blob: 8102ab0c7110b3ca5f2f4bdafb197e7360e32c0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of observe;
* Base class implementing [Observable] object that performs its own change
* notifications, and does not need to be considered by [Observable.dirtyCheck].
* When a field, property, or indexable item is changed, a derived class should
* call [notifyPropertyChange]. See that method for an example.
typedef ChangeNotifierBase = Object with ChangeNotifierMixin;
* Mixin implementing [Observable] object that performs its own change
* notifications, and does not need to be considered by [Observable.dirtyCheck].
* When a field, property, or indexable item is changed, a derived class should
* call [notifyPropertyChange]. See that method for an example.
abstract class ChangeNotifierMixin implements Observable {
StreamController _changes;
List<ChangeRecord> _records;
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes {
if (_changes == null) {
_changes = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true,
onListen: _observed, onCancel: _unobserved);
// TODO(jmesserly): should these be public? They're useful lifecycle methods
// for subclasses. Ideally they'd be protected.
* Override this method to be called when the [changes] are first observed.
void _observed() {}
* Override this method to be called when the [changes] are no longer being
* observed.
void _unobserved() {}
bool deliverChanges() {
var records = _records;
_records = null;
if (hasObservers && records != null) {
_changes.add(new UnmodifiableListView<ChangeRecord>(records));
return true;
return false;
* True if this object has any observers, and should call
* [notifyPropertyChange] for changes.
bool get hasObservers => _changes != null && _changes.hasListener;
* Notify that the field [name] of this object has been changed.
* The [oldValue] and [newValue] are also recorded. If the two values are
* identical, no change will be recorded.
* For convenience this returns [newValue]. This makes it easy to use in a
* setter:
* var _myField;
* get myField => _myField;
* set myField(value) {
* _myField = notifyPropertyChange(
* const Symbol('myField'), _myField, value);
* }
notifyPropertyChange(Symbol field, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
=> _notifyPropertyChange(this, field, oldValue, newValue);
void notifyChange(ChangeRecord record) {
if (!hasObservers) return;
if (_records == null) {
_records = [];