blob: c3f7befc923993414efdae6cfa2d326829695aca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.serialization_test_data;
const List<Test> TESTS = const <Test>[
// These tests are very long-running and put here first to compile them on
// their own tests.
const Test(
'Disable tree shaking through reflection',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {
reflect(null).invoke(#toString, []).reflectee;
expectedWarningCount: 1),
const Test('Use of dart:indexed_db', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {}
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'dart:indexed_db';
// These tests
const Test('Empty program', const {'main.dart': 'main() {}'}),
const Test(
'Hello World', const {'main.dart': 'main() => print("Hello World");'}),
const Test('Too many arguments to print',
const {'main.dart': 'main() => print("Hello World", 0);'},
expectedWarningCount: 1, expectedInfoCount: 1),
const Test('Hello World with string interpolation', const {
'main.dart': r'''
main() {
String text = "Hello World";
const Test(
'Too many arguments to print with string interpolation',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
main() {
String text = "Hello World";
print('$text', text);
expectedWarningCount: 1,
expectedInfoCount: 1),
const Test('Print main arguments', const {
'main.dart': r'''
main(List<String> arguments) {
const Test('For loop on main arguments', const {
'main.dart': r'''
main(List<String> arguments) {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
const Test('For-in loop on main arguments', const {
'main.dart': r'''
main(List<String> arguments) {
for (String argument in arguments) {
const Test('Simple class', const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class {}
main() {
print(new Class());
const Test(
'Simple class implements Function without call method',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class implements Function {}
main() {
print(new Class());
expectedWarningCount: 1),
const Test('Simple class implements Function with call method', const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class implements Function {
call() {}
main() {
print(new Class()());
const Test('Implement Comparable', const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class implements Comparable<Class> {
int compareTo(Class other) => 0;
main() {
print(new Class());
const Test(
'Implement Comparable with two many type arguments',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class implements Comparable<Class, Class> {
int compareTo(other) => 0;
main() {
print(new Class());
expectedWarningCount: 1),
const Test(
'Implement Comparable with incompatible parameter types',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class implements Comparable<Class> {
int compareTo(String other) => 0;
main() {
print(new Class().compareTo(null));
expectedWarningCount: 1,
expectedInfoCount: 1),
const Test(
'Implement Comparable with incompatible parameter count',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
class Class implements Comparable {
bool compareTo(a, b) => true;
main() {
print(new Class().compareTo(null, null));
expectedWarningCount: 1,
expectedInfoCount: 1),
const Test(
'Implement Random and call nextInt directly',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
import 'dart:math';
class MyRandom implements Random {
int nextInt(int max) {
return max.length;
bool nextBool() => true;
double nextDouble() => 0.0;
main() {
new MyRandom().nextInt(0);
expectedWarningCount: 1,
expectedInfoCount: 0),
const Test('Implement Random and do not call nextInt', const {
'main.dart': r'''
import 'dart:math';
class MyRandom implements Random {
int nextInt(int max) {
return max.length;
bool nextBool() => true;
double nextDouble() => 0.0;
main() {
new MyRandom();
const Test(
'Implement Random and call nextInt through native code',
const {
'main.dart': r'''
import 'dart:math';
class MyRandom implements Random {
int nextInt(int max) {
return max.length;
bool nextBool() => true;
double nextDouble() => 0.0;
main() {
// Invocation of `MyRandom.nextInt` is only detected knowing the actual
// implementation class for `List` and the world impact of its `shuffle`
// method.
[].shuffle(new MyRandom());
expectedWarningCount: 1,
expectedInfoCount: 0),
const Test('Handle break and continue', const {
'main.dart': '''
main() {
loop: for (var a in []) {
for (var b in []) {
continue loop;
const Test('Explicit default constructor', const {
'main.dart': '''
class A {
main() => new A();
const Test('Explicit default constructor, preserialized', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() => new A();
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'lib.dart': '''
class A {
const Test('Const constructor', const {
'main.dart': '''
class C {
const C();
main() => const C();'''
const Test('Redirecting factory', const {
'main.dart': '''
class C {
factory C() = Object;
main() => new C();'''
const Test('Redirecting factory with optional arguments', const {
'main.dart': '''
abstract class C implements List {
factory C([_]) = List;
main() => new C();'''
const Test('Constructed constant using its default values.', const {
'main.dart': '''
main() => const Duration();
const Test('Call forwarding constructor on named mixin application', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'dart:collection';
main() => new UnmodifiableListView(null);
const Test('Function reference constant', const {
'main.dart': '''
var myIdentical = identical;
main() => myIdentical;
const Test('Super method call', const {
'main.dart': '''
class Foo {
String toString() => super.toString();
main() {
print(new Foo());
const Test(
'Call forwarding constructor on named mixin application, no args.',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() => new C();
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'lib.dart': '''
class M {}
class S {}
class C = S with M;
const Test(
'Call forwarding constructor on named mixin application, one arg.',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() => new C(0);
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'lib.dart': '''
class M {}
class S {
class C = S with M;
const Test(
'Import mirrors, thus checking import paths',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
expectedWarningCount: 1),
const Test('Serialized symbol literal', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'lib.dart';
main() => m();
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'lib.dart': '''
m() => print(#main);
const Test('Indirect unserialized library', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() => foo();
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'memory:b.dart';
foo() => bar();
}, unserializedSourceFiles: const {
'b.dart': '''
import 'memory:a.dart';
bar() => foo();
const Test('Multiple structurally identical mixins', const {
'main.dart': '''
class S {}
class M {}
class C1 extends S with M {}
class C2 extends S with M {}
main() {
new C1();
new C2();
const Test('Deferred loading', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart' deferred as lib;
main() {;
'a.dart': '''
void foo() {}
const Test('fromEnvironment constants', const {
'main.dart': '''
main() => const String.fromEnvironment("foo");
const Test('Unused noSuchMethod', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
new A().m();
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class A {
noSuchMethod(_) => null;
const Test('Malformed types', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
Unresolved m() {}
const Test('Function types for closures', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
typedef Func();
main(args) {
(args.isEmpty ? new B() : new C()) is Func;
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class B {
call(a) {}
class C {
call() {}
const Test('Double literal in constant constructor', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
const A(1.0);
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class A {
final field1;
const A(a) : this.field1 = a + 1.0;
const Test('Index set if null', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() => m(null, null, null);
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
m(a, b, c) => a[b] ??= c;
const Test('If-null expression in constant constructor', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
const A(1.0);
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class A {
final field1;
const A(a) : this.field1 = a ?? 1.0;
const Test('Forwarding constructor defined by forwarding constructor', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() => new C();
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D = A with B, C;
'b.dart': '''
const Test('Deferred prefix loadLibrary', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'b.dart' deferred as pre;
test() {
'b.dart': '''
const Test(
'Deferred without prefix',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'b.dart' deferred;
test() {}
'b.dart': '''
expectedErrorCount: 1),
const Test(
'Deferred with duplicate prefix',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'b.dart' deferred as pre;
import 'c.dart' deferred as pre;
test() {}
'b.dart': '''
'c.dart': '''
expectedErrorCount: 1),
const Test('Closure in operator function', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class C {
operator ==(other) => () {};
test() => new C() == null;
const Test(
'Checked setter',
const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
class C {
set foo(int i) {}
test() => new C().foo = 0;
checkedMode: true),
const Test('Deferred access', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'b.dart' deferred as b;
test() => b.loadLibrary().then((_) => b.test2());
'b.dart': '''
test2() {}
const Test('Deferred access of dart:core', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import "dart:core" deferred as core;
test() {
core.loadLibrary().then((_) => null);
const Test('Use of dart:indexed_db', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() {}
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
import 'dart:indexed_db';
const Test('Deferred static access', const {},
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'b.dart' deferred as prefix;
main() => prefix.loadLibrary().then((_) => prefix.test2());
'b.dart': '''
test2() => x;
var x = const ConstClass(const ConstClass(1));
class ConstClass {
final x;
const ConstClass(this.x);
const Test('Multi variable declaration', const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
main() => y;
}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
var x, y = 2;
const Test('Double values', const {}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
const a = 1e+400;
main() => a;
const Test('Erroneous constructor', const {},
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
main() => new Null();
const Test('Metadata on imports', const {}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'main.dart';
main() {}
const Test('Metadata on exports', const {}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
export 'main.dart';
main() {}
const Test('Metadata on part tags', const {},
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
library main;
part 'a.dart';
main() {}
unserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
part of main;
const Test('Metadata on part-of tags', const {},
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
library main;
part 'a.dart';
main() {}
unserializedSourceFiles: const {
'a.dart': '''
part of main;
const Test('Ambiguous elements', const {}, preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
main() => new foo();
'a.dart': '''
var foo;
'b.dart': '''
var foo;
const Test('html and mirrors', const {},
preserializedSourceFiles: const {
'main.dart': '''
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
expectedWarningCount: 1),
class Test {
final String name;
final Map sourceFiles;
final Map preserializedSourceFiles;
final Map unserializedSourceFiles;
final int expectedErrorCount;
final int expectedWarningCount;
final int expectedHintCount;
final int expectedInfoCount;
final bool checkedMode;
const Test(, this.sourceFiles,
this.expectedErrorCount: 0,
this.expectedWarningCount: 0,
this.expectedHintCount: 0,
this.expectedInfoCount: 0,
this.checkedMode: false});