blob: ee5a6285443b913625b20b8a58f06d11a48da6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(antonm): rename to something like test_runner_updater.
library drt_updater;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:io";
import "test_suite.dart";
class _DartiumUpdater {
String name;
String script;
String option;
bool isActive = false;
bool updated = false;
List onUpdated;
Future<ProcessResult> _updatingProcess;
_DartiumUpdater(, this.script, [this.option = null]);
void update() {
if (!isActive) {
isActive = true;
print('Updating $name.');
onUpdated = [
() {
updated = true;
_updatingProcess ='python', _getUpdateCommand);
_updatingProcess.then(_onUpdatedHandler).catchError((e) {
print("Error starting $script process: $e");
// TODO(floitsch): should we print the stacktrace?
return false;
List<String> get _getUpdateCommand {
Uri updateScript = TestUtils.dartDirUri.resolve(script);
List<String> command = [updateScript.toFilePath()];
if (null != option) {
return command;
void _onUpdatedHandler(ProcessResult result) {
if (result.exitCode == 0) {
print('$name updated');
} else {
print('Failure updating $name');
print(' Exit code: ${result.exitCode}');
for (var callback in onUpdated) callback();
_DartiumUpdater _contentShellUpdater;
_DartiumUpdater _dartiumUpdater;
_DartiumUpdater runtimeUpdater(Map configuration) {
String runtime = configuration['runtime'];
if (runtime == 'drt' && configuration['drt'] == '') {
// Download the default content shell from Google Storage.
if (_contentShellUpdater == null) {
_contentShellUpdater =
new _DartiumUpdater('Content Shell', 'tools/', 'drt');
return _contentShellUpdater;
} else if (runtime == 'dartium' && configuration['dartium'] == '') {
// Download the default Dartium from Google Storage.
if (_dartiumUpdater == null) {
_dartiumUpdater = new _DartiumUpdater(
'Dartium Chrome', 'tools/', 'dartium');
return _dartiumUpdater;
} else {
return null;