blob: 9a75afde6b6cdae8a3816e79cb859da718e160d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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part of html;
* A factory to expose DOM events as Streams.
class EventStreamProvider<T extends Event> {
final String _eventType;
const EventStreamProvider(this._eventType);
* Gets a [Stream] for this event type, on the specified target.
* This will always return a broadcast stream so multiple listeners can be
* used simultaneously.
* This may be used to capture DOM events:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* // Alternate method:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forTarget(element).capture(...);
* Or for listening to an event which will bubble through the DOM tree:
* MediaElement.pauseEvent.forTarget(document.body).listen(...);
* See also:
* [addEventListener](
Stream<T> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false}) =>
new _EventStream<T>(e, _eventType, useCapture);
* Gets an [ElementEventStream] for this event type, on the specified element.
* This will always return a broadcast stream so multiple listeners can be
* used simultaneously.
* This may be used to capture DOM events:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forElement(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* // Alternate method:
* Element.keyDownEvent.forElement(element).capture(...);
* Or for listening to an event which will bubble through the DOM tree:
* MediaElement.pauseEvent.forElement(document.body).listen(...);
* See also:
* [addEventListener](
ElementStream<T> forElement(Element e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl<T>(e, _eventType, useCapture);
* Gets an [ElementEventStream] for this event type, on the list of elements.
* This will always return a broadcast stream so multiple listeners can be
* used simultaneously.
* This may be used to capture DOM events:
* Element.keyDownEvent._forElementList(element, useCapture: true).listen(...);
* See also:
* [addEventListener](
ElementStream<T> _forElementList(ElementList e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementListEventStreamImpl<T>(e, _eventType, useCapture);
* Gets the type of the event which this would listen for on the specified
* event target.
* The target is necessary because some browsers may use different event names
* for the same purpose and the target allows differentiating browser support.
String getEventType(EventTarget target) {
return _eventType;
/** A specialized Stream available to [Element]s to enable event delegation. */
abstract class ElementStream<T extends Event> implements Stream<T> {
* Return a stream that only fires when the particular event fires for
* elements matching the specified CSS selector.
* This is the Dart equivalent to jQuery's
* [delegate](
Stream<T> matches(String selector);
* Adds a capturing subscription to this stream.
* If the target of the event is a descendant of the element from which this
* stream derives then [onData] is called before the event propagates down to
* the target. This is the opposite of bubbling behavior, where the event
* is first processed for the event target and then bubbles upward.
* ## Other resources
* * [Event Capture](
* from the W3C DOM Events specification.
StreamSubscription<T> capture(void onData(T event));
* Adapter for exposing DOM events as Dart streams.
class _EventStream<T extends Event> extends Stream<T> {
final EventTarget _target;
final String _eventType;
final bool _useCapture;
_EventStream(this._target, this._eventType, this._useCapture);
// DOM events are inherently multi-subscribers.
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription),
void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)})
=> this;
bool get isBroadcast => true;
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return new _EventStreamSubscription<T>(
this._target, this._eventType, onData, this._useCapture);
bool _matchesWithAncestors(Event event, String selector) {
var target =;
return target is Element ? target.matchesWithAncestors(selector) : false;
* Adapter for exposing DOM Element events as streams, while also allowing
* event delegation.
class _ElementEventStreamImpl<T extends Event> extends _EventStream<T>
implements ElementStream<T> {
_ElementEventStreamImpl(target, eventType, useCapture) :
super(target, eventType, useCapture);
Stream<T> matches(String selector) => this.where(
(event) => _matchesWithAncestors(event, selector)).map((e) {
e._selector = selector;
return e;
StreamSubscription<T> capture(void onData(T event)) =>
new _EventStreamSubscription<T>(
this._target, this._eventType, onData, true);
* Adapter for exposing events on a collection of DOM Elements as streams,
* while also allowing event delegation.
class _ElementListEventStreamImpl<T extends Event> extends Stream<T>
implements ElementStream<T> {
final Iterable<Element> _targetList;
final bool _useCapture;
final String _eventType;
this._targetList, this._eventType, this._useCapture);
Stream<T> matches(String selector) => this.where(
(event) => _matchesWithAncestors(event, selector)).map((e) {
e._selector = selector;
return e;
// Delegate all regular Stream behavior to a wrapped Stream.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
var pool = new _StreamPool<T>.broadcast();
for (var target in _targetList) {
pool.add(new _EventStream<T>(target, _eventType, _useCapture));
return, onError: onError, onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
StreamSubscription<T> capture(void onData(T event)) {
var pool = new _StreamPool<T>.broadcast();
for (var target in _targetList) {
pool.add(new _EventStream<T>(target, _eventType, true));
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription),
void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)})
=> this;
bool get isBroadcast => true;
// We would like this to just be EventListener<T> but that typdef cannot
// use generics until dartbug/26276 is fixed.
typedef _EventListener<T extends Event>(T event);
class _EventStreamSubscription<T extends Event> extends StreamSubscription<T> {
int _pauseCount = 0;
EventTarget _target;
final String _eventType;
EventListener _onData;
final bool _useCapture;
// TODO(leafp): It would be better to write this as
// _onData = onData == null ? null :
// onData is _wrapZoneCallback<Event, dynamic>
// ? _wrapZone/*<Event, dynamic>*/(onData)
// : _wrapZone/*<Event, dynamic>*/((e) => onData(e as T))
// In order to support existing tests which pass the wrong type of events but
// use a more general listener, without causing as much slowdown for things
// which are typed correctly. But this currently runs afoul of restrictions
// on is checks for compatibility with the VM.
_EventStreamSubscription(this._target, this._eventType, void onData(T event),
this._useCapture) :
_onData = onData == null
? null
: _wrapZone/*<Event, dynamic>*/((e) => (onData as dynamic)(e))
Future cancel() {
if (_canceled) return null;
// Clear out the target to indicate this is complete.
_target = null;
_onData = null;
return null;
bool get _canceled => _target == null;
void onData(void handleData(T event)) {
if (_canceled) {
throw new StateError("Subscription has been canceled.");
// Remove current event listener.
_onData = _wrapZone/*<Event, dynamic>*/(handleData);
/// Has no effect.
void onError(Function handleError) {}
/// Has no effect.
void onDone(void handleDone()) {}
void pause([Future resumeSignal]) {
if (_canceled) return;
if (resumeSignal != null) {
bool get isPaused => _pauseCount > 0;
void resume() {
if (_canceled || !isPaused) return;
void _tryResume() {
if (_onData != null && !isPaused) {
_target.addEventListener(_eventType, _onData, _useCapture);
void _unlisten() {
if (_onData != null) {
_target.removeEventListener(_eventType, _onData, _useCapture);
Future/*<E>*/ asFuture/*<E>*/([var/*=E*/ futureValue]) {
// We just need a future that will never succeed or fail.
var completer = new Completer/*<E>*/();
return completer.future;
* A stream of custom events, which enables the user to "fire" (add) their own
* custom events to a stream.
abstract class CustomStream<T extends Event> implements Stream<T> {
* Add the following custom event to the stream for dispatching to interested
* listeners.
void add(T event);
class _CustomEventStreamImpl<T extends Event> extends Stream<T>
implements CustomStream<T> {
StreamController<T> _streamController;
/** The type of event this stream is providing (e.g. "keydown"). */
String _type;
_CustomEventStreamImpl(String type) {
_type = type;
_streamController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
// Delegate all regular Stream behavior to our wrapped Stream.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return, onError: onError,
onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription),
void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)})
bool get isBroadcast => true;
void add(T event) {
if (event.type == _type) _streamController.add(event);
class _CustomKeyEventStreamImpl extends _CustomEventStreamImpl<KeyEvent>
implements CustomStream<KeyEvent> {
_CustomKeyEventStreamImpl(String type) : super(type);
void add(KeyEvent event) {
if (event.type == _type) {
* A pool of streams whose events are unified and emitted through a central
* stream.
// TODO (efortuna): Remove this when Issue 12218 is addressed.
class _StreamPool<T> {
StreamController<T> _controller;
/// Subscriptions to the streams that make up the pool.
var _subscriptions = new Map<Stream<T>, StreamSubscription<T>>();
* Creates a new stream pool where [stream] can be listened to more than
* once.
* Any events from buffered streams in the pool will be emitted immediately,
* regardless of whether [stream] has any subscribers.
_StreamPool.broadcast() {
_controller = new StreamController<T>.broadcast(sync: true,
onCancel: close);
* The stream through which all events from streams in the pool are emitted.
Stream<T> get stream =>;
* Adds [stream] as a member of this pool.
* Any events from [stream] will be emitted through []. If
* [stream] is sync, they'll be emitted synchronously; if [stream] is async,
* they'll be emitted asynchronously.
void add(Stream<T> stream) {
if (_subscriptions.containsKey(stream)) return;
_subscriptions[stream] = stream.listen(_controller.add,
onError: _controller.addError,
onDone: () => remove(stream));
/** Removes [stream] as a member of this pool. */
void remove(Stream<T> stream) {
var subscription = _subscriptions.remove(stream);
if (subscription != null) subscription.cancel();
/** Removes all streams from this pool and closes [stream]. */
void close() {
for (var subscription in _subscriptions.values) {
* A factory to expose DOM events as streams, where the DOM event name has to
* be determined on the fly (for example, mouse wheel events).
class _CustomEventStreamProvider<T extends Event>
implements EventStreamProvider<T> {
final _eventTypeGetter;
const _CustomEventStreamProvider(this._eventTypeGetter);
Stream<T> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _EventStream<T>(e, _eventTypeGetter(e), useCapture);
ElementStream<T> forElement(Element e, {bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementEventStreamImpl<T>(e, _eventTypeGetter(e), useCapture);
ElementStream<T> _forElementList(ElementList e,
{bool useCapture: false}) {
return new _ElementListEventStreamImpl<T>(e, _eventTypeGetter(e), useCapture);
String getEventType(EventTarget target) {
return _eventTypeGetter(target);
String get _eventType =>
throw new UnsupportedError('Access type through getEventType method.');