blob: 5ccfaee44f7e6489992b8b993925dd7533e9bd0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Regression test: this used to crash the VM.
library test.find_in_context_fake_function;
import "dart:mirrors";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
var topLevelField = 1;
get topLevelGetter => 2;
topLevelFunction() => 3;
class FakeFunction1 {
var field = 4;
get getter => 5;
method() => 6;
static var staticField = 7;
static get staticGetter => 8;
staticFunction() => 9;
call(x) {
var local = x * 2;
return local;
class FakeFunction2 implements Function {
var field = 10;
get getter => 11;
method() => 12;
static var staticField = 13;
static get staticGetter => 14;
staticFunction() => 15;
noSuchMethod(msg) {
var local = msg.positionalArguments;
if (msg.memberName != #call) return super.noSuchMethod(msg);
return local.join('+');
doFindInContext(cm, name, value) {
dontFindInContext(cm, name) {
main() {
ClosureMirror cm = reflect(new FakeFunction1());
dontFindInContext(cm, #local);
dontFindInContext(cm, const Symbol('this'));
dontFindInContext(cm, #field);
dontFindInContext(cm, #getter);
dontFindInContext(cm, #method);
dontFindInContext(cm, #staticField);
dontFindInContext(cm, #staticGetter);
dontFindInContext(cm, #staticFunction);
dontFindInContext(cm, #topLevelField);
dontFindInContext(cm, #topLevelGetter);
dontFindInContext(cm, #topLevelFunction);
cm = reflect(new FakeFunction2());
dontFindInContext(cm, #local);
dontFindInContext(cm, const Symbol('this'));
dontFindInContext(cm, #field);
dontFindInContext(cm, #getter);
dontFindInContext(cm, #method);
dontFindInContext(cm, #staticField);
dontFindInContext(cm, #staticGetter);
dontFindInContext(cm, #staticFunction);
dontFindInContext(cm, #topLevelField);
dontFindInContext(cm, #topLevelGetter);
dontFindInContext(cm, #topLevelFunction);