blob: 022c35d02f573561310c6f5210c73f893feb26a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library record_and_replay;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'path.dart';
import 'test_runner.dart';
* Json files look like this:
* [
* {
* 'name' : '...',
* 'command' : {
* 'timeout_limit' : 60,
* 'executable' : '...',
* 'arguments' : ['arg1, 'arg2', '...'],
* },
* 'command_output' : {
* 'exit_code' : 42,
* 'stdout' : '...',
* 'stderr' : '...',
* 'duration' : 1.5,
* 'did_timeout' : false,
* },
* },
* ....
* ]
List<String> makePathsRelativeToDart(String cwd, List<String> arguments) {
var relativeArguments = [];
for (var rawArgument in arguments) {
if (rawArgument.startsWith(cwd)) {
var relative = new Path(rawArgument).relativeTo(new Path(cwd));
} else {
return relativeArguments;
class TestCaseRecorder {
Path _outputPath;
List<Map> _recordedCommandInvocations = [];
var _cwd;
TestCaseRecorder(this._outputPath) {
_cwd = Directory.current.path;
void nextCommand(ProcessCommand command, int timeout) {
// Convert arguments from absolute to relative paths (relative to the dart
// directory) because the absolute path on the machine where we record
// may be different from the absolute path on the machine where we execute
// the commands.
var arguments = makePathsRelativeToDart(_cwd, command.arguments);
var commandExecution = {
'name': command.displayName,
'command': {
'timeout_limit': timeout,
'executable': command.executable,
'arguments': arguments,
void finish() {
var file = new File(_outputPath.toNativePath());
var jsonString = JSON.encode(_recordedCommandInvocations);
print("TestCaseRecorder: written all TestCases to ${_outputPath}");
class TestCaseOutputArchive {
Map<String, Map> _commandOutputRecordings;
var _cwd;
TestCaseOutputArchive() {
_cwd = Directory.current.path;
void loadFromPath(Path recordingPath) {
var file = new File(recordingPath.toNativePath());
var commandRecordings = JSON.decode(file.readAsStringSync());
_commandOutputRecordings = {};
for (var commandRecording in commandRecordings) {
var key = _indexKey(commandRecording['command']['executable'],
commandRecording['command']['arguments'].join(' '));
_commandOutputRecordings[key] = commandRecording['command_output'];
CommandOutput outputOf(ProcessCommand command) {
// Convert arguments from absolute to relative paths (relative to the dart
// directory) because the absolute path on the machine where we record
// may be different from the absolute path on the machine where we execute
// the commands.
var arguments = makePathsRelativeToDart(_cwd, command.arguments);
var key = _indexKey(command.executable, arguments.join(' '));
var command_output = _commandOutputRecordings[key];
if (command_output == null) {
print("Sorry, but there is no command output for ${command.displayName}"
" ($command)");
double seconds = command_output['duration'];
var duration = new Duration(
seconds: seconds.round(), milliseconds: (seconds / 1000).round());
var commandOutput = createCommandOutput(
return commandOutput;
String _indexKey(String executable, String arguments) {
return "${executable}__$arguments";