blob: 615d5b0abcbc4bca0773510ab1b7981c47c7e532 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library android;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:convert" show LineSplitter, UTF8;
import "dart:core";
import "dart:collection";
import "dart:io";
import "path.dart";
import "utils.dart";
class AdbCommandResult {
final String command;
final String stdout;
final String stderr;
final int exitCode;
final bool timedOut;
AdbCommandResult(this.command, this.stdout, this.stderr, this.exitCode,
void throwIfFailed() {
if (exitCode != 0) {
var error = "Running: $command failed:"
"stdout:\n ${stdout.trim()}\n"
"stderr:\n ${stderr.trim()}\n"
"exitCode: $exitCode\n"
"timedOut: $timedOut";
throw new Exception(error);
* [_executeCommand] will write [stdin] to the standard input of the created
* process and will return a tuple (stdout, stderr).
* If the exit code of the process was nonzero it will complete with an error.
* If starting the process failed, it will complete with an error as well.
Future<AdbCommandResult> _executeCommand(
String executable, List<String> args,
{String stdin, Duration timeout}) {
Future<String> getOutput(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
return stream
.then((data) => data.join(""));
return Process.start(executable, args).then((Process process) async {
if (stdin != null && stdin != '') {
Timer timer;
bool timedOut = false;
if (timeout != null) {
timer = new Timer(timeout, () {
timedOut = true;
timer = null;
var results = await Future.wait([
if (timer != null) timer.cancel();
String command = "$executable ${args.join(' ')}";
return new AdbCommandResult(
command, results[0], results[1], results[2], timedOut);
* Helper class to loop through all adb ports.
* The ports come in pairs:
* - even number: console connection
* - odd number: adb connection
* Note that this code doesn't check if the ports are used.
class AdbServerPortPool {
static int MIN_PORT = 5554;
static int MAX_PORT = 5584;
static int _nextPort = MIN_PORT;
static int next() {
var port = _nextPort;
if (port > MAX_PORT) {
throw new Exception("All ports are used.");
_nextPort += 2;
return port;
* Represents the interface to the emulator.
* New emulators can be launched by calling the static [launchNewEmulator]
* method.
class AndroidEmulator {
int _port;
Process _emulatorProcess;
AdbDevice _adbDevice;
int get port => _port;
AdbDevice get adbDevice => _adbDevice;
static Future<AndroidEmulator> launchNewEmulator(String avdName) {
var portNumber =;
var args = ['-avd', '$avdName', '-port', "$portNumber" /*, '-gpu', 'on'*/];
return Process.start("emulator64-arm", args).then((Process process) {
var adbDevice = new AdbDevice('emulator-$portNumber');
return new AndroidEmulator._private(portNumber, adbDevice, process);
AndroidEmulator._private(this._port, this._adbDevice, this._emulatorProcess) {
Stream<String> getLines(Stream s) {
return s.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(new LineSplitter());
getLines(_emulatorProcess.stdout).listen((line) {
log("stdout: ${line.trim()}");
getLines(_emulatorProcess.stderr).listen((line) {
log("stderr: ${line.trim()}");
_emulatorProcess.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
log("emulator exited with exitCode: $exitCode.");
Future<bool> kill() {
var completer = new Completer();
if (_emulatorProcess.kill()) {
_emulatorProcess.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
// TODO: Should we use exitCode to do something clever?
} else {
log("Sending kill signal to emulator process failed");
return completer.future;
void log(String msg) {"AndroidEmulator(${_adbDevice.deviceId}): $msg");
* Helper class to create avd device configurations.
class AndroidHelper {
static Future createAvd(String name, String target) async {
var args = [
// We're adding newlines to stdin to simulate <enter>.
var result = await _executeCommand("android", args, stdin: "\n\n\n\n");
* Used for communicating with an emulator or with a real device.
class AdbDevice {
static const _adbServerStartupTime = const Duration(seconds: 3);
String _deviceId;
String get deviceId => _deviceId;
* Blocks execution until the device is online
Future waitForDevice() {
return _adbCommand(['wait-for-device']);
* Polls the 'sys.boot_completed' property. Returns as soon as the property is
* 1.
Future waitForBootCompleted() async {
while (true) {
try {
AdbCommandResult result =
await _adbCommand(['shell', 'getprop', 'sys.boot_completed']);
if (result.stdout.trim() == '1') return;
} catch (_) { }
await new Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
* Put adb in root mode.
Future adbRoot() {
var adbRootCompleter = new Completer();
_adbCommand(['root']).then((_) {
// TODO: Figure out a way to wait until the adb daemon was restarted in
// 'root mode' on the device.
new Timer(_adbServerStartupTime, () => adbRootCompleter.complete(true));
}).catchError((error) => adbRootCompleter.completeError(error));
return adbRootCompleter.future;
* Download data form the device.
Future pullData(Path remote, Path local) {
return _adbCommand(['pull', '$remote', '$local']);
* Upload data to the device.
Future pushData(Path local, Path remote) {
return _adbCommand(['push', '$local', '$remote']);
* Change permission of directory recursively.
Future chmod(String mode, Path directory) {
var arguments = ['shell', 'chmod', '-R', mode, '$directory'];
return _adbCommand(arguments);
* Install an application on the device.
Future installApk(Path filename) {
return _adbCommand(
['install', '-i', '', '-r', '$filename']);
* Start the given intent on the device.
Future startActivity(Intent intent) {
var arguments = [
if (intent.dataUri != null) {
arguments.addAll(['-d', intent.dataUri]);
return _adbCommand(arguments);
* Force to stop everything associated with [package].
Future forceStop(String package) {
var arguments = ['shell', 'am', 'force-stop', package];
return _adbCommand(arguments);
* Set system property name to value.
Future setProp(String name, String value) {
return _adbCommand(['shell', 'setprop', name, value]);
* Kill all background processes.
Future killAll() {
var arguments = ['shell', 'am', 'kill-all'];
return _adbCommand(arguments);
Future<AdbCommandResult> runAdbCommand(List<String> adbArgs,
{Duration timeout}) {
return _executeCommand(
"adb", _deviceSpecificArgs(adbArgs), timeout: timeout);
Future<AdbCommandResult> runAdbShellCommand(List<String> shellArgs,
{Duration timeout}) async {
const MARKER = 'AdbShellExitCode: ';
// The exitcode of 'adb shell ...' can be 0 even though the command failed
// with a non-zero exit code. We therefore explicitly print it to stdout and
// search for it.
var args = ['shell',
"${shellArgs.join(' ')} ; echo $MARKER \$?"];
AdbCommandResult result = await _executeCommand(
"adb", _deviceSpecificArgs(args), timeout: timeout);
int exitCode = result.exitCode;
var lines = result
.where((line) => line.trim().length > 0)
if (lines.length > 0) {
int index = lines.last.indexOf(MARKER);
if (index >= 0) {
exitCode = int.parse(
lines.last.substring(index + MARKER.length).trim());
if (exitCode > 128 && exitCode <= 128 + 31) {
// Return negative exit codes for signals 1..31 (128+N for signal N)
exitCode = 128 - exitCode;
} else {
// In case of timeouts, for example, we won't get the exitcode marker.
assert(result.exitCode != 0);
return new AdbCommandResult(
result.command, result.stdout, result.stderr, exitCode,
Future<AdbCommandResult> _adbCommand(List<String> adbArgs) async {
var result = await _executeCommand("adb", _deviceSpecificArgs(adbArgs));
return result;
List<String> _deviceSpecificArgs(List<String> adbArgs) {
if (_deviceId != null) {
var extendedAdbArgs = ['-s', _deviceId];
adbArgs = extendedAdbArgs;
return adbArgs;
* Helper to list all adb devices available.
class AdbHelper {
static RegExp _deviceLineRegexp =
new RegExp(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[ \t]+device$', multiLine: true);
static Future<List<String>> listDevices() {
return'adb', ['devices']).then((ProcessResult result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw new Exception("Could not list devices [stdout: ${result.stdout},"
"stderr: ${result.stderr}]");
return _deviceLineRegexp
.map((Match m) =>
* Represents an android intent.
class Intent {
String action;
String package;
String activity;
String dataUri;
Intent(this.action, this.package, this.activity, [this.dataUri]);
* Discovers all available devices and supports acquire/release.
class AdbDevicePool {
final Queue<AdbDevice> _idleDevices = new Queue<AdbDevice>();
final Queue<Completer> _waiter = new Queue<Completer>();
AdbDevicePool(List<AdbDevice> idleDevices) {
static Future<AdbDevicePool> create() async {
var names = await AdbHelper.listDevices();
var devices = => new AdbDevice(id)).toList();
if (devices.length == 0) {
throw new Exception(
'No android devices found. '
'Please make sure "adb devices" shows your device!');
return new AdbDevicePool(devices);
Future<AdbDevice> acquireDevice() async {
if (_idleDevices.length > 0) {
return _idleDevices.removeFirst();
} else {
var completer = new Completer();
return completer.future;
void releaseDevice(AdbDevice device) {
if (_waiter.length > 0) {
Completer completer = _waiter.removeFirst();
} else {