blob: 3a3168399578523ae07f947c8b28aa2cfee8e35b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/signal_handler.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
namespace dart {
struct InterruptedThreadState {
ThreadId tid;
uintptr_t pc;
uintptr_t sp;
uintptr_t fp;
// When a thread is interrupted the thread specific interrupt
// callback will be invoked at the interrupt period. Each callback is given an
// InterruptedThreadState and the thread specific data pointer. When inside a
// thread interrupt callback doing any of the following
// is forbidden:
// * Accessing TLS.
// * Allocating memory.
// * Taking a lock.
typedef void (*ThreadInterruptCallback)(const InterruptedThreadState& state,
void* data);
class ThreadInterrupter : public AllStatic {
static void InitOnce();
static void Shutdown();
// Delay between interrupts.
static void SetInterruptPeriod(intptr_t period);
// Register the currently running thread for interrupts. If the current thread
// is already registered, callback and data will be updated.
static void Register(ThreadInterruptCallback callback, void* data);
// Unregister the currently running thread for interrupts.
static void Unregister();
// Enable interrupts for this thread. Does not alter callback.
static void Enable();
// Disable interrupts for this thread. Does not alter callback.
static void Disable();
static const intptr_t kMaxThreads = 4096;
static bool initialized_;
static bool shutdown_;
static bool thread_running_;
static ThreadId interrupter_thread_id_;
static Monitor* monitor_;
static intptr_t interrupt_period_;
static ThreadLocalKey thread_state_key_;
// State stored per registered thread.
struct ThreadState {
ThreadId id;
ThreadInterruptCallback callback;
void* data;
static void UpdateStateObject(ThreadInterruptCallback callback, void* data);
static ThreadState* CurrentThreadState();
static void SetCurrentThreadState(ThreadState* state);
// Registered thread table.
static ThreadState** threads_;
static intptr_t threads_capacity_;
static intptr_t threads_size_;
static void _EnsureThreadStateCreated();
static void _Enable();
static void _Disable();
static void ResizeThreads(intptr_t new_capacity);
static void AddThread(ThreadId id);
static intptr_t FindThreadIndex(ThreadId id);
static ThreadState* RemoveThread(intptr_t i);
friend class ThreadInterrupterAndroid;
friend class ThreadInterrupterMacOS;
friend class ThreadInterrupterLinux;
friend class ThreadInterrupterWin;
static void InterruptThreads(int64_t current_time);
static void ThreadMain(uword parameters);
static void InstallSignalHandler();
void ThreadInterruptNoOp(const InterruptedThreadState& state, void* data);
} // namespace dart