blob: 564e96394ab72bf3a7eba93bc426686555cf689e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
namespace dart {
// List of Dart Bytecode instructions.
// current frame info (see stack_frame_dbc.h for layout)
// v-----^-----v
// ~----+----~ ~----+-------+-------+-~ ~-+-------+-------+-~
// ~ | ~ ~ | FP[0] | FP[1] | ~ ~ | SP[-1]| SP[0] |
// ~----+----~ ~----+-------+-------+-~ ~-+-------+-------+-~
// ^ ^
// FP SP
// The state of execution is captured in few interpreter registers:
// FP - base of the current frame
// SP - top of the stack (TOS) for the current frame
// PP - object pool for the currently execution function
// Frame info stored below FP additionally contains pointers to the currently
// executing function and code (see stack_frame_dbc.h for more information).
// In the unoptimized code most of bytecodes take operands implicitly from
// stack and store results again on the stack. Constant operands are usually
// taken from the object pool by index.
// Each instruction is a 32-bit integer with opcode stored in the least
// significant byte. The following operand encodings are used:
// 0........8.......16.......24.......32
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| 0: no operands
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| A: single unsigned 8-bit operand
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | D | A_D: unsigned 8-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+ unsigned 16-bit operand
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | X | A_X: unsigned 8-bit operand and
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+ signed 16-bit operand
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode |~~~~~~~~| D | D: unsigned 16-bit operand
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode |~~~~~~~~| X | X: signed 16-bit operand
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | A | B | C | A_B_C: 3 unsigned 8-bit operands
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// | opcode | T | T: signed 24-bit operand
// +--------+--------+--------+--------+
// - Trap
// Unreachable instruction.
// - Nop D
// This instuction does nothing. It may refer to an object in the constant
// pool that may be decoded by other instructions.
// - Compile
// Compile current function and start executing newly produced code
// (used to implement LazyCompileStub);
// - Intrinsic id
// Execute intrinsic with the given id. If intrinsic returns true then
// return from the current function to the caller passing value produced
// by the intrinsic as a result;
// - Drop1; DropR n; Drop n
// Drop 1 or n values from the stack, if instruction is DropR push the first
// dropped value to the stack;
// - Jump target
// Jump to the given target. Target is specified as offset from the PC of the
// jump instruction.
// - Return R; ReturnTOS
// Return to the caller using either a value from the given register or a
// value from the top-of-stack as a result.
// Note: return instruction knows how many arguments to remove from the
// stack because it can look at the call instruction at caller's PC and
// take argument count from it.
// - Move rA, rX
// FP[rA] <- FP[rX]
// Note: rX is signed so it can be used to address parameters which are
// at negative indices with respect to FP.
// - Swap rA, rX
// FP[rA], FP[rX] <- FP[rX], FP[rA]
// Note: rX is signed so it can be used to address parameters which are
// at negative indices with respect to FP.
// - Push rX
// Push FP[rX] to the stack.
// - LoadConstant rA, D; PushConstant D
// Load value at index D from constant pool into FP[rA] or push it onto the
// stack.
// - StoreLocal rX; PopLocal rX
// Store top of the stack into FP[rX] and pop it if needed.
// - StaticCall ArgC, D
// Invoke function in SP[0] with arguments SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1] and
// argument descriptor PP[D].
// - IndirectStaticCall ArgC, D
// Invoke the function given by the ICData in SP[0] with arguments
// SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1] and argument descriptor PP[D].
// - InstanceCall<N> ArgC, D; InstanceCall<N>Opt ArgC, D
// Lookup and invoke method with N checked arguments using ICData in PP[D]
// with arguments SP[-(1+ArgC)], ..., SP[-1].
// - NativeCall, NativeBootstrapCall
// Invoke native function SP[-1] with argc_tag SP[0].
// - OneByteStringFromCharCode rA, rX
// Load the one-character symbol with the char code given by the Smi
// in FP[rX] into FP[rA].
// - StringToCharCode rA, rX
// Load and smi-encode the single char code of the string in FP[rX] into
// FP[rA]. If the string's length is not 1, load smi -1 instead.
// - AddTOS; SubTOS; MulTOS; BitOrTOS; BitAndTOS; EqualTOS; LessThanTOS;
// GreaterThanTOS;
// Smi fast-path for a corresponding method. Checks if SP[0] and SP[-1] are
// both smis and result of SP[0] <op> SP[-1] is a smi - if this is true
// then pops operands and pushes result on the stack and skips the next
// instruction (which implements a slow path fallback).
// - Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, Shl, Shr rA, rB, rC
// Arithmetic operations on Smis. FP[rA] <- FP[rB] op FP[rC].
// If these instructions can trigger a deoptimization, the following
// instruction should be Deopt. If no deoptimization should be triggered,
// the immediately following instruction is skipped. These instructions
// expect their operands to be Smis, but don't check that they are.
// - ShrImm rA, rB, rC
// FP[rA] <- FP[rB] >> rC. Shifts the Smi in FP[rB] right by rC. rC is
// assumed to be a legal positive number by which righ-shifting is possible.
// - Min, Max rA, rB, rC
// FP[rA] <- {min, max}(FP[rB], FP[rC]). Assumes that FP[rB], and FP[rC] are
// Smis.
// - Neg rA , rD
// FP[rA] <- -FP[rD]. Assumes FP[rD] is a Smi. If there is no overflow the
// immediately following instruction is skipped.
// - DMin, DMax, DAdd, DSub, DMul, DDiv, DPow, DMod rA, rB, rC
// Arithmetic operaions on unboxed doubles. FP[rA] <- FP[rB] op FP[rC].
// - DNeg, DCos, DSin, DSqrt rA, rD
// FP[rA] <- op(FP[rD]). Assumes FP[rD] is an unboxed double.
// - BitOr, BitAnd, BitXor rA, rB, rC
// FP[rA] <- FP[rB] op FP[rC]. These instructions expect their operands to be
// Smis, but don't check that they are.
// - BitNot rA, rD
// FP[rA] <- ~FP[rD]. As above, assumes FP[rD] is a Smi.
// - WriteIntoDouble rA, rD
// Box the double in FP[rD] with the result in FP[rA].
// - UnboxDouble rA, rD
// Unbox the double in FP[rD] into FP[rA]. Assumes FP[rD] is a double.
// - CheckedUnboxDouble rA, rD
// Unboxes FP[rD] into FP[rA] and skips the following instruction unless
// FP[rD] is not a double or a Smi. When FP[rD] is a Smi, converts it to a
// double.
// - SmiToDouble rA, rD
// Convert the Smi in FP[rD] to an unboxed double in FP[rA].
// - DoubleToSmi rA, rD
// If the unboxed double in FP[rD] can be converted to a Smi in FP[rA], then
// this instruction does so, and skips the following instruction. Otherwise,
// the following instruction is not skipped.
// - StoreStaticT`OS D
// Stores TOS into the static field PP[D].
// - PushStatic
// Pushes value of the static field PP[D] on to the stack.
// - InitStaticTOS
// Takes static field from TOS and ensures that it is initialized.
// - If<Cond>(Num)TOS
// If<Cond>(Num) rA, rD
// Cond is either NeStrict or EqStrict
// Skips the next instruction unless the given condition holds. 'Num'
// variants perform number check while non-Num variants just compare
// RawObject pointers.
// Used to implement conditional jump:
// IfNeStrictTOS
// Jump T ;; jump if not equal
// - If<Cond>Null rA
// Cond is Eq or Ne. Skips the next instruction unless the given condition
// holds.
// - If<Cond> rA, rD
// Cond is Le, Lt, Ge, Gt, unsigned variants ULe, ULt, UGe, UGt, and
// unboxed double variants DEq, DNe, DLe, DLt, DGe, DGt.
// Skips the next instruction unless FP[rA] <Cond> FP[rD]. Assumes that
// FP[rA] and FP[rD] are Smis or unboxed doubles as inidcated by <Cond>.
// - CreateArrayTOS
// Allocate array of length SP[0] with type arguments SP[-1].
// - Allocate D
// Allocate object of class PP[D] with no type arguments.
// - AllocateT
// Allocate object of class SP[0] with type arguments SP[-1].
// - StoreIndexedTOS
// Store SP[0] into array SP[-2] at index SP[-1]. No typechecking is done.
// SP[-2] is assumed to be a RawArray, SP[-1] to be a smi.
// - StoreIndexed rA, rB, rC
// Store FP[rC] into array FP[rA] at index FP[rB]. No typechecking is done.
// FP[rA] is assumed to be a RawArray, FP[rB] to be a smi.
// - StoreFloat64Indexed rA, rB, rC
// Store the unboxed double in FP[rC] into the typed data array at FP[rA]
// at index FP[rB].
// - LoadIndexed rA, rB, rC
// Loads from array FP[rB] at index FP[rC] into FP[rA]. No typechecking is
// done. FP[rB] is assumed to be a RawArray, and to contain a Smi at FP[rC].
// - Load{Float64, OneByteString, TwoByteString}Indexed rA, rB, rC
// Loads from typed data array FP[rB] at index FP[rC] into an unboxed double,
// or tagged Smi in FP[rA] as indicated by the type in the name.
// - StoreField rA, B, rC
// Store value FP[rC] into object FP[rA] at offset (in words) B.
// - StoreFieldTOS D
// Store value SP[0] into object SP[-1] at offset (in words) D.
// - LoadField rA, rB, C
// Load value at offset (in words) C from object FP[rB] into FP[rA].
// - LoadFieldTOS D
// Push value at offset (in words) D from object SP[0].
// - BooleanNegateTOS
// SP[0] = !SP[0]
// - BooleanNegate rA, rD
// FP[rA] = !FP[rD]
// - Throw A
// Throw (Rethrow if A != 0) exception. Exception object and stack object
// are taken from TOS.
// - Entry A, B, rC
// Function prologue for the function with no optional or named arguments:
// A - expected number of positional arguments;
// B - number of local slots to reserve;
// rC - specifies context register to initialize with empty context.
// - EntryOptional A, B, C
// Function prologue for the function with optional or named arguments:
// A - expected number of positional arguments;
// B - number of optional arguments;
// C - number of named arguments;
// Only one of B and C can be not 0.
// If B is not 0 then EntryOptional bytecode is followed by B LoadConstant
// bytecodes specifying default values for optional arguments.
// If C is not 0 then EntryOptional is followed by 2 * B LoadConstant
// bytecodes.
// Bytecode at 2 * i specifies name of the i-th named argument and at
// 2 * i + 1 default value. rA part of the LoadConstant bytecode specifies
// the location of the parameter on the stack. Here named arguments are
// sorted alphabetically to enable linear matching similar to how function
// prologues are implemented on other architectures.
// Note: Unlike Entry bytecode EntryOptional does not setup the frame for
// local variables this is done by a separate bytecode Frame.
// - EntryOptimized A, D
// Function prologue for optimized functions with no optional or named
// arguments.
// A - expected number of positional arguments;
// B - number of local slots to reserve for registers;
// Note: reserved slots are not initialized because optimized code
// has stack maps attached to call sites.
// - HotCheck A, D
// Increment current function's usage counter by A and check if it
// exceeds D. If it does trigger (re)optimization of the current
// function.
// - Frame D
// Reserve and initialize with null space for D local variables.
// - SetFrame A
// Reinitialize SP assuming that current frame has size A.
// Used to drop temporaries from the stack in the exception handler.
// - AllocateContext D
// Allocate Context object assuming for D context variables.
// - CloneContext
// Clone context stored in TOS.
// - MoveSpecial rA, D
// Copy special values from inside interpreter to FP[rA]. Currently only
// used to pass exception object (D = 0) and stack trace object (D = 1) to
// catch handler.
// - InstantiateType D
// Instantiate type PP[D] with instantiator type arguments SP[0].
// - InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS D
// Instantiate type arguments PP[D] with instantiator SP[0].
// - InstanceOf A
// Test if instance SP[-3] with type arguments SP[-2] is (A = 0) or is not
// (A = 1) a subtype of SP[-1] using SubtypeTestCache SP[0], with result
// placed at top of stack.
// - AssertAssignable D
// Assert that SP[-3] is assignable to variable named SP[0] of type
// SP[-1] with type arguments SP[-2] using SubtypeTestCache PP[D].
// - AssertBoolean A
// Assert that TOS is a boolean (A = 1) or that TOS is not null (A = 0).
// - TestSmi rA, rD
// If FP[rA] & FP[rD] != 0, then skip the next instruction. FP[rA] and FP[rD]
// must be Smis.
// - TestCids rA, D
// The next D instructions must be Nops whose D field encodes a class id. If
// the class id of FP[rA] matches, jump to PC + N + 1 if the matching Nop's
// A != 0 or PC + N + 2 if the matching Nop's A = 0. If no match is found,
// jump to PC + N.
// - CheckSmi rA
// If FP[rA] is a Smi, then skip the next instruction.
// - CheckEitherNonSmi rA, rD
// If either FP[rA] or FP[rD] is not a Smi, then skip the next instruction.
// - CheckClassId rA, D
// If the class id in FP[rA] matches the class id D, then skip the
// following instruction.
// - CheckDenseSwitch rA, D
// Skips the next 3 instructions if the object at FP[rA] is a valid class for
// a dense switch with low cid encoded in the following Nop instruction, and
// the cid mask encoded in the Nop instruction after that, or if D == 1 and
// FP[rA] is a Smi. Skips 2 instructions otherwise.
// - CheckCids rA, rB, rC
// Skips rC + 1 instructions if the object at FP[rA] is a Smi and
// rB == 1, or if FP[rA]'s cid is found in the array of cids encoded by the
// following rC Nop instructions. Otherwise skips only rC instructions.
// - CheckStack
// Compare SP against isolate stack limit and call StackOverflow handler if
// necessary.
// - DebugStep, DebugBreak A
// Debugger support. DebugBreak is bytecode that can be patched into the
// instruction stream to trigger in place breakpoint.
// When patching instance or static call with DebugBreak we set A to
// match patched call's argument count so that Return instructions continue
// to work.
// TODO(vegorov) the way we replace calls with DebugBreak does not work
// with our smi fast paths because DebugBreak is simply skipped.
// - LoadClassIdTOS, LoadClassId rA, D
// LoadClassIdTOS loads the class id from the object at SP[0] and stores it
// to SP[0]. LoadClassId loads the class id from FP[rA] and stores it to
// FP[D].
// - Deopt ArgC, D
// If D != 0 then trigger eager deoptimization with deopt id (D - 1).
// If D == 0 then trigger lazy deoptimization.
// The meaning of operand ArgC (encoded as A operand) matches that of an
// ArgC operand in call instructions. This is needed because we could
// potentially patch calls instructions with a lazy deopt and we need to
// ensure that any Return/ReturnTOS instructions
// returning from the patched calls will continue to function,
// e.g. in bytecode sequences like
// InstanceCall ... <- lazy deopt inside first call
// InstanceCall ... <- patches second call with Deopt
// Bytecode list below is specified using the following format:
// V(BytecodeName, OperandForm, Op1, Op2, Op3)
// - OperandForm specifies operand encoding and should be one of 0, A, T, A_D,
// A_X, X, D (see ENCODING section above).
// - Op1, Op2, Op2 specify operand meaning. Possible values:
// ___ ignored / non-existent operand
// num immediate operand
// lit constant literal from object pool
// reg register (unsigned FP relative local)
// xeg x-register (signed FP relative local)
// tgt jump target relative to the PC of the current instruction
// TODO(vegorov) jump targets should be encoded relative to PC of the next
// instruction because PC is incremented immediately after fetch
// and before decoding.
V(Trap, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Nop, A_D, num, lit, ___) \
V(Compile, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(HotCheck, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(Intrinsic, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(Drop1, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(DropR, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(Drop, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(Jump, T, tgt, ___, ___) \
V(Return, A, reg, ___, ___) \
V(ReturnTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Move, A_X, reg, xeg, ___) \
V(Swap, A_X, reg, xeg, ___) \
V(Push, X, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(LoadConstant, A_D, reg, lit, ___) \
V(LoadClassId, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(LoadClassIdTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(PushConstant, D, lit, ___, ___) \
V(StoreLocal, X, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(PopLocal, X, xeg, ___, ___) \
V(IndirectStaticCall, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(StaticCall, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(InstanceCall1, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(InstanceCall2, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(InstanceCall1Opt, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(InstanceCall2Opt, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(NativeCall, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(NativeBootstrapCall, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(OneByteStringFromCharCode, A_X, reg, xeg, ___) \
V(StringToCharCode, A_X, reg, xeg, ___) \
V(AddTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(SubTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(MulTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitOrTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BitAndTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(EqualTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(LessThanTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(GreaterThanTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Add, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Sub, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Mul, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Div, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Mod, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Shl, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Shr, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(ShrImm, A_B_C, reg, reg, num) \
V(Neg, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(BitOr, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(BitAnd, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(BitXor, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(BitNot, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(Min, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(Max, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(WriteIntoDouble, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(UnboxDouble, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(CheckedUnboxDouble, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(SmiToDouble, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(DoubleToSmi, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(DAdd, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DSub, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DMul, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DDiv, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DNeg, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(DSqrt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(DMin, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DMax, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DCos, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(DSin, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(DPow, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(DMod, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(StoreStaticTOS, D, lit, ___, ___) \
V(PushStatic, D, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InitStaticTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(IfNeStrictTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(IfEqStrictTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(IfNeStrictNumTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(IfEqStrictNumTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(IfNeStrict, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfEqStrict, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfLe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfLt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfGe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfGt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfULe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfULt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfUGe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfUGt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfDNe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfDEq, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfDLe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfDLt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfDGe, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfDGt, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfNeStrictNum, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfEqStrictNum, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(IfEqNull, A, reg, ___, ___) \
V(IfNeNull, A, reg, ___, ___) \
V(CreateArrayTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(Allocate, D, lit, ___, ___) \
V(AllocateT, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(StoreIndexedTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(StoreIndexed, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(StoreFloat64Indexed, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(LoadIndexed, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(LoadFloat64Indexed, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(LoadOneByteStringIndexed, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(LoadTwoByteStringIndexed, A_B_C, reg, reg, reg) \
V(StoreField, A_B_C, reg, num, reg) \
V(StoreFieldTOS, D, num, ___, ___) \
V(LoadField, A_B_C, reg, reg, num) \
V(LoadFieldTOS, D, num, ___, ___) \
V(BooleanNegateTOS, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(BooleanNegate, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(Throw, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(Entry, A_B_C, num, num, num) \
V(EntryOptional, A_B_C, num, num, num) \
V(EntryOptimized, A_D, num, num, ___) \
V(Frame, D, num, ___, ___) \
V(SetFrame, A, num, ___, num) \
V(AllocateContext, D, num, ___, ___) \
V(CloneContext, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(MoveSpecial, A_D, reg, num, ___) \
V(InstantiateType, D, lit, ___, ___) \
V(InstantiateTypeArgumentsTOS, A_D, num, lit, ___) \
V(InstanceOf, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(AssertAssignable, D, num, lit, ___) \
V(AssertBoolean, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(TestSmi, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(TestCids, A_D, reg, num, ___) \
V(CheckSmi, A, reg, ___, ___) \
V(CheckEitherNonSmi, A_D, reg, reg, ___) \
V(CheckClassId, A_D, reg, num, ___) \
V(CheckDenseSwitch, A_D, reg, num, ___) \
V(CheckCids, A_B_C, reg, num, ___) \
V(CheckStack, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(DebugStep, 0, ___, ___, ___) \
V(DebugBreak, A, num, ___, ___) \
V(Deopt, A_D, num, num, ___) \
typedef uint32_t Instr;
class Bytecode {
enum Opcode {
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE(name, encoding, op1, op2, op3) k##name,
static const intptr_t kOpShift = 0;
static const intptr_t kAShift = 8;
static const intptr_t kAMask = 0xFF;
static const intptr_t kBShift = 16;
static const intptr_t kBMask = 0xFF;
static const intptr_t kCShift = 24;
static const intptr_t kCMask = 0xFF;
static const intptr_t kDShift = 16;
static const intptr_t kDMask = 0xFFFF;
static Instr Encode(Opcode op, uintptr_t a, uintptr_t b, uintptr_t c) {
ASSERT((a & kAMask) == a);
ASSERT((b & kBMask) == b);
ASSERT((c & kCMask) == c);
return op | (a << kAShift) | (b << kBShift) | (c << kCShift);
static Instr Encode(Opcode op, uintptr_t a, uintptr_t d) {
ASSERT((a & kAMask) == a);
ASSERT((d & kDMask) == d);
return op | (a << kAShift) | (d << kDShift);
static Instr EncodeSigned(Opcode op, uintptr_t a, intptr_t x) {
ASSERT((a & kAMask) == a);
ASSERT((x << kDShift) >> kDShift == x);
return op | (a << kAShift) | (x << kDShift);
static Instr EncodeSigned(Opcode op, intptr_t x) {
ASSERT((x << kAShift) >> kAShift == x);
return op | (x << kAShift);
static Instr Encode(Opcode op) {
return op;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeA(Instr bc) {
return (bc >> kAShift) & kAMask;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint16_t DecodeD(Instr bc) {
return (bc >> kDShift) & kDMask;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static Opcode DecodeOpcode(Instr bc) {
return static_cast<Opcode>(bc & 0xFF);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsCallOpcode(Instr instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case Bytecode::kStaticCall:
case Bytecode::kIndirectStaticCall:
case Bytecode::kInstanceCall1:
case Bytecode::kInstanceCall2:
case Bytecode::kInstanceCall1Opt:
case Bytecode::kInstanceCall2Opt:
case Bytecode::kDebugBreak:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsFastSmiOpcode(Instr instr) {
switch (DecodeOpcode(instr)) {
case Bytecode::kAddTOS:
case Bytecode::kSubTOS:
case Bytecode::kMulTOS:
case Bytecode::kBitOrTOS:
case Bytecode::kBitAndTOS:
case Bytecode::kEqualTOS:
case Bytecode::kLessThanTOS:
case Bytecode::kGreaterThanTOS:
return true;
return false;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uint8_t DecodeArgc(Instr call) {
return (call >> 8) & 0xFF;
static Instr At(uword pc) { return *reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(pc); }
// Various dummy declarations to make shared code compile.
// TODO(vegorov) we need to prune away as much dead code as possible instead
// of just making it compile.
typedef int16_t Register;
const int16_t FPREG = 0;
const int16_t SPREG = 1;
const intptr_t kNumberOfCpuRegisters = 32;
const intptr_t kDartAvailableCpuRegs = -1;
const intptr_t kNoRegister = -1;
const intptr_t kReservedCpuRegisters = 0;
const intptr_t ARGS_DESC_REG = 0;
const intptr_t CODE_REG = 0;
const intptr_t kExceptionObjectReg = 0;
const intptr_t kStackTraceObjectReg = 0;
const intptr_t CTX = 0;
enum FpuRegister {
kNoFpuRegister = -1,
const FpuRegister FpuTMP = kFakeFpuRegister;
const intptr_t kNumberOfFpuRegisters = 1;
// After a comparison, the condition NEXT_IS_TRUE means the following
// instruction is executed if the comparision is true and skipped over overwise.
// Conidition NEXT_IS_FALSE means the following instruction is executed if the
// comparison is false and skipped over otherwise.
enum Condition { NEXT_IS_TRUE, NEXT_IS_FALSE };
} // namespace dart