blob: a825532cd00e15e47e28808c3d1f454ff1b2f6f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests that dart2js doesn't support metadata on local elements.
// Remove this file when dart2js support such features.
library trydart.forget_element_assertion;
import '../../compiler/dart2js/mock_compiler.dart' show
import 'compiler_test_case.dart';
class FailingTestCase extends CompilerTestCase {
FailingTestCase.intermediate(String source, int errorCount, Uri scriptUri)
: super.init(
source, scriptUri,
compilerFor(source, scriptUri, expectedErrors: errorCount));
FailingTestCase(String source, int errorCount)
: this.intermediate(source, errorCount, customUri('main.dart'));
Future run() {
return compile().then((_) {
print("Failed as expected.");
}).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
"The compiler didn't fail when compiling:\n $source\n\n"
"Please adjust assumptions in "
throw "Please update assumptions in this file.";
List<FailingTestCase> assertUnimplementedLocalMetadata() {
return <FailingTestCase>[
// This tests that the compiler doesn't accept metadata on local
// functions. If this feature is implemented, please convert this test to
// a positive test in forget_element_test.dart. For example:
// new ForgetElementTestCase(
// 'main() { @Constant() foo() {}; return foo(); } $CONSTANT_CLASS',
// metadataCount: 1),
new FailingTestCase(
'main() { @Constant() foo() {}; return foo(); } $CONSTANT_CLASS',
// This tests that the compiler doesn't accept metadata on local
// variables. If this feature is implemented, please convert this test to
// a positive test in forget_element_test.dart. For example:
// new ForgetElementTestCase(
// 'main() { @Constant() var x; return x; } $CONSTANT_CLASS',
// metadataCount: 1),
new FailingTestCase(
'main() { @Constant() var x; return x; } $CONSTANT_CLASS',