blob: a3d35aac138660fed25fe937e821981ed5ed9498 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library legacy_path;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
// TODO: Remove this class, and use the URI class for all path manipulation.
class Path {
final String _path;
final bool isWindowsShare;
Path(String source)
: _path = _clean(source),
isWindowsShare = _isWindowsShare(source);
Path.raw(String source)
: _path = source,
isWindowsShare = false;
Path._internal(String this._path, bool this.isWindowsShare);
static String _clean(String source) {
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') return _cleanWindows(source);
// Remove trailing slash from directories:
if (source.length > 1 && source.endsWith('/')) {
return source.substring(0, source.length - 1);
return source;
static String _cleanWindows(String source) {
// Change \ to /.
var clean = source.replaceAll('\\', '/');
// Add / before intial [Drive letter]:
if (clean.length >= 2 && clean[1] == ':') {
clean = '/$clean';
if (_isWindowsShare(source)) {
return clean.substring(1, clean.length);
return clean;
static bool _isWindowsShare(String source) {
return Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows' && source.startsWith('\\\\');
int get hashCode => _path.hashCode;
bool get isEmpty => _path.isEmpty;
bool get isAbsolute => _path.startsWith('/');
bool get hasTrailingSeparator => _path.endsWith('/');
String toString() => _path;
Path relativeTo(Path base) {
// Returns a path "relative" such that
// base.join(relative) == this.canonicalize.
// Throws exception if an impossible case is reached.
if (base.isAbsolute != isAbsolute ||
base.isWindowsShare != isWindowsShare) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid case of Path.relativeTo(base):\n"
" Path and base must both be relative, or both absolute.\n"
" Arguments: $_path.relativeTo($base)");
var basePath = base.toString();
// Handle drive letters specially on Windows.
if (base.isAbsolute && Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
bool baseHasDrive =
basePath.length >= 4 && basePath[2] == ':' && basePath[3] == '/';
bool pathHasDrive =
_path.length >= 4 && _path[2] == ':' && _path[3] == '/';
if (baseHasDrive && pathHasDrive) {
int baseDrive = basePath.codeUnitAt(1) | 32; // Convert to uppercase.
if (baseDrive >= 'a'.codeUnitAt(0) &&
baseDrive <= 'z'.codeUnitAt(0) &&
baseDrive == (_path.codeUnitAt(1) | 32)) {
if (basePath[1] != _path[1]) {
// Replace the drive letter in basePath with that from _path.
basePath = '/${_path[1]}:/${basePath.substring(4)}';
base = new Path(basePath);
} else {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid case of Path.relativeTo(base):\n"
" Base path and target path are on different Windows drives.\n"
" Arguments: $_path.relativeTo($base)");
} else if (baseHasDrive != pathHasDrive) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid case of Path.relativeTo(base):\n"
" Base path must start with a drive letter if and "
"only if target path does.\n"
" Arguments: $_path.relativeTo($base)");
if (_path.startsWith(basePath)) {
if (_path == basePath) return new Path('.');
// There must be a '/' at the end of the match, or immediately after.
int matchEnd = basePath.length;
if (_path[matchEnd - 1] == '/' || _path[matchEnd] == '/') {
// Drop any extra '/' characters at matchEnd
while (matchEnd < _path.length && _path[matchEnd] == '/') {
return new Path(_path.substring(matchEnd)).canonicalize();
List<String> baseSegments = base.canonicalize().segments();
List<String> pathSegments = canonicalize().segments();
if (baseSegments.length == 1 && baseSegments[0] == '.') {
baseSegments = [];
if (pathSegments.length == 1 && pathSegments[0] == '.') {
pathSegments = [];
int common = 0;
int length = min(pathSegments.length, baseSegments.length);
while (common < length && pathSegments[common] == baseSegments[common]) {
final segments = new List<String>();
if (common < baseSegments.length && baseSegments[common] == '..') {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid case of Path.relativeTo(base):\n"
" Base path has more '..'s than path does.\n"
" Arguments: $_path.relativeTo($base)");
for (int i = common; i < baseSegments.length; i++) {
for (int i = common; i < pathSegments.length; i++) {
if (segments.isEmpty) {
if (hasTrailingSeparator) {
return new Path(segments.join('/'));
Path join(Path further) {
if (further.isAbsolute) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Path.join called with absolute Path as argument.");
if (isEmpty) {
return further.canonicalize();
if (hasTrailingSeparator) {
var joined = new Path._internal('$_path${further}', isWindowsShare);
return joined.canonicalize();
var joined = new Path._internal('$_path/${further}', isWindowsShare);
return joined.canonicalize();
// Note: The URI RFC names for canonicalize, join, and relativeTo
// are normalize, resolve, and relativize. But resolve and relativize
// drop the last segment of the base path (the filename), on URIs.
Path canonicalize() {
if (isCanonical) return this;
return makeCanonical();
bool get isCanonical {
// Contains no consecutive path separators.
// Contains no segments that are '.'.
// Absolute paths have no segments that are '..'.
// All '..' segments of a relative path are at the beginning.
if (isEmpty) return false; // The canonical form of '' is '.'.
if (_path == '.') return true;
List segs = _path.split('/'); // Don't mask the getter 'segments'.
if (segs[0] == '') {
// Absolute path
segs[0] = null; // Faster than removeRange().
} else {
// A canonical relative path may start with .. segments.
for (int pos = 0; pos < segs.length && segs[pos] == '..'; ++pos) {
segs[pos] = null;
if (segs.last == '') segs.removeLast(); // Path ends with /.
// No remaining segments can be ., .., or empty.
return !segs.any((s) => s == '' || s == '.' || s == '..');
Path makeCanonical() {
bool isAbs = isAbsolute;
List segs = segments();
String drive;
if (isAbs && !segs.isEmpty && segs[0].length == 2 && segs[0][1] == ':') {
drive = segs[0];
segs.removeRange(0, 1);
List newSegs = [];
for (String segment in segs) {
switch (segment) {
case '..':
// Absolute paths drop leading .. markers, including after a drive.
if (newSegs.isEmpty) {
if (isAbs) {
// Do nothing: drop the segment.
} else {
} else if (newSegs.last == '..') {
} else {
case '.':
case '':
// Do nothing - drop the segment.
List segmentsToJoin = [];
if (isAbs) {
if (drive != null) {
if (newSegs.isEmpty) {
if (isAbs) {
} else {
} else {
if (hasTrailingSeparator) {
return new Path._internal(segmentsToJoin.join('/'), isWindowsShare);
String toNativePath() {
if (isEmpty) return '.';
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
String nativePath = _path;
// Drop '/' before a drive letter.
if (nativePath.length >= 3 &&
nativePath.startsWith('/') &&
nativePath[2] == ':') {
nativePath = nativePath.substring(1);
nativePath = nativePath.replaceAll('/', '\\');
if (isWindowsShare) {
return '\\$nativePath';
return nativePath;
return _path;
List<String> segments() {
List result = _path.split('/');
if (isAbsolute) result.removeRange(0, 1);
if (hasTrailingSeparator) result.removeLast();
return result;
Path append(String finalSegment) {
if (isEmpty) {
return new Path._internal(finalSegment, isWindowsShare);
} else if (hasTrailingSeparator) {
return new Path._internal('$_path$finalSegment', isWindowsShare);
} else {
return new Path._internal('$_path/$finalSegment', isWindowsShare);
String get filenameWithoutExtension {
var name = filename;
if (name == '.' || name == '..') return name;
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
return (pos < 0) ? name : name.substring(0, pos);
String get extension {
var name = filename;
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
return (pos < 0) ? '' : name.substring(pos + 1);
Path get directoryPath {
int pos = _path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos < 0) return new Path('');
while (pos > 0 && _path[pos - 1] == '/') --pos;
var dirPath = (pos > 0) ? _path.substring(0, pos) : '/';
return new Path._internal(dirPath, isWindowsShare);
String get filename {
int pos = _path.lastIndexOf('/');
return _path.substring(pos + 1);