blob: b15857f4c837f8a4fd8609b149059edff5681ba2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/coverage.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "vm/compiler.h"
#include "vm/isolate.h"
#include "vm/json_stream.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(charp, coverage_dir, NULL,
"Enable writing coverage data into specified directory.");
void CodeCoverage::CompileAndAdd(const Function& function,
const JSONArray& hits_arr) {
if (!function.HasCode()) {
// If the function should not be compiled or if the compilation failed,
// then just skip this method.
// TODO(iposva): Maybe we should skip synthesized methods in general too.
if (function.is_abstract() || function.IsRedirectingFactory()) {
if (function.IsNonImplicitClosureFunction() &&
(function.context_scope() == ContextScope::null())) {
// TODO(iposva): This can arise if we attempt to compile an inner function
// before we have compiled its enclosing function or if the enclosing
// function failed to compile.
OS::Print("### Coverage skipped compiling: %s\n", function.ToCString());
const Error& err = Error::Handle(Compiler::CompileFunction(function));
if (!err.IsNull()) {
OS::Print("### Coverage failed compiling:\n%s\n", err.ToErrorCString());
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// Print the hit counts for all IC datas.
const Script& script = Script::Handle(function.script());
const Code& code = Code::Handle(function.unoptimized_code());
const Array& ic_array = Array::Handle(code.ExtractTypeFeedbackArray());
const PcDescriptors& descriptors = PcDescriptors::Handle(
ICData& ic_data = ICData::Handle();
for (int j = 0; j < descriptors.Length(); j++) {
PcDescriptors::Kind kind = descriptors.DescriptorKind(j);
// Only IC based calls have counting.
if ((kind == PcDescriptors::kIcCall) ||
(kind == PcDescriptors::kUnoptStaticCall)) {
intptr_t deopt_id = descriptors.DeoptId(j);
ic_data ^= ic_array.At(deopt_id);
if (!ic_data.IsNull()) {
intptr_t token_pos = descriptors.TokenPos(j);
intptr_t line = -1;
script.GetTokenLocation(token_pos, &line, NULL);
void CodeCoverage::PrintClass(const Class& cls, const JSONArray& jsarr) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Array& functions = Array::Handle(cls.functions());
Function& function = Function::Handle();
Script& script = Script::Handle();
String& saved_url = String::Handle();
String& url = String::Handle();
int i = 0;
while (i < functions.Length()) {
function ^= functions.At(i);
JSONObject jsobj(&jsarr);
script = function.script();
saved_url = script.url();
jsobj.AddProperty("source", saved_url.ToCString());
jsobj.AddProperty("script", script);
JSONArray hits_arr(&jsobj, "hits");
// We stay within this loop while we are seeing functions from the same
// source URI.
while (i < functions.Length()) {
function ^= functions.At(i);
script = function.script();
url = script.url();
if (!url.Equals(saved_url)) {
CompileAndAdd(function, hits_arr);
if (function.HasImplicitClosureFunction()) {
function = function.ImplicitClosureFunction();
CompileAndAdd(function, hits_arr);
GrowableObjectArray& closures =
if (!closures.IsNull()) {
i = 0;
// We need to keep rechecking the length of the closures array, as handling
// a closure potentially adds new entries to the end.
while (i < closures.Length()) {
function ^= closures.At(i);
JSONObject jsobj(&jsarr);
script = function.script();
saved_url = script.url();
jsobj.AddProperty("source", saved_url.ToCString());
jsobj.AddProperty("script", script);
JSONArray hits_arr(&jsobj, "hits");
// We stay within this loop while we are seeing functions from the same
// source URI.
while (i < closures.Length()) {
function ^= closures.At(i);
script = function.script();
url = script.url();
if (!url.Equals(saved_url)) {
CompileAndAdd(function, hits_arr);
void CodeCoverage::Write(Isolate* isolate) {
if (FLAG_coverage_dir == NULL) {
Dart_FileOpenCallback file_open = Isolate::file_open_callback();
Dart_FileWriteCallback file_write = Isolate::file_write_callback();
Dart_FileCloseCallback file_close = Isolate::file_close_callback();
if ((file_open == NULL) || (file_write == NULL) || (file_close == NULL)) {
JSONStream stream;
PrintToJSONStream(isolate, &stream);
const char* format = "%s/dart-cov-%" Pd "-%" Pd ".json";
intptr_t pid = OS::ProcessId();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format,
FLAG_coverage_dir, pid, isolate->main_port());
char* filename = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(filename, len + 1, format,
FLAG_coverage_dir, pid, isolate->main_port());
void* file = (*file_open)(filename, true);
if (file == NULL) {
OS::Print("Failed to write coverage file: %s\n", filename);
(*file_write)(stream.buffer()->buf(), stream.buffer()->length(), file);
void CodeCoverage::PrintToJSONStream(Isolate* isolate, JSONStream* stream) {
const GrowableObjectArray& libs = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
isolate, isolate->object_store()->libraries());
Library& lib = Library::Handle();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
JSONObject coverage(stream);
coverage.AddProperty("type", "CodeCoverage");
JSONArray jsarr(&coverage, "coverage");
for (int i = 0; i < libs.Length(); i++) {
lib ^= libs.At(i);
ClassDictionaryIterator it(lib, ClassDictionaryIterator::kIteratePrivate);
while (it.HasNext()) {
cls = it.GetNextClass();
if (cls.EnsureIsFinalized(isolate) == Error::null()) {
// Only classes that have been finalized do have a meaningful list of
// functions.
PrintClass(cls, jsarr);
} // namespace dart