| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| # |
| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| # |
| # A script which will be invoked from gyp to create an SDK. |
| # |
| # Usage: create_sdk.py sdk_directory |
| # |
| # The SDK will be used either from the command-line or from the editor. |
| # Top structure is |
| # |
| # ..dart-sdk/ |
| # ....bin/ |
| # ......dart or dart.exe (executable) |
| # ......dart.lib (import library for VM native extensions on Windows) |
| # ......dart2js |
| # ......dartanalyzer |
| # ......pub |
| # ......snapshots/ |
| # ........utils_wrapper.dart.snapshot |
| # ........pub.dart.snapshot |
| # ....include/ |
| # ......dart_api.h |
| # ......dart_debugger_api.h |
| # ......dart_mirrors_api.h |
| # ......dart_native_api.h |
| # ....lib/ |
| # ......_internal/ |
| # ......async/ |
| # ......collection/ |
| # ......_collection_dev/ |
| # ......convert/ |
| # ......core/ |
| # ......html/ |
| # ......io/ |
| # ......isolate/ |
| # ......js/ |
| # ......json/ |
| # ......math/ |
| # ......mirrors/ |
| # ......utf/ |
| # ......typed_data/ |
| # ....util/ |
| # ......dartanalyzer/ |
| # ........dartanalyzer.jar |
| # ........(third-party libraries for dart_analyzer) |
| # ......(more will come here) |
| |
| |
| import glob |
| import optparse |
| import os |
| import re |
| import sys |
| import subprocess |
| import tempfile |
| import utils |
| |
| HOST_OS = utils.GuessOS() |
| |
| # TODO(dgrove): Only import modules following Google style guide. |
| from os.path import basename, dirname, join, realpath, exists, isdir |
| |
| # TODO(dgrove): Only import modules following Google style guide. |
| from shutil import copyfile, copymode, copytree, ignore_patterns, rmtree, move |
| |
| |
| def GetOptions(): |
| options = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options]') |
| options.add_option("--sdk_output_dir", |
| help='Where to output the sdk') |
| options.add_option("--snapshot_location", |
| help='Location of the snapshots.') |
| return options.parse_args() |
| |
| |
| def ReplaceInFiles(paths, subs): |
| '''Reads a series of files, applies a series of substitutions to each, and |
| saves them back out. subs should by a list of (pattern, replace) tuples.''' |
| for path in paths: |
| contents = open(path).read() |
| for pattern, replace in subs: |
| contents = re.sub(pattern, replace, contents) |
| |
| dest = open(path, 'w') |
| dest.write(contents) |
| dest.close() |
| |
| |
| def Copy(src, dest): |
| copyfile(src, dest) |
| copymode(src, dest) |
| |
| |
| def CopyShellScript(src_file, dest_dir): |
| '''Copies a shell/batch script to the given destination directory. Handles |
| using the appropriate platform-specific file extension.''' |
| file_extension = '' |
| if HOST_OS == 'win32': |
| file_extension = '.bat' |
| |
| src = src_file + file_extension |
| dest = join(dest_dir, basename(src_file) + file_extension) |
| Copy(src, dest) |
| |
| |
| def CopyDartScripts(home, sdk_root): |
| for executable in ['dart2js', 'dartanalyzer', 'dartdoc', 'pub']: |
| CopyShellScript(os.path.join(home, 'sdk', 'bin', executable), |
| os.path.join(sdk_root, 'bin')) |
| |
| |
| def CopySnapshots(snapshots, sdk_root): |
| for snapshot in ['dart2js', 'utils_wrapper', 'pub']: |
| snapshot += '.dart.snapshot' |
| copyfile(join(snapshots, snapshot), |
| join(sdk_root, 'bin', 'snapshots', snapshot)) |
| |
| |
| def Main(argv): |
| # Pull in all of the gypi files which will be munged into the sdk. |
| HOME = dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))) |
| |
| (options, args) = GetOptions() |
| |
| SDK = options.sdk_output_dir |
| SDK_tmp = '%s.tmp' % SDK |
| |
| SNAPSHOT = options.snapshot_location |
| |
| # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32. |
| |
| if exists(SDK): |
| rmtree(SDK) |
| |
| if exists(SDK_tmp): |
| rmtree(SDK_tmp) |
| |
| os.makedirs(SDK_tmp) |
| |
| # Create and populate sdk/bin. |
| BIN = join(SDK_tmp, 'bin') |
| os.makedirs(BIN) |
| |
| os.makedirs(join(BIN, 'snapshots')) |
| |
| # Copy the Dart VM binary and the Windows Dart VM link library |
| # into sdk/bin. |
| # |
| # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32. |
| build_dir = os.path.dirname(SDK) |
| dart_file_extension = '' |
| if HOST_OS == 'win32': |
| dart_file_extension = '.exe' |
| dart_import_lib_src = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dart.lib') |
| dart_import_lib_dest = join(BIN, 'dart.lib') |
| copyfile(dart_import_lib_src, dart_import_lib_dest) |
| dart_src_binary = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dart' + dart_file_extension) |
| dart_dest_binary = join(BIN, 'dart' + dart_file_extension) |
| copyfile(dart_src_binary, dart_dest_binary) |
| copymode(dart_src_binary, dart_dest_binary) |
| # Strip the binaries on platforms where that is supported. |
| if HOST_OS == 'linux': |
| subprocess.call(['strip', dart_dest_binary]) |
| elif HOST_OS == 'macos': |
| subprocess.call(['strip', '-x', dart_dest_binary]) |
| |
| # |
| # Create and populate sdk/include. |
| # |
| INCLUDE = join(SDK_tmp, 'include') |
| os.makedirs(INCLUDE) |
| copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_api.h'), |
| join(INCLUDE, 'dart_api.h')) |
| copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_debugger_api.h'), |
| join(INCLUDE, 'dart_debugger_api.h')) |
| copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_mirrors_api.h'), |
| join(INCLUDE, 'dart_mirrors_api.h')) |
| copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_native_api.h'), |
| join(INCLUDE, 'dart_native_api.h')) |
| |
| # |
| # Create and populate sdk/lib. |
| # |
| |
| LIB = join(SDK_tmp, 'lib') |
| os.makedirs(LIB) |
| |
| # |
| # Create and populate lib/{core, crypto, isolate, json, utf, ...}. |
| # |
| |
| os.makedirs(join(LIB, 'html')) |
| |
| for library in [join('_internal', 'compiler'), |
| join('_internal', 'dartdoc'), |
| join('_internal', 'pub', 'resource'), |
| join('_internal', 'lib'), |
| 'async', 'collection', '_collection_dev', 'convert', |
| 'core', 'crypto', 'io', 'isolate', |
| join('chrome', 'dart2js'), join('chrome', 'dartium'), |
| join('html', 'dart2js'), join('html', 'dartium'), |
| join('html', 'html_common'), |
| join('indexed_db', 'dart2js'), join('indexed_db', 'dartium'), |
| 'js', 'json', 'math', 'mirrors', 'typed_data', |
| join('svg', 'dart2js'), join('svg', 'dartium'), |
| 'utf', |
| join('web_audio', 'dart2js'), join('web_audio', 'dartium'), |
| join('web_gl', 'dart2js'), join('web_gl', 'dartium'), |
| join('web_sql', 'dart2js'), join('web_sql', 'dartium')]: |
| copytree(join(HOME, 'sdk', 'lib', library), join(LIB, library), |
| ignore=ignore_patterns('*.svn', 'doc', '*.py', '*.gypi', '*.sh', |
| '.gitignore')) |
| |
| # Copy lib/_internal/libraries.dart. |
| copyfile(join(HOME, 'sdk', 'lib', '_internal', 'libraries.dart'), |
| join(LIB, '_internal', 'libraries.dart')) |
| |
| # Create and copy tools. |
| UTIL = join(SDK_tmp, 'util') |
| os.makedirs(UTIL) |
| |
| # Create and copy dartanalyzer into 'util' |
| DARTANALYZER_SRC = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dartanalyzer') |
| DARTANALYZER_DEST = join(UTIL, 'dartanalyzer') |
| os.makedirs(DARTANALYZER_DEST) |
| |
| jarFiles = glob.glob(join(DARTANALYZER_SRC, '*.jar')) |
| |
| for jarFile in jarFiles: |
| copyfile(jarFile, join(DARTANALYZER_DEST, os.path.basename(jarFile))) |
| |
| # Copy in 7zip for Windows. |
| if HOST_OS == 'win32': |
| copytree(join(HOME, 'third_party', '7zip'), |
| join(SDK_tmp, 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'resource', '7zip'), |
| ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn')) |
| |
| # Copy dart2js/dartdoc/pub. |
| CopyDartScripts(HOME, SDK_tmp) |
| CopySnapshots(SNAPSHOT, SDK_tmp) |
| |
| # Write the 'version' file |
| version = utils.GetVersion() |
| versionFile = open(os.path.join(SDK_tmp, 'version'), 'w') |
| versionFile.write(version + '\n') |
| versionFile.close() |
| |
| # Write the 'revision' file |
| revision = utils.GetSVNRevision() |
| |
| if revision is not None: |
| with open(os.path.join(SDK_tmp, 'revision'), 'w') as f: |
| f.write(revision + '\n') |
| f.close() |
| |
| Copy(join(HOME, 'README.dart-sdk'), join(SDK_tmp, 'README')) |
| |
| move(SDK_tmp, SDK) |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| sys.exit(Main(sys.argv)) |