blob: 36d9aa708470d9cbed499b72fbf623c4239fd76b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of serialization;
// TODO(alanknight): Figure out how to reasonably separate out the things
// that require reflection without making the API more awkward. Or if that is
// in fact necessary. Maybe the tree-shaking will just remove it if unused.
* This is the basic rule for handling "normal" objects, which have a list of
* fields and a constructor, as opposed to simple types or collections. It uses
* mirrors to access the state, and can also use them to figure out the list
* of fields and the constructor if it's not provided.
* If you call [Serialization.addRule], this is what you get.
class BasicRule extends SerializationRule {
* The [type] is used both to find fields and to verify if the object is one
* that we handle.
final ClassMirror type;
/** Used to create new objects when reading. */
final Constructor constructor;
/** This holds onto our list of fields, and can also calculate them. */
final _FieldList _fields;
* Instances can either use maps or lists to hold the object's state. The list
* representation is much more compact and used by default. The map
* representation is more human-readable. The default is to use lists.
bool useMaps = false;
// TODO(alanknight) Change the type parameter once we have class literals.
// Issue 6282.
// TODO(alanknight) Does the comment for this format properly?
* Create this rule. Right now the user is obliged to pass a ClassMirror,
* but once we allow class literals (Issue 6282) it will support that. The
* other parameters can all be left as null, and are optional on the
* [Serialization.addRule] method which is the normal caller for this.
* [constructorName] is the constructor, if not the default.
* [constructorFields] are the fields required to call the constructor, which
* is the essential state. They don't have to be actual fields,
* getter/setter pairs or getter/constructor pairs are fine. Note that
* the constructorFields do not need to be strings, they can be arbitrary
* values. For non-strings, these will be treated as constant values to be
* used instead of data read from the objects.
* [regularFields] are the non-essential fields. They don't have to be actual
* fields, getter/setter pairs are fine. If this is null, it's assumed
* that we should figure them out.
* [excludeFields] lets you tell it to find the fields automatically, but
* omit some that would otherwise be included.
factory BasicRule(ClassMirror type, String constructorName,
List constructorFields, List regularFields, List excludeFields) {
var fields = new _FieldList(type);
fields.constructorFields = constructorFields;
fields.regular = regularFields;
// TODO(alanknight): The order of this matters. It shouldn't.
fields.exclude = excludeFields;
var constructor = new Constructor(type, constructorName,
return new BasicRule._(type, constructor, fields);
BasicRule._(this.type, this.constructor, this._fields) {
* Sometimes it's necessary to treat fields of an object differently, based
* on the containing object. For example, by default a list treats its
* contents as non-essential state, so it will be populated only after all
* objects have been created. An object may have a list which is used in its
* constructor and must be fully created before the owning object can be
* created. Alternatively, it may not be possible to set a field directly,
* and some other method must be called to set it, perhaps calling a method
* on the owning object to add each individual element.
* This method lets you designate a function to use to set the value of a
* field. It also makes the contents of that field be treated as essential,
* which currently only has meaning if the field is a list. This is done
* because you might set a list field's special treatment function to add
* each item individually and that will only work if those objects already
* exist.
* For example, to serialize a Serialization, we need its rules to be
* individually added rather than just setting the rules field.
* ..addRuleFor(Serialization).setFieldWith('rules',
* (InstanceMirror s, List rules) {
* rules.forEach((x) => s.reflectee.addRule(x));
* Note that the function is passed the owning object as well as the field
* value, but that it is passed as a mirror.
void setFieldWith(String fieldName, SetWithFunction setWith) {
_NamedField field = _fields.named(_asSymbol(fieldName));
Function setter = (setWith == null) ? field.defaultSetter : setWith;
field.customSetter = setter;
/** Return the name of the constructor used to create new instances on read.*/
String get constructorName =>;
/** Return the list of field names to be passed to the constructor.*/
List<String> get constructorFields => _fields.constructorFieldNames();
/** Return the list of field names not used in the constructor. */
List<String> get regularFields => _fields.regularFieldNames();
String toString() => "Basic Rule for ${type.simpleName}";
* Configure this instance to use maps by field name as its output.
* Instances can either produce maps or lists. The list representation
* is much more compact and used by default. The map representation is
* much easier to debug. The default is to use lists.
void configureForMaps() {
useMaps = true;
* Configure this instance to use lists accessing fields by index as its
* output. Instances can either produce maps or lists. The list representation
* is much more compact and used by default. The map representation is
* much easier to debug. The default is to use lists.
void configureForLists() {
useMaps = false;
* Create either a list or a map to hold the object's state, depending
* on the [useMaps] variable. If using a Map, we wrap it in order to keep
* the protocol compatible. See [configureForLists]/[configureForMaps].
* If a list is returned, it is growable.
createStateHolder() {
if (useMaps) return new _MapWrapper(_fields.contents);
List list = [];
list.length = _fields.length;
return list;
* Wrap the state if it's passed in as a map, and if the keys are references,
* resolve them to the strings we expect. We leave the previous keys in there
* as well, as they shouldn't be harmful, and it costs more to remove them.
makeIndexableByNumber(state) {
if (!(state is Map)) return state;
// TODO(alanknight): This is quite inefficient, and we do it twice per
// instance. If the keys are references, we need to turn them into strings
// before we can look at indexing them by field position. It's also eager,
// but we know our keys are always primitives, so we don't have to worry
// about their instances not having been created yet.
var newState = new Map();
for (var each in state.keys) {
var newKey = (each is Reference) ? each.inflated() : each;
newState[newKey] = state[each];
return new _MapWrapper.fromMap(newState, _fields.contents);
* Extract the state from [object] using an instanceMirror and the field
* names in [_fields]. Call the function [callback] on each value.
extractState(object, Function callback, Writer w) {
var result = createStateHolder();
var mirror = reflect(object);
(index, field) {
var value = _value(mirror, field);
callback(checkForEssentialLists(index, value));
result[index] = value;
return _unwrap(result);
flatten(state, Writer writer) {
if (state is List) {
keysAndValues(state).forEach((index, value) {
state[index] = writer._referenceFor(value);
} else {
var newState = new Map();
keysAndValues(state).forEach((key, value) {
newState[writer._referenceFor(key)] = writer._referenceFor(value);
return newState;
* If the value is a List, and the field is a constructor field or
* otherwise specially designated, we wrap it in something that indicates
* a restriction on the rules that can be used. Which in this case amounts
* to designating the rule, since we so far only have one rule per object.
checkForEssentialLists(index, value) {
if (value is List && _fields.contents[index].isEssential) {
return new DesignatedRuleForObject(value,
(SerializationRule rule) => rule is ListRuleEssential);
} else {
return value;
/** Remove any MapWrapper from the extracted state. */
_unwrap(result) => (result is _MapWrapper) ? result.asMap() : result;
* Call the designated constructor with the appropriate fields from [state],
* first resolving references in the context of [reader].
inflateEssential(state, Reader reader) {
InstanceMirror mirror = constructor.constructFrom(
makeIndexableByNumber(state), reader);
return mirror.reflectee;
/** For all [rawState] not required in the constructor, set it in the
* [object], resolving references in the context of [reader].
inflateNonEssential(rawState, object, Reader reader) {
InstanceMirror mirror = reflect(object);
var state = makeIndexableByNumber(rawState);
_fields.forEachRegularField( (_Field field) {
var value = reader.inflateReference(state[field.index]);
field.setValue(mirror, value);
* Determine if this rule applies to the object in question. In our case
* this is true if the type mirrors are the same.
// TODO(alanknight): This seems likely to be slow. Verify. Other options?
bool appliesTo(object, Writer w) => reflect(object).type == type;
bool get hasVariableLengthEntries => false;
int get dataLength => _fields.length;
* Extract the value of [field] from the object reflected
* by [mirror].
// TODO(alanknight): The framework should be resilient if there are fields
// it expects that are missing, either for the case of de-serializing to a
// different definition, or for the case that tree-shaking has removed state.
// TODO(alanknight): This, and other places, rely on synchronous access to
// mirrors. Should be changed to use a synchronous API once one is available,
// or to be async, but that would be extremely ugly.
_value(InstanceMirror mirror, _Field field) => field.valueIn(mirror);
* This represents a field in an object. It is intended to be used as part of
* a [_FieldList].
abstract class _Field implements Comparable<_Field> {
/** The FieldList that contains us. */
final _FieldList fieldList;
* Our position in the [fieldList._contents] collection. This is used
* to index into the state, so it's extremely important.
int index;
/** Is this field used in the constructor? */
bool usedInConstructor = false;
* Create a new [_Field] instance. This will be either a [_NamedField] or a
* [_ConstantField] depending on whether or not [value] corresponds to a
* field in the class which [fieldList] models.
factory _Field(value, _FieldList fieldList) {
if (_isReallyAField(value, fieldList)) {
return new _NamedField._internal(value, fieldList);
} else {
return new _ConstantField._internal(value, fieldList);
* Determine if [value] represents a field or getter in the class that
* [fieldList] models.
static bool _isReallyAField(value, _FieldList fieldList) {
var symbol = _asSymbol(value);
return hasField(symbol, fieldList.mirror) ||
hasGetter(symbol, fieldList.mirror);
/** Private constructor. */
* Extracts the value for the field that this represents from the instance
* mirrored by [mirror] and return it.
valueIn(InstanceMirror mirror);
// TODO(alanknight): Is this the right name, or is it confusing that essential
// is not the inverse of regular.
/** Return true if this is field is not used in the constructor. */
bool get isRegular => !usedInConstructor;
* Return true if this field is treated as essential state, either because
* it is used in the constructor, or because it's been designated
* using [BasicRule.setFieldWith].
bool get isEssential => usedInConstructor;
/** Set the [value] of our field in the given mirrored [object]. */
void setValue(InstanceMirror object, value);
// Because [x] may not be a named field, we compare the toString. We don't
// care that much where constants come in the sort order as long as it's
// consistent.
int compareTo(_Field x) => toString().compareTo(x.toString());
* This represents a field in the object, either stored as a field or
* accessed via getter/setter/constructor parameter. It has a name and
* will attempt to access the state for that name using an [InstanceMirror].
class _NamedField extends _Field {
/** The name of the field (or getter) */
String _name;
Symbol nameSymbol;
* If this is set, then it is used as a way to set the value rather than
* using the default mechanism.
Function customSetter;
_NamedField._internal(fieldName, fieldList) : super._internal(fieldList) {
nameSymbol = _asSymbol(fieldName);
if (nameSymbol == null) {
throw new SerializationException("Invalid field name $fieldName");
String get name =>
_name == null ? _name = MirrorSystem.getName(nameSymbol) : _name;
operator ==(x) => x is _NamedField && (nameSymbol == x.nameSymbol);
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
* Return true if this field is treated as essential state, either because
* it is used in the constructor, or because it's been designated
* using [BasicRule.setFieldWith].
bool get isEssential => super.isEssential || customSetter != null;
/** Set the [value] of our field in the given mirrored [object]. */
void setValue(InstanceMirror object, value) {
setter(object, value);
valueIn(InstanceMirror mirror) => mirror.getField(nameSymbol).reflectee;
/** Return the function to use to set our value. */
Function get setter =>
(customSetter != null) ? customSetter : defaultSetter;
/** The default setter function. */
void defaultSetter(InstanceMirror object, value) {
object.setField(nameSymbol, value);
String toString() => 'Field($name)';
* This represents a constant value that will be passed as a constructor
* parameter. Rather than having a name it has a constant value.
class _ConstantField extends _Field {
/** The value we always return.*/
final value;
_ConstantField._internal(this.value, fieldList) : super._internal(fieldList);
operator ==(x) => x is _ConstantField && (value == x.value);
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
String toString() => 'ConstantField($value)';
valueIn(InstanceMirror mirror) => value;
/** We cannot be set, so setValue is a no-op. */
void setValue(InstanceMirror object, value) {}
/** There are places where the code expects us to have an identifier, so
* use the value for that.
get name => value;
* The organization of fields in an object can be reasonably complex, so they
* are kept in a separate object, which also has the ability to compute the
* default fields to use reflectively.
class _FieldList extends IterableBase<_Field> {
* All of our fields, indexed by name. Note that the names are
* typically Symbols, but can also be arbitrary constants.
Map<dynamic, _Field> allFields = new Map<dynamic, _Field>();
* The fields which are used in the constructor. The fields themselves also
* know if they are constructor fields or not, but we need to keep this
* information here because the order matters.
List _constructorFields = const [];
/** The list of fields to exclude if we are computing the list ourselves. */
List<Symbol> _excludedFieldNames = const [];
/** The mirror we will use to compute the fields. */
final ClassMirror mirror;
/** Cached, sorted list of fields. */
List<_Field> _contents;
/** Should we compute the fields or just use whatever we were given. */
bool _shouldFigureOutFields = true;
/** Look up a field by [name]. */
_Field named(name) => allFields[name];
/** Set the fields to be used in the constructor. */
set constructorFields(List fieldNames) {
if (fieldNames == null || fieldNames.isEmpty) return;
_constructorFields = [];
for (var each in fieldNames) {
var symbol = _asSymbol(each);
var name = _Field._isReallyAField(symbol, this) ? symbol : each;
var field = new _Field(name, this)..usedInConstructor = true;
allFields[name] = field;
/** Set the fields that aren't used in the constructor. */
set regular(List<String> fields) {
if (fields == null) return;
_shouldFigureOutFields = false;
/** Set the fields to be excluded. This is mutually exclusive with setting
* the regular fields.
set exclude(List<String> fields) {
// TODO(alanknight): This isn't well tested.
if (fields == null || fields.isEmpty) return;
if (allFields.length > _constructorFields.length) {
throw "You can't specify both excludeFields and regular fields";
_excludedFieldNames = => new Symbol(x)).toList();
int get length => allFields.length;
/** Add all the fields which aren't on the exclude list. */
void addAllNotExplicitlyExcluded(Iterable<String> aCollection) {
if (aCollection == null) return;
var names = aCollection;
names = names.where((x) => !_excludedFieldNames.contains(x));
/** Add all the fields with the given names without any special properties. */
void addAllByName(Iterable<String> names) {
for (var each in names) {
var symbol = _asSymbol(each);
var field = new _Field(symbol, this);
allFields.putIfAbsent(symbol, () => new _Field(symbol, this));
* Fields have been added. In case we had already forced calculation of the
* list of contents, re-set it.
void invalidate() {
_contents = null;
Iterator<_Field> get iterator => contents.iterator;
/** Return a cached, sorted list of all the fields. */
List<_Field> get contents {
if (_contents == null) {
_contents = allFields.values.toList()..sort();
for (var i = 0; i < _contents.length; i++)
_contents[i].index = i;
return _contents;
/** Iterate over the regular fields, i.e. those not used in the constructor.*/
void forEachRegularField(Function f) {
for (var each in contents) {
if (each.isRegular) {
/** Iterate over the fields used in the constructor. */
void forEachConstructorField(Function f) {
for (var each in contents) {
if (each.usedInConstructor) {
List get constructorFields => _constructorFields;
List constructorFieldNames() => =>;
List constructorFieldIndices() => => x.index).toList();
List regularFields() => contents.where((x) => !x.usedInConstructor).toList();
List regularFieldNames() => regularFields().map((x) =>;
List regularFieldIndices() =>
regularFields().map((x) => x.index).toList();
* If we weren't given any non-constructor fields to use, figure out what
* we think they ought to be, based on the class definition.
* We find public fields, getters that have corresponding setters, and getters
* that are listed in the constructor fields.
void figureOutFields() {
Iterable names(Iterable<DeclarationMirror> mirrors) => => each.simpleName).toList();
if (!_shouldFigureOutFields || !regularFields().isEmpty) return;
var fields = publicFields(mirror);
var getters = publicGetters(mirror);
var gettersWithSetters = getters.where( (each)
=> mirror.declarations[
new Symbol("${MirrorSystem.getName(each.simpleName)}=")] != null);
var gettersThatMatchConstructor = getters.where((each)
=> (named(each.simpleName) != null) &&
toString() => "FieldList($contents)";
* Provide a typedef for the setWith argument to setFieldWith. It would
* be nice if we could put this closer to the definition.
typedef SetWithFunction(InstanceMirror m, object);
* This represents a constructor that is to be used when re-creating a
* serialized object.
class Constructor {
/** The mirror of the class we construct. */
final ClassMirror type;
/** The name of the constructor to use, if not the default constructor.*/
String name;
Symbol nameSymbol;
* The indices of the fields used as constructor arguments. We will look
* these up in the state by number. The index is according to a list of the
* fields in alphabetical order by name.
List<int> fieldNumbers;
* Creates a new constructor for the [type] with the constructor named [name]
* and the [fieldNumbers] of the constructor fields.
Constructor(this.type,, this.fieldNumbers) {
if (name == null) name = '';
nameSymbol = new Symbol(name);
if (fieldNumbers == null) fieldNumbers = const [];
* Find the field values in [state] and pass them to the constructor.
* If any of [fieldNumbers] is not an int, then use it as a literal value.
constructFrom(state, Reader r) {
// TODO(alanknight): Handle named parameters
Iterable inflated =
(x) => (x is int) ? r.inflateReference(state[x]) : x);
return type.newInstance(nameSymbol, inflated.toList());
* This wraps a map to make it indexable by integer field numbers. It translates
* from the index into a field name and then looks it up in the map.
class _MapWrapper {
final Map _map;
final List fieldList;
_MapWrapper(this.fieldList) : _map = new Map();
_MapWrapper.fromMap(this._map, this.fieldList);
operator [](key) => _map[fieldList[key].name];
operator []=(key, value) { _map[fieldList[key].name] = value; }
get length => _map.length;
Map asMap() => _map;
* Return a symbol corresponding to [value], which may be a String or a
* Symbol. If it is any other type, or if the string is an
* invalid symbol, return null;
Symbol _asSymbol(value) {
if (value is Symbol) return value;
if (value is String) {
try {
return new Symbol(value);
} on ArgumentError {
return null;
} else {
return null;