blob: 218a0368c8ad706fa7b182370a3ec1bfa11b5773 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Support for observing changes in model-view architectures.
* **Warning:** This library is experimental, and APIs are subject to change.
* This library is used to observe changes to [Observable] types. It also
* has helpers to make implementing and using [Observable] objects easy.
* You can provide an observable object in two ways. The simplest way is to
* use dirty checking to discover changes automatically:
* class Monster extends Unit with Observable {
* @observable int health = 100;
* void damage(int amount) {
* print('$this takes $amount damage!');
* health -= amount;
* }
* toString() => 'Monster with $health hit points';
* }
* main() {
* var obj = new Monster();
* obj.changes.listen((records) {
* print('Changes to $obj were: $records');
* });
* // No changes are delivered until we check for them
* obj.damage(10);
* obj.damage(20);
* print('dirty checking!');
* Observable.dirtyCheck();
* print('done!');
* }
* A more sophisticated approach is to implement the change notification
* manually. This avoids the potentially expensive [Observable.dirtyCheck]
* operation, but requires more work in the object:
* class Monster extends Unit with ChangeNotifier {
* int _health = 100;
* @reflectable get health => _health;
* @reflectable set health(val) {
* _health = notifyPropertyChange(#health, _health, val);
* }
* void damage(int amount) {
* print('$this takes $amount damage!');
* health -= amount;
* }
* toString() => 'Monster with $health hit points';
* }
* main() {
* var obj = new Monster();
* obj.changes.listen((records) {
* print('Changes to $obj were: $records');
* });
* // Schedules asynchronous delivery of these changes
* obj.damage(10);
* obj.damage(20);
* print('done!');
* }
* *Note*: it is good practice to keep `@reflectable` annotation on
* getters/setters so they are accessible via reflection. This will preserve
* them from tree-shaking. You can also put this annotation on the class and it
* preserve all of its members for reflection.
* [Tools]( exist to convert the first
* form into the second form automatically, to get the best of both worlds.
library observe;
import 'src/bind_property.dart';
import 'src/change_notifier.dart';
import 'src/change_record.dart';
import 'src/compound_path_observer.dart';
import 'src/list_path_observer.dart';
import 'src/list_diff.dart';
import 'src/metadata.dart';
import 'src/observable.dart';
import 'src/observable_box.dart';
import 'src/observable_list.dart';
import 'src/observable_map.dart';
import 'src/path_observer.dart';
import 'src/to_observable.dart';
export 'src/bind_property.dart';
export 'src/change_notifier.dart';
export 'src/change_record.dart';
export 'src/compound_path_observer.dart';
export 'src/list_path_observer.dart';
export 'src/list_diff.dart' show ListChangeRecord;
export 'src/metadata.dart';
export 'src/observable.dart' hide notifyPropertyChangeHelper, objectType;
export 'src/observable_box.dart';
export 'src/observable_list.dart';
export 'src/observable_map.dart';
export 'src/path_observer.dart';
export 'src/to_observable.dart';