blob: 52072670726bb7e9d5bbea7dda8f36ba86d4aab1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This contains extra functions and classes useful for implementing
* serialiation. Some or all of these will be removed once the functionality is
* available in the core library.
library serialization_helpers;
import 'dart:collection';
* A named function of one argument that just returns it. Useful for using
* as a default value for a function parameter or other places where you want
* to concisely provide a function that just returns its argument.
doNothing(x) => x;
/** Concatenate two lists. Handle the case where one or both might be null. */
// TODO(alanknight): Remove once issue 5342 is resolved.
Iterable append(Iterable a, Iterable b) {
if (a == null) {
return (b == null) ? [] : new List.from(b);
if (b == null) return new List.from(a);
var result = new List.from(a);
return result;
/** Helper function for PrimitiveRule to tell which objects it applies to. */
bool isPrimitive(object) {
return identical(object, null) || object is num || object is String ||
identical(object, true) || identical(object, false);
* Given either an Iterable or a Map, return a map. For a Map just return it.
* For an iterable, return a Map from the index to the value at that index.
* Used to iterate polymorphically between List-like and Map-like things.
* For example, keysAndValues(["a", "b", "c"]).forEach((key, value) => ...);
* will loop over the key/value pairs 1/"a", 2/"b", 3/"c", as if the argument
* was a Map from integer keys to string values.
Map keysAndValues(x) {
if (x is Map) return x;
if (x is List) return x.asMap();
if (x is Iterable) return x.toList().asMap();
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid argument, expected Map or Iterable, got $x");
* Lets you iterate polymorphically between
* List-like and Map-like things, but making them behave like Lists, instead
* of behaving like Maps.
* So values(["a", "b", "c"]).forEach((value) => ...);
* will loop over the values "a", "b", "c", as if it were a List of values.
* Only supports forEach() and map() operations because that was all I needed
* for the moment.
Iterable values(x) {
if (x is Iterable) return x;
if (x is Map) return x.values;
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid argument, expected Map or Iterable, got $x");
* Iterate over [collection] and return a new collection of the same type
* where each value has been transformed by [f]. For iterables and sets, this
* is equivalent to [map]. For a Map, it returns a new Map with the same keys
* and the corresponding values transformed by [f].
mapValues(collection, Function f) {
if (collection is Set) return;
if (collection is Iterable) return;
if (collection is Map) return new Map.fromIterables(collection.keys,;
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid argument, expected Map or Iterable, "
"got $collection");
* This acts as a stand-in for some value that cannot be hashed. We can't
* just use const Object() because the compiler will fold them together.
class _Sentinel {
final _wrappedObject;
const _Sentinel(this._wrappedObject);