blob: cf4ae6aca8be81f3169d8a4400736bf01b9e649c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dev_compiler.test.closure_annotation_test;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/closure/closure_annotation.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/js_ast/js_ast.dart' show TypeRef, Identifier;
void main() {
group('ClosureAnnotation', () {
var anyType = new TypeRef.any();
var unknownType = new TypeRef.unknown();
var numberType = new TypeRef.number();
var stringType = new TypeRef.string();
var booleanType = new TypeRef.boolean();
var fooType = new TypeRef.qualified(
[new Identifier("foo"), new Identifier("Foo")]);
var barType = new TypeRef.named("Bar");
var bazType = new TypeRef.named("Baz");
var bamType = new TypeRef.named("Bam");
var batType = new TypeRef.named("Bat");
test('gives empty comment when no has no meaningful info', () {
expect(new ClosureAnnotation().toString(), "");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(type: anyType).toString(), "");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(type: unknownType).toString(), "");
test('gives single line comment when it fits', () {
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(type: numberType).toString(),
"/** @type {number} */");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(paramTypes: {'foo': anyType}).toString(),
"/** @param {*} foo */");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(paramTypes: {'foo': unknownType}).toString(),
"/** @param {?} foo */");
test('gives multiple line comment when it it does not fit on one line', () {
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(
returnType: stringType, paramTypes: {'foo': numberType})
" * @param {number} foo\n"
" * @return {string}\n"
" */");
test('inserts indentation', () {
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(
returnType: stringType, paramTypes: {'foo': numberType})
.toString(" "),
"/**\n" // No indent on first line.
" * @param {number} foo\n"
" * @return {string}\n"
" */");
test('compresses @type, @final, @const, @private, @protected, @typedef',
() {
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(type: stringType).toString(),
"/** @type {string} */");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(type: stringType, isConst: true).toString(),
"/** @const {string} */");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(type: stringType, isFinal: true).toString(),
"/** @final {string} */");
new ClosureAnnotation(type: stringType, isPrivate: true).toString(),
"/** @private {string} */");
new ClosureAnnotation(type: stringType, isTypedef: true).toString(),
"/** @typedef {string} */");
new ClosureAnnotation(type: stringType, isProtected: true).toString(),
"/** @protected {string} */");
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(
type: stringType,
isPrivate: true,
isConst: true,
isFinal: true,
isProtected: true,
isTypedef: true).toString(),
"/** @private @protected @final @const @typedef {string} */");
test('supports a full constructor annotation', () {
expect(new ClosureAnnotation(
returnType: booleanType,
throwsType: bamType,
thisType: fooType,
superType: barType,
lendsToType: batType,
interfaces: [bazType],
isStruct: true,
isPrivate: true,
isProtected: true,
isOverride: true,
isFinal: true,
isConst: true,
isConstructor: true,
isNoSideEffects: true,
isNoCollapse: true,
paramTypes: {'x': stringType, 'y': numberType},
templates: ['A', 'B']).toString(),
' * @template A, B\n'
' * @this {foo.Foo}\n'
' * @override\n'
' * @nosideeffects\n'
' * @nocollapse\n'
' * @lends {Bat}\n'
' * @private @protected @final @const\n'
' * @constructor @struct @extends {Bar}\n'
' * @implements {Baz}\n'
' * @param {string} x\n'
' * @param {number} y\n'
' * @return {boolean}\n'
' * @throws {Bam}\n'
' */');