blob: f4b73c8f6bc28099b831ffd01e3f42e1248b698a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing native extensions.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
Future copyFileToDirectory(Path file, Path directory) {
String src = file.toNativePath();
String dst = directory.toNativePath();
switch (Platform.operatingSystem) {
case 'linux':
case 'macos':
return'cp', [src, dst]);
case 'windows':
return'cmd.exe', ['/C', 'copy $src $dst']);
default:'Unknown operating system ${Platform.operatingSystem}');
Path getExtensionPath(Path buildDirectory) {
switch (Platform.operatingSystem) {
case 'linux':
return buildDirectory.append('');
case 'macos':
return buildDirectory.append('libtest_extension.dylib');
case 'windows':
return buildDirectory.append('test_extension.dll');
default:'Unknown operating system ${Platform.operatingSystem}');
void main() {
Path scriptDirectory = new Path(Platform.script).directoryPath;
Path buildDirectory = new Path(Platform.executable).directoryPath;
Directory tempDirectory = new Directory('').createTempSync();
Path testDirectory = new Path(tempDirectory.path);
// Copy test_extension shared library, test_extension.dart and
// test_extension_tester.dart to the temporary test directory.
testDirectory).then((_) {
Path extensionDartFile = scriptDirectory.append('test_extension.dart');
return copyFileToDirectory(extensionDartFile, testDirectory);
}).then((_) {
Path testExtensionTesterFile =
return copyFileToDirectory(testExtensionTesterFile, testDirectory);
}).then((_) {
Path script = testDirectory.append('test_extension_tester.dart');
return, [script.toNativePath()]);
})..then((ProcessResult result) {
Expect.equals(0, result.exitCode);
tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
})..catchError((_) {
tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);