHash(type))),
super(type) {
assert(keys.length == values.length);
bool get isMap => true;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! MapConstantValue) return false;
MapConstantValue otherMap = other;
if (hashCode != otherMap.hashCode) return false;
if (type != other.type) return false;
if (length != other.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (keys[i] != otherMap.keys[i]) return false;
if (values[i] != otherMap.values[i]) return false;
return true;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() {
List<ConstantValue> result = <ConstantValue>[];
return result;
int get length => keys.length;
ConstantValue lookup(ConstantValue key) {
var lookupMap = _lookupMap ??=
new Map<ConstantValue, ConstantValue>.fromIterables(keys, values);
return lookupMap[key];
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitMap(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.MAP;
String toDartText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.write(',');
return sb.toString();
String toStructuredText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.write(', ');
sb.write(': ');
return sb.toString();
class InterceptorConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
/// The class for which this interceptor holds the methods. The constant
/// is a dispatch table for this class.
final ClassEntity cls;
bool get isInterceptor => true;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is InterceptorConstantValue && cls == other.cls;
int get hashCode => cls.hashCode * 43;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => const <ConstantValue>[];
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitInterceptor(this, arg);
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.dynamicType;
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.INTERCEPTOR;
String toDartText() {
return 'interceptor($cls)';
String toStructuredText() {
return 'InterceptorConstant(${})';
class SyntheticConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
final payload;
final valueKind;
SyntheticConstantValue(this.valueKind, this.payload);
bool get isDummy => true;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is SyntheticConstantValue && payload == other.payload;
get hashCode => payload.hashCode * 17 + valueKind.hashCode;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => const <ConstantValue>[];
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitSynthetic(this, arg);
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.dynamicType;
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.SYNTHETIC;
String toDartText() => 'synthetic($valueKind, $payload)';
String toStructuredText() => 'SyntheticConstant($valueKind, $payload)';
class ConstructedConstantValue extends ObjectConstantValue {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Make [fields] private to avoid misuse of the map
// ordering and mutability.
final Map<FieldEntity, ConstantValue> fields;
final int hashCode;
InterfaceType type, Map<FieldEntity, ConstantValue> fields)
: this.fields = fields,
hashCode = Hashing.unorderedMapHash(fields, Hashing.objectHash(type)),
super(type) {
assert(type != null);
bool get isConstructedObject => true;
bool operator ==(var otherVar) {
if (identical(this, otherVar)) return true;
if (otherVar is! ConstructedConstantValue) return false;
ConstructedConstantValue other = otherVar;
if (hashCode != other.hashCode) return false;
if (type != other.type) return false;
if (fields.length != other.fields.length) return false;
for (FieldEntity field in fields.keys) {
if (fields[field] != other.fields[field]) return false;
return true;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => fields.values.toList();
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitConstructed(this, arg);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.CONSTRUCTED;
String toDartText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int i = 0;
fields.forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantValue value) {
if (i > 0) sb.write(',');
return sb.toString();
String toStructuredText() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int i = 0;
fields.forEach((FieldEntity field, ConstantValue value) {
if (i > 0) sb.write(',');
return sb.toString();
/// A reference to a constant in another output unit.
/// Used for referring to deferred constants.
class DeferredConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
DeferredConstantValue(this.referenced, this.prefix);
final ConstantValue referenced;
final Entity prefix;
bool get isReference => true;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is DeferredConstantValue &&
referenced == other.referenced &&
prefix == other.prefix;
get hashCode => (referenced.hashCode * 17 + prefix.hashCode) & 0x3fffffff;
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => <ConstantValue>[referenced];
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitDeferred(this, arg);
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => referenced.getType(types);
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.DEFERRED;
String toDartText() => 'deferred(${referenced.toDartText()})';
String toStructuredText() {
return 'DeferredConstant(${referenced.toStructuredText()})';
/// A constant value resulting from a non constant or erroneous constant
/// expression.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Expand this to contain the error kind.
class NonConstantValue extends ConstantValue {
bool get isConstant => false;
accept(ConstantValueVisitor visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitNonConstant(this, arg);
List<ConstantValue> getDependencies() => const <ConstantValue>[];
DartType getType(CommonElements types) => types.dynamicType;
ConstantValueKind get kind => ConstantValueKind.NON_CONSTANT;
String toStructuredText() => 'NonConstant';
String toDartText() => '>>non-constant<<';