blob: 952e78e9ae1e68118a8dd1ad30f25dcf141e42a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library eval_test;
import 'dart:async';
// Import mirrors to cause all mirrors to be retained by dart2js.
// The tests reflect on LinkedHashMap.length and String.length.
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:polymer_expressions/eval.dart';
import 'package:polymer_expressions/filter.dart';
import 'package:polymer_expressions/parser.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
main() {
reflectClass(Object); // suppress unused import warning
group('eval', () {
test('should return the model for an empty expression', () {
expectEval('', 'model', 'model');
test('should handle the "this" keyword', () {
expectEval('this', 'model', 'model');
expectEval('', 'foo', new Foo(name: 'foo'));
expectEval('this["a"]', 'x', {'a': 'x'});
test('should return a literal int', () {
expectEval('1', 1);
expectEval('+1', 1);
expectEval('-1', -1);
test('should return a literal double', () {
expectEval('1.2', 1.2);
expectEval('+1.2', 1.2);
expectEval('-1.2', -1.2);
test('should return a literal string', () {
expectEval('"hello"', "hello");
expectEval("'hello'", "hello");
test('should return a literal boolean', () {
expectEval('true', true);
expectEval('false', false);
test('should return a literal null', () {
expectEval('null', null);
test('should return a literal list', () {
expectEval('[1, 2, 3]', equals([1, 2, 3]));
test('should return a literal map', () {
expectEval('{"a": 1}', equals(new Map.from({'a': 1})));
expectEval('{"a": 1}', containsPair('a', 1));
test('should call methods on a literal map', () {
expectEval('{"a": 1}.length', 1);
test('should evaluate unary operators', () {
expectEval('+a', 2, null, {'a': 2});
expectEval('-a', -2, null, {'a': 2});
expectEval('!a', false, null, {'a': true});
test('should evaluate binary operators', () {
expectEval('1 + 2', 3);
expectEval('2 - 1', 1);
expectEval('4 / 2', 2);
expectEval('2 * 3', 6);
expectEval('1 == 1', true);
expectEval('1 == 2', false);
expectEval('1 == null', false);
expectEval('1 != 1', false);
expectEval('1 != 2', true);
expectEval('1 != null', true);
expectEval('1 > 1', false);
expectEval('1 > 2', false);
expectEval('2 > 1', true);
expectEval('1 >= 1', true);
expectEval('1 >= 2', false);
expectEval('2 >= 1', true);
expectEval('1 < 1', false);
expectEval('1 < 2', true);
expectEval('2 < 1', false);
expectEval('1 <= 1', true);
expectEval('1 <= 2', true);
expectEval('2 <= 1', false);
expectEval('true || true', true);
expectEval('true || false', true);
expectEval('false || true', true);
expectEval('false || false', false);
expectEval('true && true', true);
expectEval('true && false', false);
expectEval('false && true', false);
expectEval('false && false', false);
test('should evaulate ternary operators', () {
expectEval('true ? 1 : 2', 1);
expectEval('false ? 1 : 2', 2);
expectEval('true ? true ? 1 : 2 : 3', 1);
expectEval('true ? false ? 1 : 2 : 3', 2);
expectEval('false ? true ? 1 : 2 : 3', 3);
expectEval('false ? 1 : true ? 2 : 3', 2);
expectEval('false ? 1 : false ? 2 : 3', 3);
expectEval('null ? 1 : 2', 2);
// TODO(justinfagnani): re-enable and check for an EvalError when
// we implement the final bool conversion rules and this expression
// throws in both checked and unchecked mode
// expect(() => eval(parse('42 ? 1 : 2'), null), throws);
test('should invoke a method on the model', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'foo', age: 2);
expectEval('x()', foo.x(), foo);
expectEval('name',, foo);
test('should invoke chained methods', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'foo', age: 2);
expectEval('name.length',, foo);
expectEval('x().toString()', foo.x().toString(), foo);
expectEval('name.substring(2)',, foo);
expectEval('a()()', 1, null, {'a': () => () => 1});
test('should invoke a top-level function', () {
expectEval('x()', 42, null, {'x': () => 42});
expectEval('x(5)', 5, null, {'x': (i) => i});
expectEval('y(5, 10)', 50, null, {'y': (i, j) => i * j});
test('should give precedence to top-level functions over methods', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'foo', age: 2);
expectEval('x()', 42, foo, {'x': () => 42});
test('should invoke the [] operator', () {
var map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
expectEval('map["a"]', 1, null, {'map': map});
expectEval('map["a"] + map["b"]', 3, null, {'map': map});
test('should call a filter', () {
var topLevel = {
'a': 'foo',
'uppercase': (s) => s.toUpperCase(),
expectEval('a | uppercase', 'FOO', null, topLevel);
test('should call a transformer', () {
var topLevel = {
'a': '42',
'parseInt': parseInt,
'add': add,
expectEval('a | parseInt()', 42, null, topLevel);
expectEval('a | parseInt(8)', 34, null, topLevel);
expectEval('a | parseInt() | add(10)', 52, null, topLevel);
test('should filter a list', () {
expectEval('chars1 | filteredList', ['a', 'b'], new WordElement());
test('should return null if the receiver of a method is null', () {
expectEval('a.b', null, null, {'a': null});
expectEval('a.b()', null, null, {'a': null});
test('should return null if null is invoked', () {
expectEval('a()', null, null, {'a': null});
test('should return null if an operand is null', () {
expectEval('a + b', null, null, {'a': null, 'b': null});
expectEval('+a', null, null, {'a': null});
test('should treat null as false', () {
expectEval('!null', true);
expectEval('true && null', false);
expectEval('null || false', false);
expectEval('!a', true, null, {'a': null});
expectEval('a && b', false, null, {'a': null, 'b': true});
expectEval('a && b', false, null, {'a': true, 'b': null});
expectEval('a && b', false, null, {'a': null, 'b': false});
expectEval('a && b', false, null, {'a': false, 'b': null});
expectEval('a && b', false, null, {'a': null, 'b': null});
expectEval('a || b', true, null, {'a': null, 'b': true});
expectEval('a || b', true, null, {'a': true, 'b': null});
expectEval('a || b', false, null, {'a': null, 'b': false});
expectEval('a || b', false, null, {'a': false, 'b': null});
expectEval('a || b', false, null, {'a': null, 'b': null});
test('should evaluate an "in" expression', () {
var scope = new Scope(variables: {'items': [1, 2, 3]});
var comprehension = eval(parse('item in items'), scope);
expect(comprehension.iterable, orderedEquals([1, 2, 3]));
test('should evaluate complex "in" expressions', () {
var holder = new ListHolder([1, 2, 3]);
var scope = new Scope(variables: {'holder': holder});
var comprehension = eval(parse('item in holder.items'), scope);
expect(comprehension.iterable, orderedEquals([1, 2, 3]));
test('should handle null iterators in "in" expressions', () {
var scope = new Scope(variables: {'items': null});
var comprehension = eval(parse('item in items'), scope);
expect(comprehension, isNotNull);
expect(comprehension.iterable, []);
group('assign', () {
test('should assign a single identifier', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'a');
assign(parse('name'), 'b', new Scope(model: foo));
expect(, 'b');
test('should assign a sub-property', () {
var child = new Foo(name: 'child');
var parent = new Foo(child: child);
assign(parse(''), 'Joe', new Scope(model: parent));
expect(, 'Joe');
test('should assign an index', () {
var foo = new Foo(items: [1, 2, 3]);
assign(parse('items[0]'), 4, new Scope(model: foo));
expect(foo.items[0], 4);
test('should assign through transformers', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: '42', age: 32);
var globals = {
'a': '42',
'parseInt': parseInt,
'add': add,
var scope = new Scope(model: foo, variables: globals);
assign(parse('age | add(7)'), 29, scope);
expect(foo.age, 22);
assign(parse('name | parseInt() | add(10)'), 29, scope);
expect(, '19');
group('scope', () {
test('should return fields on the model', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'a', age: 1);
var scope = new Scope(model: foo);
expect(scope['name'], 'a');
expect(scope['age'], 1);
test('should throw for undefined names', () {
var scope = new Scope();
expect(() => scope['a'], throwsException);
test('should return variables', () {
var scope = new Scope(variables: {'a': 'A'});
expect(scope['a'], 'A');
test("should a field from the parent's model", () {
var parent = new Scope(variables: {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B'});
var child = new Scope(variables: {'a': 'a'}, parent: parent);
expect(child['a'], 'a');
expect(parent['a'], 'A');
expect(child['b'], 'B');
group('observe', () {
test('should observe an identifier', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'foo');
return expectObserve('name',
model: foo,
beforeMatcher: 'foo',
mutate: () { = 'fooz';
afterMatcher: 'fooz'
test('should observe an invocation', () {
var foo = new Foo(name: 'foo');
return expectObserve('',
variables: {'foo': foo},
beforeMatcher: 'foo',
mutate: () { = 'fooz';
afterMatcher: 'fooz'
test('should observe map access', () {
var foo = toObservable({'one': 'one', 'two': 'two'});
return expectObserve('foo["one"]',
variables: {'foo': foo},
beforeMatcher: 'one',
mutate: () {
foo['one'] = '1';
afterMatcher: '1'
test('should observe an comprehension', () {
var items = new ObservableList();
var foo = new Foo(name: 'foo');
return expectObserve('item in items',
variables: {'items': items},
beforeMatcher: (c) => c.iterable.isEmpty,
mutate: () {
afterMatcher: (c) => c.iterable.contains(foo)
class Foo extends ChangeNotifier {
String _name;
String get name => _name;
void set name(String n) {
_name = notifyPropertyChange(#name, _name, n);
int age;
Foo child;
List<int> items;
Foo({name, this.age, this.child, this.items}) : _name = name;
int x() => age * age;
class ListHolder {
List items;
parseInt([int radix = 10]) => new IntToString(radix: radix);
class IntToString extends Transformer<int, String> {
final int radix;
IntToString({this.radix: 10});
int forward(String s) => int.parse(s, radix: radix);
String reverse(int i) => '$i';
add(int i) => new Add(i);
class Add extends Transformer<int, int> {
final int i;
int forward(int x) => x + i;
int reverse(int x) => x - i;
Object evalString(String s, [Object model, Map vars]) =>
eval(new Parser(s).parse(), new Scope(model: model, variables: vars));
expectEval(String s, dynamic matcher, [Object model, Map vars = const {}]) =>
eval(new Parser(s).parse(), new Scope(model: model, variables: vars)),
reason: s);
expectObserve(String s, {
Object model,
Map variables: const {},
dynamic beforeMatcher,
dynamic afterMatcher}) {
var scope = new Scope(model: model, variables: variables);
var observer = observe(new Parser(s).parse(), scope);
update(observer, scope);
expect(observer.currentValue, beforeMatcher);
var passed = false;
var future = observer.onUpdate.first.then((value) {
expect(value, afterMatcher);
expect(observer.currentValue, afterMatcher);
passed = true;
// fail if we don't receive an update by the next event loop
return Future.wait([future, new Future(() {
expect(passed, true, reason: "Didn't receive a change notification on $s");
// Regression test from
class WordElement extends Observable {
@observable List chars1 = 'abcdefg'.split('');
@reflectable List filteredList(List original) => [original[0], original[1]];