blob: 2f92ef4dfc1ccd5afb3f773c91400dfee7da1640 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.convert;
* An instance of the default implementation of the [Utf8Codec].
* This instance provides a convenient access to the most common UTF-8
* use cases.
* Examples:
* var encoded = UTF8.encode("Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ");
* var decoded = UTF8.decode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xc3, 0xa6,
* 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xc3, 0xb8, 0x64]);
const UTF8 = const Utf8Codec();
* A [Utf8Codec] encodes strings to utf-8 code units (bytes) and decodes
* UTF-8 code units to strings.
class Utf8Codec extends Encoding {
final bool _allowMalformed;
* Instantiates a new [Utf8Codec].
* The optional [allowMalformed] argument defines how [decoder] (and [decode])
* deal with invalid or unterminated character sequences.
* If it is `true` (and not overriden at the method invocation) [decode] and
* the [decoder] replace invalid (or unterminated) octet
* sequences with the Unicode Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). Otherwise
* they throw a [FormatException].
const Utf8Codec({ bool allowMalformed: false })
: _allowMalformed = allowMalformed;
* Decodes the UTF-8 [codeUnits] (a list of unsigned 8-bit integers) to the
* corresponding string.
* If [allowMalformed] is `true` the decoder replaces invalid (or
* unterminated) character sequences with the Unicode Replacement character
* `U+FFFD` (�). Otherwise it throws a [FormatException].
* If [allowMalformed] is not given, it defaults to the `allowMalformed` that
* was used to instantiate `this`.
String decode(List<int> codeUnits, { bool allowMalformed }) {
if (allowMalformed == null) allowMalformed = _allowMalformed;
return new Utf8Decoder(allowMalformed: allowMalformed).convert(codeUnits);
Converter<String, List<int>> get encoder => new Utf8Encoder();
Converter<List<int>, String> get decoder {
return new Utf8Decoder(allowMalformed: _allowMalformed);
* This class converts strings to their UTF-8 code units (a list of
* unsigned 8-bit integers).
class Utf8Encoder extends Converter<String, List<int>> {
* Converts [string] to its UTF-8 code units (a list of
* unsigned 8-bit integers).
List<int> convert(String string) {
// Create a new encoder with a length that is guaranteed to be big enough.
// A single code unit uses at most 3 bytes. Two code units at most 4.
_Utf8Encoder encoder = new _Utf8Encoder.withBufferSize(string.length * 3);
int endPosition = encoder._fillBuffer(string, 0, string.length);
assert(endPosition >= string.length - 1);
if (endPosition != string.length) {
int lastCodeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(string.length - 1);
// We use a non-surrogate as `nextUnit` so that _writeSurrogate just
// writes the lead-surrogate.
bool wasCombined = encoder._writeSurrogate(lastCodeUnit, 0);
return encoder._buffer.sublist(0, encoder._bufferIndex);
* Starts a chunked conversion.
* The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a
* [ByteConversionSink].
StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(
ChunkedConversionSink<List<int>> sink) {
if (sink is! ByteConversionSink) {
sink = new ByteConversionSink.from(sink);
return new _Utf8EncoderSink(sink);
// Override the base-classes bind, to provide a better type.
Stream<List<int>> bind(Stream<String> stream) => super.bind(stream);
* This class encodes Strings to UTF-8 code units (unsigned 8 bit integers).
// TODO(floitsch): make this class public.
class _Utf8Encoder {
int _carry = 0;
int _bufferIndex = 0;
final List<int> _buffer;
static const _DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
_Utf8Encoder() : this.withBufferSize(_DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE);
_Utf8Encoder.withBufferSize(int bufferSize)
// TODO(11971, floitsch): use Uint8List instead of normal lists.
: _buffer = new List<int>(bufferSize);
* Tries to combine the given [leadingSurrogate] with the [nextCodeUnit] and
* writes it to [_buffer].
* Returns true if the [nextCodeUnit] was combined with the
* [leadingSurrogate]. If it wasn't then nextCodeUnit was not a trailing
* surrogate and has not been written yet.
* It is safe to pass 0 for [nextCodeUnit] in which case only the leading
* surrogate is written.
bool _writeSurrogate(int leadingSurrogate, int nextCodeUnit) {
if (_isTailSurrogate(nextCodeUnit)) {
int rune = _combineSurrogatePair(leadingSurrogate, nextCodeUnit);
// If the rune is encoded with 2 code-units then it must be encoded
// with 4 bytes in UTF-8.
assert(rune > _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT);
assert(rune <= _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xF0 | (rune >> 18);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((rune >> 12) & 0x3f);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((rune >> 6) & 0x3f);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3f);
return true;
} else {
// TODO(floitsch): allow to throw on malformed strings.
// Encode the half-surrogate directly into UTF-8. This yields
// invalid UTF-8, but we started out with invalid UTF-16.
// Surrogates are always encoded in 3 bytes in UTF-8.
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xE0 | (leadingSurrogate >> 12);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((leadingSurrogate >> 6) & 0x3f);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (leadingSurrogate & 0x3f);
return false;
* Fills the [_buffer] with as many characters as possible.
* Does not encode any trailing lead-surrogate. This must be done by the
* caller.
* Returns the position in the string. The returned index points to the
* first code unit that hasn't been encoded.
int _fillBuffer(String str, int start, int end) {
if (start != end && _isLeadSurrogate(str.codeUnitAt(end - 1))) {
// Don't handle a trailing lead-surrogate in this loop. The caller has
// to deal with those.
int stringIndex;
for (stringIndex = start; stringIndex < end; stringIndex++) {
int codeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(stringIndex);
// ASCII has the same representation in UTF-8 and UTF-16.
if (codeUnit < _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT) {
if (_bufferIndex >= _buffer.length) break;
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = codeUnit;
} else if (_isLeadSurrogate(codeUnit)) {
if (_bufferIndex + 3 >= _buffer.length) break;
// Note that it is safe to read the next code unit. We decremented
// [end] above when the last valid code unit was a leading surrogate.
int nextCodeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(stringIndex + 1);
bool wasCombined = _writeSurrogate(codeUnit, nextCodeUnit);
if (wasCombined) stringIndex++;
} else {
int rune = codeUnit;
if (rune <= _TWO_BYTE_LIMIT) {
if (_bufferIndex + 1 >= _buffer.length) break;
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xC0 | (rune >> 6);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3f);
} else {
assert(rune <= _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT);
if (_bufferIndex + 2 >= _buffer.length) break;
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0xE0 | (rune >> 12);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | ((rune >> 6) & 0x3f);
_buffer[_bufferIndex++] = 0x80 | (rune & 0x3f);
return stringIndex;
* This class encodes chunked strings to UTF-8 code units (unsigned 8-bit
* integers).
class _Utf8EncoderSink extends _Utf8Encoder with StringConversionSinkMixin {
final ByteConversionSink _sink;
void close() {
if (_carry != 0) {
// addSlice will call close again, but then the carry must be equal to 0.
addSlice("", 0, 0, true);
void addSlice(String str, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
_bufferIndex = 0;
if (start == end && !isLast) {
if (_carry != 0) {
int nextCodeUnit = 0;
if (start != end) {
nextCodeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(start);
} else {
bool wasCombined = _writeSurrogate(_carry, nextCodeUnit);
// Either we got a non-empty string, or we must not have been combined.
assert(!wasCombined || start != end );
if (wasCombined) start++;
_carry = 0;
do {
start = _fillBuffer(str, start, end);
bool isLastSlice = isLast && (start == end);
if (start == end - 1 && _isLeadSurrogate(str.codeUnitAt(start))) {
if (isLast && _bufferIndex < _buffer.length - 3) {
// There is still space for the last incomplete surrogate.
// We use a non-surrogate as second argument. This way the
// function will just add the surrogate-half to the buffer.
bool hasBeenCombined = _writeSurrogate(str.codeUnitAt(start), 0);
} else {
// Otherwise store it in the carry. If isLast is true, then
// close will flush the last carry.
_carry = str.codeUnitAt(start);
_sink.addSlice(_buffer, 0, _bufferIndex, isLastSlice);
_bufferIndex = 0;
} while (start < end);
if (isLast) close();
// TODO(floitsch): implement asUtf8Sink. Sligthly complicated because it
// needs to deal with malformed input.
* This class converts UTF-8 code units (lists of unsigned 8-bit integers)
* to a string.
class Utf8Decoder extends Converter<List<int>, String> {
final bool _allowMalformed;
* Instantiates a new [Utf8Decoder].
* The optional [allowMalformed] argument defines how [convert] deals
* with invalid or unterminated character sequences.
* If it is `true` [convert] replaces invalid (or unterminated) character
* sequences with the Unicode Replacement character `U+FFFD` (�). Otherwise
* it throws a [FormatException].
Utf8Decoder({ bool allowMalformed: false })
: this._allowMalformed = allowMalformed;
* Converts the UTF-8 [codeUnits] (a list of unsigned 8-bit integers) to the
* corresponding string.
String convert(List<int> codeUnits) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
_Utf8Decoder decoder = new _Utf8Decoder(buffer, _allowMalformed);
decoder.convert(codeUnits, 0, codeUnits.length);
return buffer.toString();
* Starts a chunked conversion.
* The converter works more efficiently if the given [sink] is a
* [StringConversionSink].
ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(
ChunkedConversionSink<String> sink) {
StringConversionSink stringSink;
if (sink is StringConversionSink) {
stringSink = sink;
} else {
stringSink = new StringConversionSink.from(sink);
return stringSink.asUtf8Sink(_allowMalformed);
// Override the base-classes bind, to provide a better type.
Stream<String> bind(Stream<List<int>> stream) => super.bind(stream);
// UTF-8 constants.
const int _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT = 0x7f; // 7 bits
const int _TWO_BYTE_LIMIT = 0x7ff; // 11 bits
const int _THREE_BYTE_LIMIT = 0xffff; // 16 bits
const int _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT = 0x10ffff; // 21 bits, truncated to Unicode max.
// UTF-16 constants.
const int _SURROGATE_MASK = 0xF800;
const int _SURROGATE_TAG_MASK = 0xFC00;
const int _SURROGATE_VALUE_MASK = 0x3FF;
const int _LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN = 0xD800;
const int _TAIL_SURROGATE_MIN = 0xDC00;
const int _BOM_CHARACTER = 0xFEFF;
bool _isSurrogate(int codeUnit) =>
bool _isLeadSurrogate(int codeUnit) =>
bool _isTailSurrogate(int codeUnit) =>
int _combineSurrogatePair(int lead, int tail) =>
0x10000 | ((lead & _SURROGATE_VALUE_MASK) << 10)
* Decodes UTF-8.
* The decoder handles chunked input.
// TODO(floitsch): make this class public.
class _Utf8Decoder {
final bool _allowMalformed;
final StringSink _stringSink;
bool _isFirstCharacter = true;
int _value = 0;
int _expectedUnits = 0;
int _extraUnits = 0;
_Utf8Decoder(this._stringSink, this._allowMalformed);
bool get hasPartialInput => _expectedUnits > 0;
// Limits of one through four byte encodings.
static const List<int> _LIMITS = const <int>[
void close() {
* Flushes this decoder as if closed.
* This method throws if the input was partial and the decoder was
* constructed with `allowMalformed` set to `false`.
void flush() {
if (hasPartialInput) {
if (!_allowMalformed) {
throw new FormatException("Unfinished UTF-8 octet sequence");
_value = 0;
_expectedUnits = 0;
_extraUnits = 0;
void convert(List<int> codeUnits, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int value = _value;
int expectedUnits = _expectedUnits;
int extraUnits = _extraUnits;
_value = 0;
_expectedUnits = 0;
_extraUnits = 0;
int i = startIndex;
loop: while (true) {
multibyte: if (expectedUnits > 0) {
do {
if (i == endIndex) {
break loop;
int unit = codeUnits[i];
if ((unit & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
expectedUnits = 0;
if (!_allowMalformed) {
throw new FormatException(
"Bad UTF-8 encoding 0x${unit.toRadixString(16)}");
_isFirstCharacter = false;
break multibyte;
} else {
value = (value << 6) | (unit & 0x3f);
} while (expectedUnits > 0);
if (value <= _LIMITS[extraUnits - 1]) {
// Overly long encoding. The value could be encoded with a shorter
// encoding.
if (!_allowMalformed) {
throw new FormatException(
"Overlong encoding of 0x${value.toRadixString(16)}");
expectedUnits = extraUnits = 0;
if (value > _FOUR_BYTE_LIMIT) {
if (!_allowMalformed) {
throw new FormatException("Character outside valid Unicode range: "
if (!_isFirstCharacter || value != _BOM_CHARACTER) {
_isFirstCharacter = false;
while (i < endIndex) {
int unit = codeUnits[i++];
if (unit <= _ONE_BYTE_LIMIT) {
_isFirstCharacter = false;
} else {
if ((unit & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
value = unit & 0x1F;
expectedUnits = extraUnits = 1;
continue loop;
if ((unit & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
value = unit & 0x0F;
expectedUnits = extraUnits = 2;
continue loop;
// 0xF5, 0xF6 ... 0xFF never appear in valid UTF-8 sequences.
if ((unit & 0xF8) == 0xF0 && unit < 0xF5) {
value = unit & 0x07;
expectedUnits = extraUnits = 3;
continue loop;
if (!_allowMalformed) {
throw new FormatException(
"Bad UTF-8 encoding 0x${unit.toRadixString(16)}");
expectedUnits = extraUnits = 0;
_isFirstCharacter = false;
break loop;
if (expectedUnits > 0) {
_value = value;
_expectedUnits = expectedUnits;
_extraUnits = extraUnits;