blob: e62f7726634aaf17a2b3cc822c777649cac2b701 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library summary_report;
import "status_file_parser.dart";
import "test_runner.dart";
final summaryReport = new SummaryReport();
class SummaryReport {
int _total = 0;
int _skipped = 0;
int _skippedByDesign = 0;
int _noCrash = 0;
int _flakyCrash = 0;
int _pass = 0;
int _failOk = 0;
int _fail = 0;
int _crash = 0;
int _timeout = 0;
int _compileErrorSkip = 0;
int get total => _total;
int get skippedOther => _skipped - _skippedByDesign;
int get bogus => _nonStandardTestCases.length;
final List<TestCase> _nonStandardTestCases = <TestCase>[];
void add(TestCase testCase) {
var expectations = testCase.expectedOutcomes;
bool containsFail = expectations
.any((expectation) => expectation.canBeOutcomeOf(Expectation.FAIL));
bool containsPass = expectations.contains(Expectation.PASS);
bool containsSkip = expectations
.any((expectation) => expectation.canBeOutcomeOf(Expectation.SKIP));
bool containsSkipByDesign =
bool containsCrash = expectations.contains(Expectation.CRASH);
bool containsOK = expectations.contains(Expectation.OK);
bool containsSlow = expectations.contains(Expectation.SLOW);
bool containsTimeout = expectations.contains(Expectation.TIMEOUT);
if (containsSkip) {
} else if (containsSkipByDesign) {
} else {
// We don't do if-else below because the buckets should be exclusive.
// We keep a count around to guarantee that
int markers = 0;
// Counts the number of flaky tests.
if (containsFail && containsPass && !containsCrash && !containsOK) {
if (containsCrash && !containsOK && expectations.length > 1) {
if ((containsPass && expectations.length == 1) ||
(containsPass && containsSlow && expectations.length == 2)) {
if (containsFail && containsOK) {
if ((containsFail && expectations.length == 1) ||
(containsFail && containsSlow && expectations.length == 2)) {
if ((containsCrash && expectations.length == 1) ||
(containsCrash && containsSlow && expectations.length == 2)) {
if (containsTimeout && expectations.length == 1) {
if (markers != 1) {
void addCompileErrorSkipTest() {
Map<String, int> get values => {
'total': _total,
'skippedOther': skippedOther,
'skippedByDesign': _skippedByDesign,
'pass': _pass,
'noCrash': _noCrash,
'flakyCrash': _flakyCrash,
'failOk': _failOk,
'fail': _fail,
'crash': _crash,
'timeout': _timeout,
'compileErrorSkip': _compileErrorSkip,
'bogus': bogus
String get report => """Total: $_total tests
* $_skipped tests will be skipped ($_skippedByDesign skipped by design)
* $_noCrash tests are expected to be flaky but not crash
* $_flakyCrash tests are expected to flaky crash
* $_pass tests are expected to pass
* $_failOk tests are expected to fail that we won't fix
* $_fail tests are expected to fail that we should fix
* $_crash tests are expected to crash that we should fix
* $_timeout tests are allowed to timeout
* $_compileErrorSkip tests are skipped on browsers due to compile-time error
* $bogus could not be categorized or are in multiple categories
void printReport() {
if (_total == 0) return;