blob: 130db11af4563f0a5c74523587309f8073c83293 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Tool for running co19 tests. Used when updating co19.
* Currently, this tool is merely a convenience around multiple
* invocations of test.dart. Long term, we hope to evolve this into a
* script that can automate most of the tasks necessary when updating
* co19.
* Usage:
* [: dart tools/testing/dart/co19_test.dart :]
library co19_test;
import "dart:io";
import "test_options.dart";
import "test_suite.dart";
import "test_configurations.dart";
const List<String> COMMON_ARGUMENTS = const <String>[
const List<List<String>> COMMAND_LINES = const <List<String>>[
const <String>['-mrelease,debug', '-rvm', '-cnone'],
const <String>['-mrelease,debug', '-rvm', '-cnone', '--checked'],
const <String>['-mrelease', '-rnone', '-cdart2analyzer'],
const <String>['-mrelease', '-rd8', '-cdart2js', '--use-sdk'],
const <String>[
const <String>[
const <String>['-mrelease', '-rdartium', '-cnone', '--use-sdk', '--fast-startup'],
const <String>['-mrelease', '-rdartium', '-cnone', '--use-sdk'],
void main(List<String> args) {
var optionsParser = new TestOptionsParser();
List<Map> configurations = <Map>[];
for (var commandLine in COMMAND_LINES) {
List arguments = <String>[];
if (configurations != null || configurations.length > 0) {