blob: 7ce71fbe4a0653caa1d1c778f5d70c67cee4dbbb [file] [log] [blame]
"dart.dom.html": {
"CanvasGradient": {
"comment": [
" * An opaque canvas object representing a gradient.",
" *",
" * Created by calling [createLinearGradient] or [createRadialGradient] on a",
" * [CanvasRenderingContext2D] object.",
" *",
" * Example usage:",
" *",
" * var canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);",
" * var ctx = canvas.context2D;",
" * ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);",
" *;",
" * // Create radial gradient.",
" * CanvasGradient gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 600);",
" * gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000');",
" * gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');",
" * // Assign gradients to fill.",
" * ctx.fillStyle = gradient;",
" * // Draw a rectangle with a gradient fill.",
" * ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 600);",
" *;",
" * document.body.children.add(canvas);",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [CanvasGradient]( from MDN.",
" * * [CanvasGradient]( from whatwg.",
" * * [CanvasGradient]( from W3C.",
" */"
"members": {
"addColorStop": [
" * Adds a color stop to this gradient at the offset.",
" *",
" * The [offset] can range between 0.0 and 1.0.",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [Multiple Color Stops]( from MDN.",
" */"
"CanvasPattern": {
"comment": [
" * An opaque object representing a pattern of image, canvas, or video.",
" *",
" * Created by calling [createPattern] on a [CanvasRenderingContext2D] object.",
" *",
" * Example usage:",
" *",
" * var canvas = new CanvasElement(width: 600, height: 600);",
" * var ctx = canvas.context2D;",
" * var img = new ImageElement();",
" * // Image src needs to be loaded before pattern is applied.",
" * img.onLoad.listen((event) {",
" * // When the image is loaded, create a pattern",
" * // from the ImageElement.",
" * CanvasPattern pattern = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat');",
" * ctx.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);",
" * ctx.fillStyle = pattern;",
" * ctx.fill();",
" * });",
" * img.src = \"images/foo.jpg\";",
" * document.body.children.add(canvas);",
" *",
" * See also:",
" * * [CanvasPattern]( from MDN.",
" * * [CanvasPattern]( from whatwg.",
" * * [CanvasPattern]( from W3C.",
" */"
"CanvasRenderingContext": {
"comment": [
" * A rendering context for a canvas element.",
" *",
" * This context is extended by [CanvasRenderingContext2D] and",
" * [WebGLRenderingContext].",
" */"
"members": {
"canvas": [
"/// Reference to the canvas element to which this context belongs."
"Clipboard": {
"members": {
"getData": [
" * Gets the data for the specified type.",
" *",
" * The data is only available from within a drop operation (such as an",
" * [Element.onDrop] event) and will return `null` before the event is",
" * triggered.",
" *",
" * Data transfer is prohibited across domains. If a drag originates",
" * from content from another domain or protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS) then the",
" * data cannot be accessed.",
" *",
" * The [type] can have values such as:",
" *",
" * * `'Text'`",
" * * `'URL'`",
" */"
"Document": {
"members": {
"body": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"caretRangeFromPoint": [
"/// Use the [Range] constructor instead."
"createElement": [
"/// Deprecated: use new Element.tag(tagName) instead."
"createTouchList": [
"/// Use the [TouchList] constructor instead."
"getCSSCanvasContext": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"head": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"lastModified": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"querySelector": [
" * Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the",
" * specified group of selectors.",
" *",
" * Unless your webpage contains multiple documents, the top-level query",
" * method behaves the same as this method, so you should use it instead to",
" * save typing a few characters.",
" *",
" * [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.",
" * var element1 = document.query('.className');",
" * var element2 = document.query('#id');",
" *",
" * For details about CSS selector syntax, see the",
" * [CSS selector specification](",
" */"
"querySelectorAll": [
"/// Deprecated: use query(\"#$elementId\") instead."
"referrer": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"styleSheets": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]"
"title": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitCancelFullScreen": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitExitFullscreen": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitExitPointerLock": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitFullscreenElement": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitFullscreenEnabled": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitHidden": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitIsFullScreen": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"webkitPointerLockElement": [
"/// Moved to [HtmlDocument]."
"Element": {
"members": {
"querySelector": [
" * Finds the first descendant element of this element that matches the",
" * specified group of selectors.",
" *",
" * [selectors] should be a string using CSS selector syntax.",
" *",
" * // Gets the first descendant with the class 'classname'",
" * var element = element.query('.className');",
" * // Gets the element with id 'id'",
" * var element = element.query('#id');",
" * // Gets the first descendant [ImageElement]",
" * var img = element.query('img');",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [CSS Selectors](",
" */"
"HTMLAreaElement": {
"comment": [
" * DOM Area Element, which links regions of an image map with a hyperlink.",
" *",
" * The element can also define an uninteractive region of the map.",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [<area>](",
" * on MDN.",
" */"
"HTMLCanvasElement": {
"members": {
"height": [
"/// The height of this canvas element in CSS pixels."
"toDataURL": [
" * Returns a data URI containing a representation of the image in the",
" * format specified by type (defaults to 'image/png').",
" *",
" * Data Uri format is as follow `data:[<MIME-type>][;charset=<encoding>][;base64],<data>`",
" *",
" * Optional parameter [quality] in the range of 0.0 and 1.0 can be used when requesting [type]",
" * 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp'. If [quality] is not passed the default",
" * value is used. Note: the default value varies by browser.",
" *",
" * If the height or width of this canvas element is 0, then 'data:' is returned,",
" * representing no data.",
" *",
" * If the type requested is not 'image/png', and the returned value is",
" * 'data:image/png', then the requested type is not supported.",
" *",
" * Example usage:",
" *",
" * CanvasElement canvas = new CanvasElement();",
" * var ctx = canvas.context2D",
" * ..fillStyle = \"rgb(200,0,0)\"",
" * ..fillRect(10, 10, 55, 50);",
" * var dataUrl = canvas.toDataUrl(\"image/jpeg\", 0.95);",
" * // The Data Uri would look similar to",
" * // '",
" * // 9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='",
" * //Create a new image element from the data URI.",
" * var img = new ImageElement();",
" * img.src = dataUrl;",
" * document.body.children.add(img);",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [Data URI Scheme]( from Wikipedia.",
" *",
" * * [HTMLCanvasElement]( from MDN.",
" *",
" * * [toDataUrl]( from W3C.",
" */"
"width": [
"/// The width of this canvas element in CSS pixels."
"HTMLDivElement": {
"comment": [
" * Represents an HTML <div> element.",
" *",
" * The [DivElement] is a generic container for content and does not have any",
" * special significance. It is functionally similar to [SpanElement].",
" *",
" * The [DivElement] is a block-level element, as opposed to [SpanElement],",
" * which is an inline-level element.",
" *",
" * Example usage:",
" *",
" * DivElement div = new DivElement();",
" * div.text = 'Here's my new DivElem",
" * document.body.elements.add(elem);",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [HTML <div> element]( from W3C.",
" * * [Block-level element]( from W3C.",
" * * [Inline-level element]( from W3C.",
" */"
"HTMLHRElement": {
"comment": [
" * An `<hr>` tag.",
" */"
"HTMLMenuElement": {
"comment": [
" * An HTML <menu> element.",
" *",
" * A <menu> element represents an unordered list of menu commands.",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [Menu Element]( from MDN.",
" * * [Menu Element]( from the W3C.",
" */"
"Node": {
"members": {
"appendChild": [
" * Adds a node to the end of the child [nodes] list of this node.",
" *",
" * If the node already exists in this document, it will be removed from its",
" * current parent node, then added to this node.",
" *",
" * This method is more efficient than `nodes.add`, and is the preferred",
" * way of appending a child node.",
" */"
"WebSocket": {
"comment": [
" * Use the WebSocket interface to connect to a WebSocket,",
" * and to send and receive data on that WebSocket.",
" *",
" * To use a WebSocket in your web app, first create a WebSocket object,",
" * passing the WebSocket URL as an argument to the constructor.",
" *",
" * var webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://');",
" *",
" * To send data on the WebSocket, use the [send] method.",
" *",
" * if (webSocket != null && webSocket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {",
" * webSocket.send(data);",
" * } else {",
" * print('WebSocket not connected, message $data not sent');",
" * }",
" *",
" * To receive data on the WebSocket, register a listener for message events.",
" *",
" * webSocket.onMessage.listen((MessageEvent e) {",
" * receivedData(;",
" * });",
" *",
" * The message event handler receives a [MessageEvent] object",
" * as its sole argument.",
" * You can also define open, close, and error handlers,",
" * as specified by [WebSocketEvents].",
" *",
" * For more information, see the",
" * [WebSockets](",
" * section of the library tour and",
" * [Introducing WebSockets](,",
" * an tutorial.",
" */"
"members": {
"send": [
" * Transmit data to the server over this connection.",
" *",
" * This method accepts data of type [Blob], [ByteBuffer], [String], or",
" * [TypedData]. Named variants [sendBlob], [sendByteBuffer], [sendString],",
" * or [sendTypedData], in constrast, only accept data of the specified type.",
" */"
"XMLHttpRequest": {
"members": {
"abort": [
" * Stop the current request.",
" *",
" * The request can only be stopped if readyState is `HEADERS_RECIEVED` or",
" * `LOADING`. If this method is not in the process of being sent, the method",
" * has no effect.",
" */"
"getAllResponseHeaders": [
" * Retrieve all the response headers from a request.",
" *",
" * `null` if no headers have been received. For multipart requests,",
" * `getAllResponseHeaders` will return the response headers for the current",
" * part of the request.",
" *",
" * See also [HTTP response headers](",
" * for a list of common response headers.",
" */"
"getResponseHeader": [
" * Return the response header named `header`, or `null` if not found.",
" *",
" * See also [HTTP response headers](",
" * for a list of common response headers.",
" */"
"onabort": [
" * Event listeners to be notified when request has been aborted,",
" * generally due to calling `httpRequest.abort()`.",
" */"
"onerror": [
" * Event listeners to be notified when a request has failed, such as when a",
" * cross-domain error occurred or the file wasn't found on the server.",
" */"
"onload": [
" * Event listeners to be notified once the request has completed",
" * *successfully*.",
" */"
"onloadend": [
" * Event listeners to be notified once the request has completed (on",
" * either success or failure).",
" */"
"onloadstart": [
" * Event listeners to be notified when the request starts, once",
" * `httpRequest.send()` has been called.",
" */"
"onprogress": [
" * Event listeners to be notified when data for the request",
" * is being sent or loaded.",
" *",
" * Progress events are fired every 50ms or for every byte transmitted,",
" * whichever is less frequent.",
" */"
"onreadystatechange": [
" * Event listeners to be notified every time the [HttpRequest]",
" * object's `readyState` changes values.",
" */"
"open": [
" * Specify the desired `url`, and `method` to use in making the request.",
" *",
" * By default the request is done asyncronously, with no user or password",
" * authentication information. If `async` is false, the request will be send",
" * synchronously.",
" *",
" * Calling `open` again on a currently active request is equivalent to",
" * calling `abort`.",
" */"
"overrideMimeType": [
" * Specify a particular MIME type (such as `text/xml`) desired for the",
" * response.",
" *",
" * This value must be set before the request has been sent. See also the list",
" * of [common MIME types](",
" */"
"readyState": [
" * Indicator of the current state of the request:",
" *",
" * <table>",
" * <tr>",
" * <td>Value</td>",
" * <td>State</td>",
" * <td>Meaning</td>",
" * </tr>",
" * <tr>",
" * <td>0</td>",
" * <td>unsent</td>",
" * <td><code>open()</code> has not yet been called</td>",
" * </tr>",
" * <tr>",
" * <td>1</td>",
" * <td>opened</td>",
" * <td><code>send()</code> has not yet been called</td>",
" * </tr>",
" * <tr>",
" * <td>2</td>",
" * <td>headers received</td>",
" * <td><code>sent()</code> has been called; response headers and <code>status</code> are available</td>",
" * </tr>",
" * <tr>",
" * <td>3</td> <td>loading</td> <td><code>responseText</code> holds some data</td>",
" * </tr>",
" * <tr>",
" * <td>4</td> <td>done</td> <td>request is complete</td>",
" * </tr>",
" * </table>",
" */"
"response": [
" * The data received as a reponse from the request.",
" *",
" * The data could be in the",
" * form of a [String], [ByteBuffer], [Document], [Blob], or json (also a",
" * [String]). `null` indicates request failure.",
" */"
"responseText": [
" * The response in string form or `null on failure.",
" */"
"responseType": [
" * [String] telling the server the desired response format.",
" *",
" * Default is `String`.",
" * Other options are one of 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json',",
" * 'text'. Some newer browsers will throw NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if",
" * `responseType` is set while performing a synchronous request.",
" *",
" * See also: [MDN responseType](",
" */"
"responseXML": [
" * The request response, or null on failure.",
" *",
" * The response is processed as",
" * `text/xml` stream, unless responseType = 'document' and the request is",
" * synchronous.",
" */"
"send": [
" * Send the request with any given `data`.",
" *",
" * See also:",
" *",
" * * [send](",
" * from MDN.",
" */"
"status": [
" * The http result code from the request (200, 404, etc).",
" * See also: [Http Status Codes](",
" */"
"statusText": [
" * The request response string (such as \\\"200 OK\\\").",
" * See also: [Http Status Codes](",
" */"
"upload": [
" * [EventTarget] that can hold listeners to track the progress of the request.",
" * The events fired will be members of [HttpRequestUploadEvents].",
" */"
"withCredentials": [
" * True if cross-site requests should use credentials such as cookies",
" * or authorization headers; false otherwise.",
" *",
" * This value is ignored for same-site requests.",
" */"
"XMLHttpRequest": [
" * General constructor for any type of request (GET, POST, etc).",
" *",
" * This call is used in conjunction with [open]:",
" *",
" * var request = new HttpRequest();",
" *'GET', '')",
" * request.onLoad.add((event) => print('Request complete'));",
" *",
" * is the (more verbose) equivalent of",
" *",
" * HttpRequest.getString('').then(",
" * (result) => print('Request complete: $result'));",
" */"
"dart.dom.web_sql": {
"Database": {
"members": {
"changeVersion": [
" * Atomically update the database version to [newVersion], asynchronously",
" * running [callback] on the [SqlTransaction] representing this",
" * [changeVersion] transaction.",
" *",
" * If [callback] runs successfully, then [successCallback] is called.",
" * Otherwise, [errorCallback] is called.",
" *",
" * [oldVersion] should match the database's current [version] exactly.",
" *",
" * * [Database.changeVersion]( from W3C.",
" */"