blob: db15b775698973428dfa9c72c0b895b8975b8497 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// OtherResources=fixed_length_file
import "dart:async";
import "dart:io";
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
void testReadInvalidArgs(arg) {
String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file");
var file = (new File(filename)).openSync();
Expect.throws(() => file.readSync(arg),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
Expect.throws(() =>,
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
void testReadIntoInvalidArgs(buffer, start, end) {
String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file");
var file = (new File(filename)).openSync();
Expect.throws(() => file.readIntoSync(buffer, start, end),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
Expect.throws(() => file.readInto(buffer, start, end),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
void testWriteByteInvalidArgs(value) {
String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file");
var file = (new File("${filename}_out")).openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
Expect.throws(() => file.writeByteSync(value),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
Expect.throws(() => file.writeByte(value),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
void testWriteFromInvalidArgs(buffer, start, end) {
String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file");
var file = (new File("${filename}_out")).openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
Expect.throws(() => file.writeFromSync(buffer, start, end),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
Expect.throws(() => file.writeFrom(buffer, start, end),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
void testWriteStringInvalidArgs(string, encoding) {
String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file");
var file = new File("${filename}_out").openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
Expect.throws(() => file.writeStringSync(string, encoding: encoding),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
Expect.throws(() => file.writeString(string, encoding: encoding),
(e) => e is ArgumentError);
Future futureThrows(Future result) {
return result.then((value) {
throw new ExpectException(
"futureThrows received $value instead of an exception");
onError: (_) => null
void testFileSystemEntity() {
Expect.throws(() => ((x) => FileSystemEntity.typeSync(x))([1,2,3]));
Expect.throws(() => ((x, y) =>
FileSystemEntity.typeSync(x, followLinks: y))(".", "why not?"));
Expect.throws(() => ((x, y) =>
FileSystemEntity.identicalSync(x, y))([1,2,3], "."));
Expect.throws(() => ((x, y) =>
FileSystemEntity.identicalSync(x, y))(".", 52));
Expect.throws(() => ((x) => FileSystemEntity.isLinkSync(x))(52));
Expect.throws(() => ((x) => FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(x))(52));
Expect.throws(() => ((x) => FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(x))(52));
futureThrows(((x) => FileSystemEntity.type(x))([1,2,3]))
.then((_) => futureThrows(((x, y) =>
FileSystemEntity.type(x, followLinks: y))(".", "why not?")))
.then((_) => futureThrows(((x, y) =>
FileSystemEntity.identical(x, y))([1,2,3], ".")))
.then((_) => futureThrows(((x, y) =>
FileSystemEntity.identical(x, y))(".", 52)))
.then((_) => futureThrows(((x) => FileSystemEntity.isLink(x))(52)))
.then((_) => futureThrows(((x) => FileSystemEntity.isFile(x))(52)))
.then((_) => futureThrows(((x) => FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(x))(52)))
.then((_) => asyncEnd());
String getFilename(String path) {
return Platform.script.resolve(path).toFilePath();
main() {
testReadIntoInvalidArgs(12, 0, 1);
testReadIntoInvalidArgs(new List(10), '0', 1);
testReadIntoInvalidArgs(new List(10), 0, '1');
testWriteFromInvalidArgs(12, 0, 1);
testWriteFromInvalidArgs(new List(10), '0', 1);
testWriteFromInvalidArgs(new List(10), 0, '1');
testWriteStringInvalidArgs("Hello, world", 42);