blob: d3fd545911fc57b8ce4bb79b5b877acc64755451 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/types/types.dart'
show TypeMask;
import 'compiler_helper.dart';
import 'parser_helper.dart';
void compileAndFind(String code,
String className,
String memberName,
bool disableInlining,
check(compiler, element)) {
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'source');
var compiler = compilerFor(code, uri);
compiler.disableInlining = disableInlining;
var cls = findElement(compiler, className);
var member = cls.lookupLocalMember(buildSourceString(memberName));
return check(compiler.typesTask.typesInferrer, member);
const String TEST_1 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => p;
main() { new A().x("s"); }
const String TEST_2 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => p;
main() { new A().x(1); }
const String TEST_3 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => x(p - 1);
main() { new A().x(1); }
const String TEST_4 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => x(p - 1);
main() { new A().x(1.5); }
const String TEST_5 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => p;
main() {
new A().x(1);
new A().x(1.5);
const String TEST_6 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => p;
main() {
new A().x(1.5);
new A().x(1);
const String TEST_7a = r"""
class A {
x(p) => x("x");
main() {
new A().x(1);
const String TEST_7b = r"""
class A {
x(p) => x("x");
main() {
new A().x({});
const String TEST_8 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, p2, p3) => x(p1, "x", {});
main() {
new A().x(1, 2, 3);
const String TEST_9 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, p2) => x(p1, p2);
main() {
new A().x(1, 2);
const String TEST_10 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, p2) => x(p1, p2);
void f(p) {
p.x("x", "y");
main() {
new A().x(1, 2);
const String TEST_11 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, p2) => x(1, 2);
main() {
new A().x("x", "y");
const String TEST_12 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, [p2 = 1]) => 1;
main() {
new A().x("x", 1);
new A().x("x");
const String TEST_13 = r"""
class A {
x(p) => 1;
f(p) => p.x(2.2);
main() {
new A().x(1);
f(new A());
const String TEST_14 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, [p2 = "s"]) => 1;
main() {
new A().x(1);
const String TEST_15 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, [p2 = true]) => 1;
f(p) => p.a("x");
main() {
new A().x("x");
new A().x("x", false);
const String TEST_16 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, [p2 = 1, p3 = "s"]) => 1;
main() {
new A().x(1);
new A().x(1, 2);
new A().x(1, 2, "x");
new A().x(1, p2: 2);
new A().x(1, p3: "x");
new A().x(1, p3: "x", p2: 2);
new A().x(1, p2: 2, p3: "x");
const String TEST_17 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, [p2 = 1, p3 = "s"]) => 1;
main() {
new A().x(1, true, 1.1);
new A().x(1, false, 2.2);
new A().x(1, p3: 3.3, p2: true);
new A().x(1, p2: false, p3: 4.4);
const String TEST_18 = r"""
class A {
x(p1, p2) => x(p1, p2);
class B extends A {
main() {
new B().x("a", "b");
new A().x(1, 2);
void doTest(String test, bool enableInlining, Function f) {
(inferrer, element) {
var expectedTypes = f(inferrer);
var signature = element.computeSignature(inferrer.compiler);
int index = 0;
signature.forEachParameter((Element element) {
Expect.equals(index, expectedTypes.length);
void runTest(String test, Function f) {
doTest(test, false, f);
doTest(test, true, f);
subclassOfInterceptor(inferrer) {
return findTypeMask(inferrer.compiler, 'Interceptor', 'nonNullSubclass');
void test() {
runTest(TEST_1, (inferrer) => [inferrer.stringType]);
runTest(TEST_2, (inferrer) => [inferrer.intType]);
runTest(TEST_3, (inferrer) => [inferrer.numType]);
runTest(TEST_4, (inferrer) => [inferrer.numType]);
runTest(TEST_5, (inferrer) => [inferrer.numType]);
runTest(TEST_6, (inferrer) => [inferrer.numType]);
runTest(TEST_7a, (inferrer) => [subclassOfInterceptor(inferrer)]);
runTest(TEST_7b, (inferrer) => [inferrer.dynamicType.nonNullable()]);
// In the following tests, we can't infer the right types because we
// have recursive calls with the same parameters. We should build a
// constraint system for those, to find the types.
runTest(TEST_8, (inferrer) => [inferrer.dynamicType,
runTest(TEST_9, (inferrer) => [inferrer.dynamicType, inferrer.dynamicType]);
runTest(TEST_10, (inferrer) => [inferrer.dynamicType, inferrer.dynamicType]);
runTest(TEST_11, (inferrer) => [subclassOfInterceptor(inferrer),
runTest(TEST_12, (inferrer) => [inferrer.stringType, inferrer.intType]);
runTest(TEST_13, (inferrer) => [inferrer.numType]);
runTest(TEST_14, (inferrer) => [inferrer.intType, inferrer.stringType]);
runTest(TEST_15, (inferrer) => [inferrer.stringType, inferrer.boolType]);
runTest(TEST_16, (inferrer) => [inferrer.intType,
runTest(TEST_17, (inferrer) => [inferrer.intType,
runTest(TEST_18, (inferrer) => [inferrer.dynamicType, inferrer.dynamicType]);
void main() {