blob: 61d8d0b8704d7d8cb05acf499ec6eed15f8ac7ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Check that cyclic reference of a typedef is a compile-time error.
// To test various cyclic references the definition of the [:typedef A():] is
// split over several lines:
// Cyclic through return type.
A /// 01: compile-time error
A // The name of the typedef
( // The left parenthesis of the typedef arguments.
// Cyclic through parameter type.
A a /// 02: compile-time error
// Cyclic through optional parameter type.
[A a] /// 03: compile-time error
// Cyclic through named parameter type.
{A a} /// 04: compile-time error
// Cyclic through generic parameter type.
List<A> a /// 05: compile-time error
// Cyclic through return type of function typed parameter.
A f() /// 06: compile-time error
// Cyclic through parameter type of function typed parameter.
f(A a) /// 07: compile-time error
// Cyclic through another typedef.
B b /// 08: compile-time error
// Cyclic through another more typedefs.
C c /// 09: compile-time error
); // The right parenthesis of the typedef arguments.
typedef B(A a);
typedef C(B b);
void testA(A a) {}
void main() {