blob: d0977be8e0d76960135b86008bb7344bb56e240a [file] [log] [blame]
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.test_support;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/java_junit.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/ast.dart' show ASTNode, NodeLocator;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/element.dart' show InterfaceType, MethodElement, PropertyAccessorElement;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisContext, AnalysisContextImpl, RecordingErrorListener;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart' as _ut;
* Instances of the class `GatheringErrorListener` implement an error listener that collects
* all of the errors passed to it for later examination.
class GatheringErrorListener implements AnalysisErrorListener {
* The source being parsed.
String _rawSource;
* The source being parsed after inserting a marker at the beginning and end of the range of the
* most recent error.
String _markedSource;
* A list containing the errors that were collected.
final List<AnalysisError> errors = new List<AnalysisError>();
* A table mapping sources to the line information for the source.
Map<Source, LineInfo> _lineInfoMap = new Map<Source, LineInfo>();
* An empty array of errors used when no errors are expected.
static List<AnalysisError> _NO_ERRORS = new List<AnalysisError>(0);
* Initialize a newly created error listener to collect errors.
GatheringErrorListener() : super();
* Initialize a newly created error listener to collect errors.
GatheringErrorListener.con1(String rawSource) {
this._rawSource = rawSource;
this._markedSource = rawSource;
* Add all of the errors recorded by the given listener to this listener.
* @param listener the listener that has recorded the errors to be added
void addAll(RecordingErrorListener listener) {
for (AnalysisError error in listener.errors) {
* Assert that the number of errors that have been gathered matches the number of errors that are
* given and that they have the expected error codes and locations. The order in which the errors
* were gathered is ignored.
* @param errorCodes the errors that should have been gathered
* @throws AssertionFailedError if a different number of errors have been gathered than were
* expected or if they do not have the same codes and locations
void assertErrors(List<AnalysisError> expectedErrors) {
if (errors.length != expectedErrors.length) {
List<AnalysisError> remainingErrors = new List<AnalysisError>();
for (AnalysisError error in expectedErrors) {
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (!foundAndRemoved(remainingErrors, error)) {
* Assert that the number of errors that have been gathered matches the number of errors that are
* given and that they have the expected error codes. The order in which the errors were gathered
* is ignored.
* @param expectedErrorCodes the error codes of the errors that should have been gathered
* @throws AssertionFailedError if a different number of errors have been gathered than were
* expected
void assertErrors2(List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) {
JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder();
for (ErrorCode errorCode in expectedErrorCodes) {
JUnitTestCase.assertFalseMsg("Empty error code message", errorCode.message.isEmpty);
Map<ErrorCode, int> expectedCounts = new Map<ErrorCode, int>();
for (ErrorCode code in expectedErrorCodes) {
int count = expectedCounts[code];
if (count == null) {
count = 1;
} else {
count = count + 1;
expectedCounts[code] = count;
Map<ErrorCode, List<AnalysisError>> errorsByCode = new Map<ErrorCode, List<AnalysisError>>();
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
ErrorCode code = error.errorCode;
List<AnalysisError> list = errorsByCode[code];
if (list == null) {
list = new List<AnalysisError>();
errorsByCode[code] = list;
for (MapEntry<ErrorCode, int> entry in getMapEntrySet(expectedCounts)) {
ErrorCode code = entry.getKey();
int expectedCount = entry.getValue();
int actualCount;
List<AnalysisError> list = errorsByCode.remove(code);
if (list == null) {
actualCount = 0;
} else {
actualCount = list.length;
if (actualCount != expectedCount) {
if (builder.length == 0) {
builder.append("Expected ");
} else {
builder.append("; ");
builder.append(" errors of type ");
builder.append(", found ");
for (MapEntry<ErrorCode, List<AnalysisError>> entry in getMapEntrySet(errorsByCode)) {
ErrorCode code = entry.getKey();
List<AnalysisError> actualErrors = entry.getValue();
int actualCount = actualErrors.length;
if (builder.length == 0) {
builder.append("Expected ");
} else {
builder.append("; ");
builder.append("0 errors of type ");
builder.append(", found ");
builder.append(" (");
for (int i = 0; i < actualErrors.length; i++) {
AnalysisError error = actualErrors[i];
if (i > 0) {
builder.append(", ");
if (builder.length > 0) {;
* Assert that the number of errors that have been gathered matches the number of severities that
* are given and that there are the same number of errors and warnings as specified by the
* argument. The order in which the errors were gathered is ignored.
* @param expectedSeverities the severities of the errors that should have been gathered
* @throws AssertionFailedError if a different number of errors have been gathered than were
* expected
void assertErrors3(List<ErrorSeverity> expectedSeverities) {
int expectedErrorCount = 0;
int expectedWarningCount = 0;
for (ErrorSeverity severity in expectedSeverities) {
if (identical(severity, ErrorSeverity.ERROR)) {
} else {
int actualErrorCount = 0;
int actualWarningCount = 0;
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (identical(error.errorCode.errorSeverity, ErrorSeverity.ERROR)) {
} else {
if (expectedErrorCount != actualErrorCount || expectedWarningCount != actualWarningCount) {"Expected ${expectedErrorCount} errors and ${expectedWarningCount} warnings, found ${actualErrorCount} errors and ${actualWarningCount} warnings");
* Assert that no errors have been gathered.
* @throws AssertionFailedError if any errors have been gathered
void assertNoErrors() {
* Return the line information associated with the given source, or `null` if no line
* information has been associated with the source.
* @param source the source with which the line information is associated
* @return the line information associated with the source
LineInfo getLineInfo(Source source) => _lineInfoMap[source];
* Return `true` if an error with the given error code has been gathered.
* @param errorCode the error code being searched for
* @return `true` if an error with the given error code has been gathered
bool hasError(ErrorCode errorCode2) {
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (identical(error.errorCode, errorCode2)) {
return true;
return false;
* Return `true` if at least one error has been gathered.
* @return `true` if at least one error has been gathered
bool hasErrors() => errors.length > 0;
void onError(AnalysisError error) {
if (_rawSource != null) {
int left = error.offset;
int right = left + error.length - 1;
_markedSource = "${_rawSource.substring(0, left)}^${_rawSource.substring(left, right)}^${_rawSource.substring(right)}";
* Set the line information associated with the given source to the given information.
* @param source the source with which the line information is associated
* @param lineStarts the line start information to be associated with the source
void setLineInfo(Source source, List<int> lineStarts) {
_lineInfoMap[source] = new LineInfo(lineStarts);
* Set the line information associated with the given source to the given information.
* @param source the source with which the line information is associated
* @param lineInfo the line information to be associated with the source
void setLineInfo2(Source source, LineInfo lineInfo) {
_lineInfoMap[source] = lineInfo;
* Return `true` if the two errors are equivalent.
* @param firstError the first error being compared
* @param secondError the second error being compared
* @return `true` if the two errors are equivalent
bool equals3(AnalysisError firstError, AnalysisError secondError) => identical(firstError.errorCode, secondError.errorCode) && firstError.offset == secondError.offset && firstError.length == secondError.length && equals4(firstError.source, secondError.source);
* Return `true` if the two sources are equivalent.
* @param firstSource the first source being compared
* @param secondSource the second source being compared
* @return `true` if the two sources are equivalent
bool equals4(Source firstSource, Source secondSource) {
if (firstSource == null) {
return secondSource == null;
} else if (secondSource == null) {
return false;
return firstSource == secondSource;
* Assert that the number of errors that have been gathered matches the number of errors that are
* given and that they have the expected error codes. The order in which the errors were gathered
* is ignored.
* @param errorCodes the errors that should have been gathered
* @throws AssertionFailedError with
void fail(List<AnalysisError> expectedErrors) {
PrintStringWriter writer = new PrintStringWriter();
writer.print("Expected ");
writer.print(" errors:");
for (AnalysisError error in expectedErrors) {
Source source = error.source;
LineInfo lineInfo = _lineInfoMap[source];
if (lineInfo == null) {
int offset = error.offset;
writer.printf(" %s %s (%d..%d)", [
source == null ? "" : source.shortName,
offset + error.length]);
} else {
LineInfo_Location location = lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset);
writer.printf(" %s %s (%d, %d/%d)", [
source == null ? "" : source.shortName,
writer.print("found ");
writer.print(" errors:");
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
Source source = error.source;
LineInfo lineInfo = _lineInfoMap[source];
if (lineInfo == null) {
int offset = error.offset;
writer.printf(" %s %s (%d..%d): %s", [
source == null ? "" : source.shortName,
offset + error.length,
} else {
LineInfo_Location location = lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset);
writer.printf(" %s %s (%d, %d/%d): %s", [
source == null ? "" : source.shortName,
* Search through the given list of errors for an error that is equal to the target error. If one
* is found, remove it from the list and return `true`, otherwise return `false`
* without modifying the list.
* @param errors the errors through which we are searching
* @param targetError the error being searched for
* @return `true` if the error is found and removed from the list
bool foundAndRemoved(List<AnalysisError> errors, AnalysisError targetError) {
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (equals3(error, targetError)) {
return true;
return true;
* The class `EngineTestCase` defines utility methods for making assertions.
class EngineTestCase extends JUnitTestCase {
static int _PRINT_RANGE = 6;
* Assert that the tokens in the actual stream of tokens have the same types and lexemes as the
* tokens in the expected stream of tokens. Note that this does not assert anything about the
* offsets of the tokens (although the lengths will be equal).
* @param expectedStream the head of the stream of tokens that were expected
* @param actualStream the head of the stream of tokens that were actually found
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the two streams of tokens are not the same
static void assertAllMatch(Token expectedStream, Token actualStream) {
Token left = expectedStream;
Token right = actualStream;
while (left.type != TokenType.EOF && right.type != TokenType.EOF) {
assertMatches(left, right);
left =;
right =;
* Assert that the given array is non-`null` and contains the expected elements. The
* elements can appear in any order.
* @param array the array being tested
* @param expectedElements the expected elements
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the array is `null` or does not contain the expected
* elements
static void assertContains(List<Object> array, List<Object> expectedElements) {
int expectedSize = expectedElements.length;
if (array == null) {"Expected array of length ${expectedSize}; found null");
if (array.length != expectedSize) {"Expected array of length ${expectedSize}; contained ${array.length} elements");
List<bool> found = new List<bool>.filled(expectedSize, false);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) {
assertContains2(array, found, expectedElements[i]);
* Assert that the array of actual values contain exactly the same values as those in the array of
* expected value, with the exception that the order of the elements is not required to be the
* same.
* @param expectedValues the values that are expected to be found
* @param actualValues the actual values that are being compared against the expected values
static void assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(List<Object> expectedValues, List<Object> actualValues) {
int expectedLength = expectedValues.length;
JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedLength, actualValues.length);
List<bool> found = new List<bool>.filled(expectedLength, false);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedLength; i++) {
found[i] = false;
for (Object actualValue in actualValues) {
bool wasExpected = false;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedLength; i++) {
if (!found[i] && expectedValues[i] == actualValue) {
found[i] = true;
wasExpected = true;
if (!wasExpected) {"The actual value ${actualValue} was not expected");
* Assert that a given String is equal to an expected value.
* @param expected the expected String value
* @param actual the actual String value
static void assertEqualString(String expected, String actual) {
if (actual == null || expected == null) {
if (identical(actual, expected)) {
if (actual == null) {
JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("Content not as expected: is 'null' expected: ${expected}", false);
} else {
JUnitTestCase.assertTrueMsg("Content not as expected: expected 'null' is: ${actual}", false);
int diffPos = getDiffPos(expected, actual);
if (diffPos != -1) {
int diffAhead = Math.max(0, diffPos - _PRINT_RANGE);
int diffAfter = Math.min(actual.length, diffPos + _PRINT_RANGE);
String diffStr = "${actual.substring(diffAhead, diffPos)}^${actual.substring(diffPos, diffAfter)}";
String message = "Content not as expected: is\n${actual}\nDiffers at pos ${diffPos}: ${diffStr}\nexpected:\n${expected}";
JUnitTestCase.assertEqualsMsg(message, expected, actual);
* Assert that the given list is non-`null` and has exactly expected elements.
* @param list the list being tested
* @param expectedElements the expected elements
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the list is `null` or does not have the expected elements
static void assertExactElements(List list, List<Object> expectedElements) {
int expectedSize = expectedElements.length;
if (list == null) {"Expected list of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
if (list.length != expectedSize) {"Expected list of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${list.length} elements");
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) {
Object element = list[i];
Object expectedElement = expectedElements[i];
if (!element == expectedElement) {"Expected ${expectedElement} at [${i}]; found ${element}");
* Assert that the given array is non-`null` and has exactly expected elements.
* @param array the array being tested
* @param expectedElements the expected elements
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the array is `null` or does not have the expected
* elements
static void assertExactElements2(List<Object> array, List<Object> expectedElements) {
int expectedSize = expectedElements.length;
if (array == null) {"Expected array of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
if (array.length != expectedSize) {"Expected array of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${array.length} elements");
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) {
Object element = array[i];
Object expectedElement = expectedElements[i];
if (!element == expectedElement) {"Expected ${expectedElement} at [${i}]; found ${element}");
* Assert that the given list is non-`null` and has exactly expected elements.
* @param set the list being tested
* @param expectedElements the expected elements
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the list is `null` or does not have the expected elements
static void assertExactElements3(Set set, List<Object> expectedElements) {
int expectedSize = expectedElements.length;
if (set == null) {"Expected list of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
if (set.length != expectedSize) {"Expected list of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${set.length} elements");
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) {
Object expectedElement = expectedElements[i];
if (!set.contains(expectedElement)) {"Expected ${expectedElement} in set${set}");
* Assert that the given object is an instance of the expected class.
* @param expectedClass the class that the object is expected to be an instance of
* @param object the object being tested
* @return the object that was being tested
* @throws Exception if the object is not an instance of the expected class
static Object assertInstanceOf(Type expectedClass, Object object) {
if (!isInstanceOf(object, expectedClass)) {"Expected instance of ${expectedClass.toString()}, found ${(object == null ? "null" : object.runtimeType.toString())}");
return object as Object;
* Assert that the given array is non-`null` and has the expected number of elements.
* @param expectedLength the expected number of elements
* @param array the array being tested
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the array is `null` or does not have the expected number
* of elements
static void assertLength(int expectedLength, List<Object> array) {
if (array == null) {"Expected array of length ${expectedLength}; found null");
} else if (array.length != expectedLength) {"Expected array of length ${expectedLength}; contained ${array.length} elements");
* Assert that the actual token has the same type and lexeme as the expected token. Note that this
* does not assert anything about the offsets of the tokens (although the lengths will be equal).
* @param expectedToken the token that was expected
* @param actualToken the token that was found
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the two tokens are not the same
static void assertMatches(Token expectedToken, Token actualToken) {
JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(expectedToken.type, actualToken.type);
if (expectedToken is KeywordToken) {
assertInstanceOf(KeywordToken, actualToken);
JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(((expectedToken as KeywordToken)).keyword, ((actualToken as KeywordToken)).keyword);
} else if (expectedToken is StringToken) {
assertInstanceOf(StringToken, actualToken);
JUnitTestCase.assertEquals(((expectedToken as StringToken)).lexeme, ((actualToken as StringToken)).lexeme);
* Assert that the given collection is non-`null` and has the expected number of elements.
* @param expectedSize the expected number of elements
* @param c the collection being tested
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the list is `null` or does not have the expected number
* of elements
static void assertCollectionSize(int expectedSize, Iterable c) {
if (c == null) {"Expected collection of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
} else if (c.length != expectedSize) {"Expected collection of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${c.length} elements");
* Assert that the given list is non-`null` and has the expected number of elements.
* @param expectedSize the expected number of elements
* @param list the list being tested
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the list is `null` or does not have the expected number
* of elements
static void assertSize(int expectedSize, List list) {
if (list == null) {"Expected list of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
} else if (list.length != expectedSize) {"Expected list of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${list.length} elements");
* Assert that the given map is non-`null` and has the expected number of elements.
* @param expectedSize the expected number of elements
* @param map the map being tested
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the map is `null` or does not have the expected number of
* elements
static void assertSize2(int expectedSize, Map map) {
if (map == null) {"Expected map of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
} else if (map.length != expectedSize) {"Expected map of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${map.length} elements");
* Assert that the given set is non-`null` and has the expected number of elements.
* @param expectedSize the expected number of elements
* @param set the set being tested
* @throws AssertionFailedError if the set is `null` or does not have the expected number of
* elements
static void assertSize3(int expectedSize, Set set) {
if (set == null) {"Expected set of size ${expectedSize}; found null");
} else if (set.length != expectedSize) {"Expected set of size ${expectedSize}; contained ${set.length} elements");
* Convert the given array of lines into a single source string.
* @param lines the lines to be merged into a single source string
* @return the source string composed of the given lines
static String createSource(List<String> lines) {
PrintStringWriter writer = new PrintStringWriter();
for (String line in lines) {
return writer.toString();
* @return the [ASTNode] with requested type at offset of the "prefix".
static ASTNode findNode(ASTNode root, String code, String prefix, Type clazz) {
int offset = code.indexOf(prefix);
if (offset == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found '${prefix}'.");
ASTNode node = new NodeLocator.con1(offset).searchWithin(root);
return node.getAncestor(clazz);
static void assertContains2(List<Object> array, List<bool> found, Object element) {
if (element == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (!found[i]) {
if (array[i] == null) {
found[i] = true;
}"Does not contain null");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (!found[i]) {
if (element == array[i]) {
found[i] = true;
}"Does not contain ${element}");
* Calculate the offset where the given strings differ.
* @param str1 the first String to compare
* @param str2 the second String to compare
* @return the offset at which the strings differ (or <code>-1</code> if they do not)
static int getDiffPos(String str1, String str2) {
int len1 = Math.min(str1.length, str2.length);
int diffPos = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
if (str1.codeUnitAt(i) != str2.codeUnitAt(i)) {
diffPos = i;
if (diffPos == -1 && str1.length != str2.length) {
diffPos = len1;
return diffPos;
AnalysisContextImpl createAnalysisContext() {
AnalysisContextImpl context = new AnalysisContextImpl();
context.sourceFactory = new SourceFactory.con2([]);
return context;
* Return the getter in the given type with the given name. Inherited getters are ignored.
* @param type the type in which the getter is declared
* @param getterName the name of the getter to be returned
* @return the property accessor element representing the getter with the given name
PropertyAccessorElement getGetter(InterfaceType type, String getterName) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in type.element.accessors) {
if (accessor.isGetter && == getterName) {
return accessor;
}"Could not find getter named ${getterName} in ${type.displayName}");
return null;
* Return the method in the given type with the given name. Inherited methods are ignored.
* @param type the type in which the method is declared
* @param methodName the name of the method to be returned
* @return the method element representing the method with the given name
MethodElement getMethod(InterfaceType type, String methodName) {
for (MethodElement method in type.element.methods) {
if ( == methodName) {
return method;
}"Could not find method named ${methodName} in ${type.displayName}");
return null;
static dartSuite() {'EngineTestCase', () {
main() {
class TestSource implements Source {
int get hashCode => 0;
bool operator ==(Object object) {
return object is TestSource;
AnalysisContext get context {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
void getContents(Source_ContentReceiver receiver) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
String get fullName {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
String get shortName {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
String get encoding {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
int get modificationStamp {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
bool exists() => true;
bool get isInSystemLibrary {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Source resolve(String uri) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Source resolveRelative(Uri uri) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
UriKind get uriKind {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Wrapper around [Function] which should be called with "target" and "arguments".
class MethodTrampoline {
int parameterCount;
Function trampoline;
MethodTrampoline(this.parameterCount, this.trampoline);
Object invoke(target, List arguments) {
if (arguments.length != parameterCount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${arguments.length} != $parameterCount");
switch (parameterCount) {
case 0:
return trampoline(target);
case 1:
return trampoline(target, arguments[0]);
case 2:
return trampoline(target, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
case 3:
return trampoline(target, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case 4:
return trampoline(target, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not implemented for > 4 arguments");