blob: 714c4ceba4047d3618b2c59eb449456085fc5b97 [file] [log] [blame]
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.utilities.dart;
* The enumeration `ParameterKind` defines the different kinds of parameters. There are two
* basic kinds of parameters: required and optional. Optional parameters are further divided into
* two kinds: positional optional and named optional.
* @coverage dart.engine.utilities
class ParameterKind implements Comparable<ParameterKind> {
static final ParameterKind REQUIRED = new ParameterKind('REQUIRED', 0, false);
static final ParameterKind POSITIONAL = new ParameterKind('POSITIONAL', 1, true);
static final ParameterKind NAMED = new ParameterKind('NAMED', 2, true);
static final List<ParameterKind> values = [REQUIRED, POSITIONAL, NAMED];
/// The name of this enum constant, as declared in the enum declaration.
final String name;
/// The position in the enum declaration.
final int ordinal;
* A flag indicating whether this is an optional parameter.
bool _isOptional2 = false;
* Initialize a newly created kind with the given state.
* @param isOptional `true` if this is an optional parameter
ParameterKind(, this.ordinal, bool isOptional) {
this._isOptional2 = isOptional;
* Return `true` if this is an optional parameter.
* @return `true` if this is an optional parameter
bool get isOptional => _isOptional2;
int compareTo(ParameterKind other) => ordinal - other.ordinal;
int get hashCode => ordinal;
String toString() => name;