blob: fa022d9c94a34213cdb1fe2e40bfa5fe13ef5a84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT, JS;
import 'dart:_js_helper' show Native, Creates;
import 'dart:_interceptors'
// Test for safe formatting of JavaScript objects by Error.safeToString.
class Purple {}
class Q {}
class Rascal {
toString() => 'RRRRRRRR';
makeA() native ;
makeB() native ;
makeC() native ;
makeD() native ;
makeE() native ;
makeP() native ;
makeQ() native ;
makeR() native ;
void setup() native r"""
makeA = function(){return {hello: 123};};
function BB(){}
makeB = function(){return new BB();};
function CC(){}
makeC = function(){
var x = new CC();
x.constructor = null; // Foils constructor lookup.
return x;
function DD(){}
makeD = function(){
var x = new DD();
x.constructor = {name: 'DDxxx'}; // Foils constructor lookup.
return x;
function EE(){}
makeE = function(){
var x = new EE();
x.constructor = function Liar(){}; // Looks like a legitimate constructor.
return x;
function PPPP(){}
makeP = function(){return new PPPP();};
function QQQQ(){}
makeQ = function(){return new QQQQ();};
function RRRR(){}
makeR = function(){return new RRRR();};
expectTypeName(expectedName, s) {
var m = new RegExp(r"Instance of '(.*)'").firstMatch(s);
var name =;
Expect.isTrue(expectedName == name || name.length <= 3,
"Is '$expectedName' or minified: '$name'");
final plainJsString =
final unknownJsString =
final interceptorString =
testDistinctInterceptors() {
// Test invariants needed for the other tests.
Expect.notEquals(plainJsString, unknownJsString);
Expect.notEquals(plainJsString, interceptorString);
Expect.notEquals(unknownJsString, interceptorString);
expectTypeName('PlainJavaScriptObject', plainJsString);
expectTypeName('UnknownJavaScriptObject', unknownJsString);
expectTypeName('Interceptor', interceptorString);
// Sometimes interceptor *objects* are used instead of the prototypes. Check
// these work too.
var plain2 = Error.safeToString(const PlainJavaScriptObject());
Expect.equals(plainJsString, plain2);
var unk2 = Error.safeToString(const UnknownJavaScriptObject());
Expect.equals(unknownJsString, unk2);
testExternal() {
var x = makeA();
Expect.equals(plainJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
x = makeB();
// Gets name from constructor, regardless of minification.
Expect.equals("Instance of 'BB'", Error.safeToString(x));
x = makeC();
Expect.equals(unknownJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
x = makeD();
Expect.equals(unknownJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
x = makeE();
Expect.equals("Instance of 'Liar'", Error.safeToString(x));
testNative() {
var x = makeP();
Expect.isTrue(x is Purple); // This test forces Purple to be distinguished.
Expect.notEquals(plainJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
Expect.notEquals(unknownJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
Expect.notEquals(interceptorString, Error.safeToString(x));
// And not the native class constructor.
Expect.notEquals("Instance of 'PPPP'", Error.safeToString(x));
expectTypeName('Purple', Error.safeToString(x));
x = makeQ();
print('Q: $x ${Error.safeToString(x)}');
// We are going to get either the general interceptor or the JavaScript
// constructor.
Expect.isTrue("Instance of 'QQQQ'" == Error.safeToString(x) ||
interceptorString == Error.safeToString(x));
x = makeR();
// Rascal overrides 'toString'. The toString() call causes Rascal to be
// distinguished.
Expect.notEquals(plainJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
Expect.notEquals(unknownJsString, Error.safeToString(x));
Expect.notEquals(interceptorString, Error.safeToString(x));
// And not the native class constructor.
Expect.notEquals("Instance of 'RRRR'", Error.safeToString(x));
expectTypeName('Rascal', Error.safeToString(x));
main() {