blob: 26745f6fdb8cf43455b0d8c36259fcf7f67fbd06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains code to output a description of tasks and their
* dependencies in ".dot" format. Prior to running, the user should run "pub
* get" in the analyzer directory to ensure that a "packages" folder exists.
* TODO(paulberry):
* - Add general.dart and html.dart for completeness.
* - Use Graphviz's "record" feature to produce more compact output
* (
* - Produce a warning if a result descriptor is found which isn't the output
* of exactly one task.
* - Convert this tool to use package_config to find the package map.
library analyzer.tool.task_dependency_graph.generate;
import 'dart:io' hide File;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/codegen/tools.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path/path.dart';
* Generate the target .dot file.
main() {
String script = Platform.script.toFilePath(windows: Platform.isWindows);
String pkgPath = normalize(join(dirname(script), '..', '..'));
GeneratedContent.generateAll(pkgPath, <GeneratedContent>[target, htmlTarget]);
final GeneratedFile htmlTarget = new GeneratedFile(
'doc/tasks.html', (String pkgPath) => new Driver(pkgPath).generateHtml());
final GeneratedFile target = new GeneratedFile(
(String pkgPath) => new Driver(pkgPath).generateFileContents());
typedef void GetterFinderCallback(PropertyAccessorElement element);
class Driver {
static bool hasInitializedPlugins = false;
PhysicalResourceProvider resourceProvider;
AnalysisContext context;
InterfaceType resultDescriptorType;
InterfaceType listOfResultDescriptorType;
ClassElement enginePluginClass;
CompilationUnitElement taskUnitElement;
InterfaceType extensionPointIdType;
final String rootDir;
Driver(String pkgPath) : rootDir = new Directory(pkgPath).absolute.path;
* Get an [io.File] object corresponding to the file in which the generated
* graph should be output.
io.File get file => new io.File(
path.join(rootDir, 'tool', 'task_dependency_graph', ''));
* Starting at [node], find all calls to registerExtension() which refer to
* the given [extensionIdVariable], and execute [callback] for the associated
* result descriptors.
void findExtensions(AstNode node, TopLevelVariableElement extensionIdVariable,
void callback(descriptorName)) {
Set<PropertyAccessorElement> resultDescriptors =
new Set<PropertyAccessorElement>();
node.accept(new ExtensionFinder(
resultDescriptorType, extensionIdVariable, resultDescriptors.add));
for (PropertyAccessorElement resultDescriptor in resultDescriptors) {
* Starting at [node], find all references to a getter of type
* `List<ResultDescriptor>`, and execute [callback] on the getter names.
void findResultDescriptorLists(
AstNode node, void callback(String descriptorListName)) {
Set<PropertyAccessorElement> resultDescriptorLists =
new Set<PropertyAccessorElement>();
node.accept(new GetterFinder(
listOfResultDescriptorType, resultDescriptorLists.add));
for (PropertyAccessorElement resultDescriptorList
in resultDescriptorLists) {
// We only care about result descriptor lists associated with getters in
// the engine plugin class.
if (resultDescriptorList.enclosingElement != enginePluginClass) {
void findResultDescriptors(
AstNode node, void callback(String descriptorName)) {
Set<PropertyAccessorElement> resultDescriptors =
new Set<PropertyAccessorElement>();
node.accept(new GetterFinder(resultDescriptorType, resultDescriptors.add));
for (PropertyAccessorElement resultDescriptor in resultDescriptors) {
* Generate the task dependency graph and return it as a [String].
String generateFileContents() {
return '''
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analyzer/tool/task_dependency_graph/generate.dart".
// To render this graph using Graphviz ( use the command:
// "dot -Tpdf -O".
digraph G {
String generateGraphData() {
if (!hasInitializedPlugins) {
hasInitializedPlugins = true;
List<String> lines = <String>[];
resourceProvider = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE;
DartSdk sdk = new FolderBasedDartSdk(resourceProvider,
context = AnalysisEngine.instance.createAnalysisContext();
ContextBuilderOptions builderOptions = new ContextBuilderOptions();
if (Platform.packageRoot != null) {
builderOptions.defaultPackagesDirectoryPath =
} else if (Platform.packageConfig != null) {
builderOptions.defaultPackageFilePath =
} else {
// Let the context builder use the default algorithm for package
// resolution.
ContextBuilder builder = new ContextBuilder(resourceProvider, null, null,
options: builderOptions);
List<UriResolver> uriResolvers = [
new DartUriResolver(sdk),
new PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider,
new ResourceUriResolver(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE)
context.sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(uriResolvers);
Source dartDartSource =
setupSource(path.join('lib', 'src', 'task', 'dart.dart'));
Source taskSource = setupSource(path.join('lib', 'plugin', 'task.dart'));
Source modelSource = setupSource(path.join('lib', 'task', 'model.dart'));
Source enginePluginSource =
setupSource(path.join('lib', 'src', 'plugin', 'engine_plugin.dart'));
CompilationUnitElement modelElement = getUnit(modelSource).element;
InterfaceType analysisTaskType = modelElement.getType('AnalysisTask').type;
DartType dynamicType = context.typeProvider.dynamicType;
resultDescriptorType = modelElement
listOfResultDescriptorType =
CompilationUnitElement enginePluginUnitElement =
enginePluginClass = enginePluginUnitElement.getType('EnginePlugin');
extensionPointIdType =
CompilationUnit dartDartUnit = getUnit(dartDartSource);
CompilationUnitElement dartDartUnitElement = dartDartUnit.element;
CompilationUnit taskUnit = getUnit(taskSource);
taskUnitElement = taskUnit.element;
Set<String> results = new Set<String>();
Set<String> resultLists = new Set<String>();
for (ClassElement cls in dartDartUnitElement.types) {
if (!cls.isAbstract && cls.type.isSubtypeOf(analysisTaskType)) {
String task =;
AstNode buildInputsAst = cls.getMethod('buildInputs').computeNode();
findResultDescriptors(buildInputsAst, (String input) {
lines.add(' $input -> $task');
findResultDescriptorLists(buildInputsAst, (String input) {
lines.add(' $input -> $task');
(String out) {
lines.add(' $task -> $out');
AstNode enginePluginAst = enginePluginUnitElement.computeNode();
for (String resultList in resultLists) {
lines.add(' $resultList [shape=hexagon]');
TopLevelVariableElement extensionIdVariable = _getExtensionId(resultList);
findExtensions(enginePluginAst, extensionIdVariable, (String extension) {
lines.add(' $extension -> $resultList');
for (String result in results) {
lines.add(' $result [shape=box]');
return lines.join('\n');
String generateHtml() {
return '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Analysis Task Dependency Graph</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="support/style.css">
<script src="support/viz.js"></script>
<script type="application/dart" src="support/web_app.dart.js"></script>
<script src="support/dart.js"></script>
<button id="zoomBtn">Zoom</button>
<script type="text/vnd.graphviz" id="dot">
digraph G {
tooltip="Analysis Task Dependency Graph";
node [fontname=Helvetica];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontcolor=gray];
CompilationUnit getUnit(Source source) =>
context.resolveCompilationUnit2(source, source);
Source setupSource(String filename) {
String filePath = path.join(rootDir, filename);
File file = resourceProvider.getResource(filePath);
Source source = file.createSource();
Uri restoredUri = context.sourceFactory.restoreUri(source);
if (restoredUri != null) {
source = file.createSource(restoredUri);
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
return source;
* Find the result list getter having name [resultListGetterName] in the
* [EnginePlugin] class, and use the [ExtensionPointId] annotation on that
* getter to find the associated [TopLevelVariableElement] which can be used
* to register extensions for that getter.
TopLevelVariableElement _getExtensionId(String resultListGetterName) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter =
for (ElementAnnotation annotation in getter.metadata) {
DartObjectImpl annotationValue = annotation.constantValue;
if (annotationValue.type.isSubtypeOf(extensionPointIdType)) {
String extensionPointId =
for (TopLevelVariableElement variable
in taskUnitElement.topLevelVariables) {
if ( == extensionPointId) {
return variable;
throw new Exception(
'Could not find extension ID corresponding to $resultListGetterName');
* Visitor that finds calls that register extension points. Specifically, we
* look for calls of the form `method(extensionIdVariable, resultDescriptor)`,
* where `resultDescriptor` has type [resultDescriptorType], and we pass the
* corresponding result descriptor names to [callback].
class ExtensionFinder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final InterfaceType resultDescriptorType;
final TopLevelVariableElement extensionIdVariable;
final GetterFinderCallback callback;
this.resultDescriptorType, this.extensionIdVariable, this.callback);
visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.isGetter &&
element.variable == extensionIdVariable) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ArgumentList &&
parent.arguments.length == 2 &&
parent.arguments[0] == node) {
Expression extension = parent.arguments[1];
if (extension is Identifier) {
Element element = extension.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.isGetter &&
element.returnType.isSubtypeOf(resultDescriptorType)) {
throw new Exception('Could not decode extension setup: $parent');
* Visitor that finds references to getters having a specific type (or a
* subtype of that type)
class GetterFinder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final InterfaceType type;
final GetterFinderCallback callback;
GetterFinder(this.type, this.callback);
visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement &&
element.isGetter &&
element.returnType.isSubtypeOf(type)) {