blob: 987e0590d4e8e946bcadb05234cac7e85c547a51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.parameter_metadata_test;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'metadata_test.dart';
const m1 = 'm1';
const m2 = const Symbol('m2');
const m3 = const CustomAnnotation(3);
class CustomAnnotation {
final value;
const CustomAnnotation(this.value);
toString() => 'CustomAnnotation($value)';
class B { x);
factory @m2 int z, x){}
baz(@m1 final int x, @m2 int y, @m3 final int z);
qux(int x, [@m3 @m2 @m1 int y= 3 + 1]);
quux(int x, {String str: "foo"});
corge({@m1 int x: 3 * 17, @m2 String str: "bar"});
set x(@m2 final value);
main() {
ClassMirror cm = reflectClass(B);
checkMetadata(cm.constructors[const Symbol('')].parameters[0], []);
checkMetadata(cm.constructors[const Symbol('')].parameters[0], [m3, m2]);
checkMetadata(cm.constructors[const Symbol('')].parameters[1], []);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('baz')].parameters[0], [m1]);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('baz')].parameters[1], [m2]);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('baz')].parameters[2], [m3]);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('qux')].parameters[0], []);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('qux')].parameters[1], [m3, m2, m1]);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('quux')].parameters[0], []);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('quux')].parameters[1], []);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('corge')].parameters[0], [m1]);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('corge')].parameters[1], [m2]);
checkMetadata(cm.members[const Symbol('x=')].parameters[0], [m2]);